
  • 网络market control;Marketing Control
  1. 反垄断法应如何应对IT行业的市场控制&反思微软世纪之诉

    How Can Antitrust Law Reply the Market Control in IT Industry

  2. 组织控制和市场控制是公司治理的两种不同模式。

    Organizational control and market control are corporate two different governance patterns .

  3. 对正在与三星(Samsung)争夺高端智能手机细分市场控制权的苹果来说,中国是一个增长迅速的市场。

    China is a fast-growing market for Apple , which competes with Samsung for control in the high-end smartphone segment .

  4. 据经纪公司里昂证券(CLSA)统计,香港目前65%的私人住宅市场控制在三家房地产公司手中。

    Currently , just three companies control 65 % of the private residential market , according to brokerage CLSA .

  5. 中国在线游戏和社交网络集团腾讯(Tencent)在同电子商务公司阿里巴巴(Alibaba)争夺中国移动支付市场控制权的事关重大的角力中后撤。此前腾讯为吸引用户已支出巨额补贴。

    Chinese online gaming and social networking group Tencent has pulled back from a high-stakes battle with ecommerce company Alibaba for control of China 's mobile payments market , after spending billions of renminbi on subsidies to attract users .

  6. 本电子集团索尼(Sony)宣布,将推出一款价格399美元的无线触摸屏电子书阅读器,以求夺回它在新兴的电子书市场控制权争夺战中被亚马逊(Amazon.com)抢走的份额。

    Sony opens new chapter in fight for dominance of electronic books Sony has unveiled its bid to reclaim ground lost to Amazon.com in the battle for control of the emerging electronic book market with a wireless , touch-screen reader priced at $ 399 .

  7. 亚马逊真的有“强盗大亨”似的市场控制力吗?

    Does Amazon really have robber-baron-type market power ?

  8. 选择中间商和自建分销网:跨国公司增强市场控制力的捷径

    Selecting Agent and Establishing Own Network : Shortcut of Transnational Corporations Strengthen Market Control Force

  9. 中国加强发房地产市场控制。

    China tightens rules on property market .

  10. 亚马逊真的有强盗大亨似的市场控制力吗?谈到书,它的确有。

    Does Amazon really have robber-baron-type market power ? When it comes to books , definitely .

  11. 在台式机上,网页浏览器曾经为了争夺市场控制权而大打出手。

    There was a time when web browsers duked it out for dominance on the desktop .

  12. 某些国家对石油市场控制较严,低油价可能不会延伸到零售领域。

    In some countries where oil is more regulated , low prices may not trickle down to the retail level .

  13. 美英市场控制模式与德同组织控制模式可以视为一对相互替代的制度安排。

    America-England market control model and Germany-Japan organization control model can be viewed as a pair of substitute system arranges .

  14. 成品油零售市场控制力是整个石化产业竞争力的重要组成。

    Control of retail market of product oil is an important organization part of competition power of the entire petrochemical industry .

  15. 加油站的加盟连锁是石化销售企业尽快提高成品油市场控制力和占有率的需要。

    It is helpful for SINOPEC sales enterprises to join in the chain in order to increase the market shares of refined oils .

  16. 公司治理模式主要有两种:英美两国为代表的市场控制型模式和主要依靠大股东内部治理的德日模式。

    There are mainly two kinds of corporate governance models . One of them is the market-control model represented by America and Britain .

  17. 市场控制以外部监督为主的模式,资本市场的流动性和有效性更强,产生了更为活跃的控制权市场。

    Market control mainly by external supervision , the capital market liquidity model validity and stronger , produced a more active control market .

  18. 因而,企业的市场控制能力并不是很强,市场占有率也不是很高。

    As a result , the market control capability of companies is not strong , the percentage of market occupancy is not high .

  19. 市场控制是指依靠市场控制一个组织所需的一定具体商品和服务价格。

    Market control relies on market mechanisms to regulate prices for certain clearly specified clearly specified goods and services needed by an organization .

  20. 拓展加油站终端网络、提升零售营销管理水平、增强市场控制力是中国石化产业链健康发展的关键。

    To broaden network of the gas station , improve management of retail marketing , strengthen market control are the key of health development of SINOPEC industry links .

  21. 用经济学术语说,亚马逊并没有,至少现在还没有,像典型的垄断企业那样运作,即卖家利用市场控制力来提高价格。

    In economics jargon , Amazon is not , at least so far , acting like a monopolist , a dominant seller with the power to raise prices .

  22. 美国政府必须首先批准这次的交易,如果它认为将给新公司太多市场控制权,或许不会批准。

    The U.S. government must first approve the deal , and it may not , if it thinks it would give the new company too much control over the market .

  23. 矿产资源国际竞争力指数是一个综合指标,包括资源禀赋优势,市场控制能力和科技/管理支撑能力三个方面。

    The index of international competitive power of mineral resources is a comprehensive target . It includes the quantity and quality of mineral resources , market control capacity and management level .

  24. 消费者通过消费符号价值实现个人价值及其他价值体验,而资本通过操纵消费价值获得市场控制,创造无限的消费需求。

    Consumers achieve their personal value ; taste and other experience through consume value symbols . The capital who controls the market , creates consuming demand by manipulate the consumption value .

  25. 达到提升移动营销渠道的营销能力和服务能力,增强市场控制力,建立适应全业务运营的营销体系。

    The goal is to upgrade the marketing and service ability of Mobile , strengthen the control of market , and build a marketing system which matches all businesses ' operation .

  26. 其中,并购溢价理论认为并购能够带来正向收益,并购行为使得企业在追求协同效应、分散风险、税收优惠及市场控制力等方面有了明显提升。

    M A premium theory , which regards positive benefit exist , assert M A would benefit companies in synergies effect , diversification of risk , tax incentives and market control power , etc. .

  27. 势力经济是企业生产要素增加对市场控制能力放大的过程效应,势力经济的临界点体现在企业达到对某一区域市场的绝对垄断地位。

    The powerful economy is the process effect that enterprise expands and strengthens the power of market by increasing production elements . The critical point of the powerful economy embodies the status that enterprises monopolize one market .

  28. 资源决定论认为企业资源与外部资源的相关程度决定了企业在资源获取行为上是采用组织控制,还是市场控制,或者是两者的混合体。

    The resource-based view claims that the degree of connectivity between the corporate resources and the outside resources drives firms to adopt hierarchical control , market control , or a hybrid mode in a resource acquisition activity .

  29. 国内的制药行业应通过战略重组,实现规模经营,在未来激烈的国际竞争中,增强技术开发实力和市场控制能力。

    It is necessary and urgent to do our best to enhance the Chinese pharmaceutical industry with respect to technological exploitation and power of market control in the context of international competition through strategic merging and scale management .

  30. 另一方面,战略信息通过对产品质量、财务绩效、市场控制、创新和发展等因素的影响能帮助企业形成其特有的竞争优势。

    On the other hand , the impacts of strategic information are used to bring the competitive advantage through the factors such as the quality of products financial performance , control of the markets , innovation and development .