
  • 网络Pricing method;Target Profit Pricing;Zone Pricing;Peak-Load Pricing;discriminatory pricing
  1. 期权定价法在FMS能力规划的风险描述中的应用

    Application of Option Pricing on Risk Description in FMS Capacity Planning

  2. 基于B-S期权定价法的投资决策

    Investment decision - making based on B-S Option Pricing Model

  3. 有一项针对货币市场基金的监管提议是引入可变定价法,最初由美国证交会(sec)主席玛丽夏皮罗(maryschapiro)提出。

    One regulatory proposal to deal with money market funds , originally suggested by Mary Schapiro , chairman of the securities and Exchange Commission , is for the funds to adopt variable pricing .

  4. 并且研究分析了倍率法、超额收益现值法这两种创新方法,以及可以应用于技术资产创新企业整体评估的期权定价法和EVA模型。

    This article analyses two innovative approaches : the net value of assets method and abnormal earnings present value method , and also analyses the option valuation method and EVA model , which apply to technology assets innovative business .

  5. 在比较了市场定价法、CAPM模型和期权定价模型等三种确定折现率的方法后,提出了适合我国目前实际情况的折现率确定模型。

    After the comparsion of Market Pricing Method , CAPM Model and Option Pricing Model , a discount rate model which is suited to the current situation of China , is maded .

  6. 论文采用应用金融理论中的期权定价法和在约束中考虑风险两种方法在ECSP模型中的应用来描述管理决策中的风险问题;

    By applying the price determined method in option pricing in financial theory together with the consideration of risk in confinement to ECSP , we described the risk problem in the processes of management decision .

  7. 差别定价法在铁路运输中的应用研究

    Research of the Application of Differential Price Policy in Rail Transportation

  8. 非完全市场衍生资产的相关定价法研究

    Study on correlation pricing formula for derivative assets in incomplete markets

  9. 电力市场输配电综合成本定价法综述

    Integrated Power Transmission and Distribution Costs of Market Pricing Overview

  10. 跨国企业转移定价法有关问题研究

    The International Issues of Transfer Pricing Practice on Multinational Corporate

  11. 可赎回可转换贴现债券完全拆解定价法

    Analytic valuation of the callable convertible discount bonds : Equivalent decomposition method

  12. 边际利润定价法评析

    The Review for Margin Pr of it Pricing Method

  13. 边际贡献定价法在商战中的运用

    Application of the Marginal Contribution Pricing in Business Competition

  14. 寿险新产品应根据需求差异采取差异化定价法定价。按照不同的价格,直接把同种寿险产品卖给不同的投保人,即二级价格歧视;

    The life insurance products should take differential pricing to set down prices .

  15. 并分别采用净现值法和期权定价法来计算投资项目的净现值和股权期权价值。

    They are used in calculating NPV and the stock option value respectively .

  16. 这一模型是资产份额定价法的改进。

    The model is a kind of improvement for Asset Share Pricing Method .

  17. 产品材料基价系数定价法

    Product - pricing based on the material 's factor

  18. 银行信贷的风险定价法探析

    Analysis on Risk - Price - Making of Credit

  19. 季节性差别定价法在客运专线中的应用探讨

    Application of the Seasonal Differential Price Method in the Passenger Special Railway Line

  20. 提出以可应用在公平计价原则的转移定价法。

    The 4 steps for testing the most appropriate transfer pricing methodology are proposed .

  21. 解释库存定价法中的“标准价”,并说明在实际中如何应用。

    Explain the'Standard price'method of stock pricing and how it is applied in practice .

  22. 后通过阶梯定价法,得到了新的延保政策。

    After through the ladder pricing method , obtained the new extended warranty policy .

  23. 市场经济条件下的变动成本定价法

    Analyses on variable cost pricing under market economy

  24. 享乐定价法在房地产中的应用研究

    Hedonic Pricing Approach Applied in Housing Marketing Analysis

  25. 应用相对定价法确定油藏剩余可采储量价值

    Determination of Remaining Recoverable Reserve Value of Different Kinds of Reservoirs with Relative Pricing Method

  26. 接着用二叉树定价法对其定价,最后探讨了相应的投资风险。

    Finally the corresponding investment risk of ( structured ) deposits of foreign currency is discussed .

  27. B&S期权定价法在高新技术企业价值评估中的改进与测算过程

    The Modification and Practise of Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model Applied in Business Evaluation for Hi-tech Enterprise

  28. 市场比较定价法的最主要步骤是选取类似项目。

    The most important thing to use the method of market comparison pricing is select similar items .

  29. 其次,在得到定制产品的估算成本之后,采用成本导向定价法对产品进行定价。

    Secondly , after obtaining the estimated cost , we use cost-oriented pricing to price the product .

  30. 期权定价法是一种既不同于贴现现金流量法又与其有密切联系的定价方法。

    Option pricing is an approach different from DCF , but it also has some relationship with DCF .