
  • 网络targeting;Prioritizing;Target;market targeting;Market Selection
  1. 顾客盈利能力及其对目标市场选择的影响

    Customer Profitability and the Influence to Market Targeting

  2. 传统的目标市场选择的标准顾客需求特征并不是一个可靠的标准。通过建立完善的顾客数据库,对客户进行科学的分类,并运用顾客分类矩阵可以帮助企业有效地识别顾客。

    In the process of customer targeting , the demand of consumers is not always a reliable standard . Completed customer database , scientific customer segment and quantitative customer value measuring based on retention time , cost and price can guarantee the efficiency of customer targeting .

  3. 简要的阐述了GIS在目标市场选择、竞争形式分析、销售网络确定、销售渠道决策、产品供应调控等方面的应用方法和基本模式。

    It briefly describes the GIS application methods and basic modes in the aspect of objective market selection , sale network planning and so on .

  4. 在以上分析的基础上,逐步深入地运用SWOT分析法和市场选择矩阵两种战略分析工具,做出了X企业关于产品发展和市场发展战略选择,形成了X企业中东部非洲市场发展战略。

    The thesis progressively applied the two strategy analysis methods , i.e. SWOT analysis method and Market Selection Matrix , to select the product development and market development strategy of X company before it finally establish the X company development strategy in central and east Africa based on these findings .

  5. 中国工程承包商海外市场选择模型研究

    Study on the Overseas Market Choice Model of Chinese Engineering Contractor

  6. 目标市场选择的定量化分析

    A quantitative analysis of the choice of the target market

  7. 重庆主导产业的市场选择分析

    Analysis on Market Selection of the Leading Industries in Chongqing

  8. 技术创新进化过程与市场选择机制

    Evolution process and market selection mechanism about technological innovation

  9. 审计独立性:市场选择和政府选择

    Audit Independence : Market Choice and Government Choice

  10. 市场选择与政府选择相互补充;

    Market choice and government choice are interdependent .

  11. 但市场选择是主要驱动因素。

    But market selection is the main driver .

  12. 从道德选择式到市场选择式:我国养老模型研究

    From Moral Choice Model to Market Choice Model : Study on Chinese Support Model

  13. 目的利用可拓学理论,建立一种医药目标市场选择的方法。

    Objective By using extension theory , the pharmaceutical target market selection method is established .

  14. 让市场选择期刊

    Let market choose periodicals

  15. 基于企业国际经验的国外市场选择和进入模式研究

    An Empirical Study on the Impact of International Experience on Foreign Market Selection and Foreign Market Entry Decision

  16. 本文运用达尔文生物进化论思想研究连续交易金融市场选择的动态变化及一般均衡规律。

    This paper analyses dynamics and general equilibrium problem of continuous trading market selection by means of Darwin evolutionary ideas .

  17. 与此相适应,私营企业家的市场选择、市场定价、职业化、高素质化也日益明显。

    Correspondingly , the importance of market choosing and price-fixing by , and professionalism and qualification of private entrepreneurs is becoming increasingly eminent .

  18. 这将使普遍的银行破产而自然引起的恐慌平息,同时也能恢复理性的对市场选择的判断。

    This will calm the understandable fears of widespread bank failure , while also restoring rational judgment to the choices of the market .

  19. 此时市场选择用人力资本的衍生产品&商誉和无形资产作为标的物来进行人力资本的定价。

    At this point , the market choose the derivative products of human capital & goodwill and intangible assets to price the human capital .

  20. IT市场选择具有自然不平均性,路径锁定又被打破,这是复杂性演化采取的基本形式。

    In the natural disequilibrium IT market , lock-in of technological path and its unlocking makes the two basic forms of IT complex evolution .

  21. 今日的公司面临日益增加的市场选择,价值增加的活动,及跨越国界的据点。

    Companies today confront an increasing array of choices of markets , of locations for value adding activities , and of modes of crossing borders .

  22. 更说明战略是在竞争中实现企业组织功能与市场选择功能动态匹配的协调机制,其本质在于有效地协调组织演化与竞争环境的演化。

    Thus , the commercial strategy implies a function of sustaining competition process to coordinate effectively the co-evolution of both the organization and competing environment .

  23. 其次,关于科技期刊广告目标市场选择策略,主要的考虑因素应是科技期刊读者的信息需求,以读者的广告信息偏好为标准来对行业目标市场进行细分。

    The first consideration in target market choice is the information preferring of audience , and segmentation the advertiser market is also according to this standard .

  24. 研究发现,企业国际经验,特别是决策团队的国际经验对国外市场选择和国外市场进入模式存在积极的影响。

    Results suggest that international experience , particularly decision-maker 's experience does have play a key role on the selection of market selection and entry mode .

  25. 因此,必须在工厂、配送中心及仓库选址上下功夫,针对市场选择最佳位置。

    Strategic decisions must focus on the placement of production plants , distribution and stocking facilities , and placing them in prime locations to the market served .

  26. 然后,控制了个人和工作特征及劳动力市场选择的影响,简单工资方程回归结果显示男性和女性劳动力存在显著的性别工资差异,并有扩大的趋势。

    Then , with control on other variables and labor market self-selection , the results of simple wage regression indicate that gender wage gap was significantly rising over time .

  27. 包括公司非水电战略定位、战略方针、指导思想、发展目标、非水电业务战略措施及目标市场选择战略。

    Then , formulate the strategy which is including the strategic positioning , strategic principles , guiding ideology , development goals , strategic measures and target market selection strategy .

  28. 针对我国上市公司亏损的现状,着重分析造成这种情况的制度性原因,认为我国上市公司亏损的根本性原因在于证券市场选择机制带来的股权结构不合理。

    The author has analyzed chiefly the cause of deficit of Chinese Corp in the market , and considered that its root cause is in unreasonable stock structures led by a selection mechanism of stock market .

  29. 因此为了促进企业家之间的竞争,对企业家形成约束以及减少委托代理成本,国有企业企业家行政选择机制必须向国有企业企业家市场选择机制转变。

    So entrepreneurial administration choice mechanism of stated-owned enterprises must be changed into their entrepreneurial market choice mechanism in order to promote the competitions among entrepreneurs and to restrain them and to decrease the principal-agent cost .

  30. 本章分析旨在为国产品牌在竞争中如何进行细分市场选择与营销策略选择提供基础。第六章:国产手机厂商目标市场选择与营销战略选择。

    This chapter is designed to analyze the domestic brands how to select market segments and marketing strategies . Chapter ⅵ: The suggestion of how Domestic mobile phone manufacturer to select market segments and marketing strategy .