
shōu ɡòu jià ɡé
  • purchase price;purchasing price;procurement price
  1. 这就要:一方面改变林产品收购价格低,林业收益少而影响林业生产积极性的现状;

    At present , the state 's procurement price for forest products and the returns on forestry are relatively low .

  2. 但是,降低的收购价格和市场结算价格之间的差异,导致了另一条路径:操纵黑市价格。

    Gaps between the depressed procurement price and the market-clearing price , however , create a second avenue : black marketeering .

  3. 双方协议提高收购价格。

    The two sides agreed to raise the purchasing price .

  4. 收购价格也可能是一个信号,表明一家老牌公司正在进行的收购可能导致一个新生的威胁。

    The purchase price could also be a signal that an established company is buying a new-born threat .

  5. OfficeDepot未透露股权收购价格。

    Office Depot did not say how much it paid for its stake .

  6. 相对低廉的收购价格(相当于销售额的一半),反映了IBM该项业务去年陷入亏损。

    The relatively low price paid - half of sales - reflects the IBM unit 's swing into loss last year .

  7. 由于担心错失机会,赫兹竞争对手安飞士巴吉决定抬高收购价格,主动向Dollar提出约13亿美元的收购要约。

    Fearing a lost opportunity , rival Avis budget decided to make a higher , unsolicited offer for dollar for around $ 1.3 billion .

  8. 最后提出了MBO各参与者在定价模型和参数选择上存在较大分歧的解决方法与管理层收购价格的确定思路。

    Finally , I show the resolvent when participators are divergent in choosing models and parameters and the thought of MBO pricing .

  9. 因此,中国MBO在探索中发展,急需解决融资、收购价格、收购主体、投资限制及股东利益保护方面的法律问题。

    Accordingly , for the development of MBO , it is required to solve the issues of finance , purchase price , purchaser , investment limitation and shareholders interests protection .

  10. 但是应该看到,当前我国已进行的MBO在收购价格、资金来源、法律、制度等诸多方面还存在亟待规范之处。

    But we must note that the domestic MBO should be regulated in the price of purchase , the resource of capital , the laws , the systems and some other respects .

  11. 收购价格大约为35亿美元,包括承担UGS的现有债务。

    The purchase price amounts to US $ 3.5 billion , including assumption of existing debt .

  12. IFM未透露收购价格,但当地媒体估计收购价超过20亿澳元。

    It did not give a sale price but local media put it at more than A $ 2bn .

  13. 美国农业部(usda)周四预测,在以2011年收割季为起点的农事年里,玉米、小麦和大豆的名义收购价格将创历史纪录。

    The US Department of agriculture on Thursday forecast nominal record farm-gate prices for corn , wheat and soyabeans in the crop year that begins with the 2011 harvests .

  14. 但如果这种风险反映为3com的收购价格降低,这可能仍有意义。

    But if that risk was reflected in a reduced purchase price for 3Com , it might still make sense .

  15. 美国最大工业集团之一霍尼韦尔(honeywell)的首席执行官高德威(davecote)表示,尽管爆发了金融危机,但企业收购价格仍然过高,许多行业的估价未能反映出新的现实。

    Corporate acquisitions are still too pricey despite the financial crisis as valuations in many industries fail to reflect the new reality , the head of one of the largest US industrial groups .

  16. 然而收购价格却更像美发店,而不是超市&几乎是截至6月份的上一财年息税折旧及摊销前收益(EBITDA)的15倍。

    The price is more salon than supermarket , at almost 15 times earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation for the past fiscal year to June .

  17. 多年以来,穷国的政府及发达国家的发展运动拥护者如乐施会(Oxfam)一直在极力抱怨,生产过剩及美欧农产品的倾销打压了穷国的农产品收购价格。

    For years , governments of poor countries , and their champions in the rich world 's development campaigns such as Oxfam , have been complaining bitterly that farm-gate prices have been driven down by overproduction and dumping by US and European farmers .

  18. 城市土地收购价格确定方法研究

    On How to Fix the Price of the Urban Land Purchase

  19. 但相当多的投资者对收购价格表示不满。

    However , a significant number are unhappy with the price .

  20. 城市土地收购价格内涵界定与评估思路探讨

    Exploration of Content Definition and Evaluation to Urban-Land and Purchase Price

  21. 完善土地收益分配及收购价格;

    Improving the income allotment of the land and the procure price ;

  22. (具体的收购价格并未对外公布。)

    ( the purchase price was not publicly disclosed . )

  23. 水产品收购价格预测的时序组合模型研究

    A Time Series Decomposed Model for Forecasting Farmer Price of Aquatic Products

  24. 夏尔玛还说,农民们将从更高的收购价格中极大受益。

    He also says farmers will benefit immensely by getting higher prices .

  25. 中国农产品收购价格、农业灾害与农产品产量波动分析

    The Fluctuation Among Purchasing Price , Disaster and Output of Agriculture in China

  26. 我国桑蚕茧评级标准和收购价格的演变

    Standards for Grading of Cocoons and Evolvement of Purchasing Datum Price in China

  27. 于是商人宣布,他现在把收购价格提高到20美元每只。

    He next announced that he would now buy monkeys at $ 20 each .

  28. 同时,资产出售安排亦伴随着更高的收购价格。

    Simultaneously the arrangement of asset sales will also result in higher buyout pricing .

  29. 农副产品收购价格总指数

    General index of purchasing price of farm produce

  30. 这种收购价格将再度引发有关我们正进入一个不可持续的泡沫的呼声。

    The purchase price will renew cries that we are entering an unsustainable bubble .