
  • 网络uncontrollable element;uncontrollable factor
  1. 极端天气等不可控因素增加了安全管理工作的复杂性,因此组织者应该有更强的责任意识,为各类突发情况做好应急预案。

    Uncontrollable factors , such as the extreme weather , also make safety procedures more complicated . That 's why organizers should have a stronger sense of responsibility and better contingency plans for all emergencies .

  2. 成人教学管理中的可控与不可控因素分析

    Controllable and Uncontrollable Factors in Management of Adult Education

  3. 你可能成为不可控因素的受害者。

    You may be a victim of forces beyond your control .

  4. 具有不可控因素的非有效决策单元的修正方法

    An adjustment method of the non effective decision making units with non control factors

  5. 建立现代医院制度难点多、矛盾多、不可控因素多。

    But there are lots of difficulties and conflicts to establish modern hospital system .

  6. 并分别对配送时效的可控因素和不可控因素进行分析,得出企业可以通过管理改进的因素。

    To get the improved management factor , controllable and uncontrollable factors of the distribution limitation are analyzed .

  7. 成功和幸福取决于我们做出的选择而非不可控因素吗?

    Do success and happiness depend on the choices people make rather than on factors beyond their control ?

  8. 相反,他认为应当对此负责的是他的政敌,以及所谓的军队的“不可控因素”。

    Instead , he blames his political opponents and what he calls " uncontrollable elements " of the military .

  9. 工作满意度影响因素可分为组织可控因素和不可控因素,工作满意度的构成因素可定义为:组织能通过自己内部调整来影响员工工作满意度的工作满意度影响因素。

    The definition of component factors of job satisfaction is the influence factors which can be controlled by the organization itself .

  10. 仿真实验中,往往包含有大量的因素,其中包括可控因素和不可控因素,如果对所有因素进行实验,那么就需要耗费大量的仿真时间,同时也耗费了大量的成本。

    Many controllable or uncontrollable factors are included . It requires a lot of simulation time and much cost if all factors are tested .

  11. 这就迫切需要企业提高物流运作水平、降低物流成本,提高企业的竞争力。对企业物流系统的再造,可以降低物流过程中的库存积压、交货延期、运输等不可控因素所带来的风险。

    That urgent need the enterprise to enhance the logistics operation level , reduce the logistics cost , enhance the enterprise the competitive power .

  12. 股权激励契约效率受到经理人不可控因素的影响,从而出现激励扭曲现象。

    The efficiency of option incentive contract is affected by system risk which is uncontrolled by manager so as to lead to the distortion of incentive .

  13. 在自我归因中,他们更多将成功归因于自身可控的积极因素,将失败归因于自身不可控因素和外在因素。重度,为4级。

    In their intrapersonal attribution , 4-graders often attribute their success to implicit controllable and positive factors , while attribute their failure to uncontrollable and explicit factors .

  14. 在此基础上进一步构建了相对业绩的评价模型来剔除经营者不可控因素对企业业绩的影响,以反映经营者业绩贡献的客观事实,同时减少经营者风险承担,最后对评价模型进行了简要讨论。

    The study goes further to construct two relative performance evaluating model so as to eliminate risk imposed on the executive by external environment and resource of enterprise .

  15. 大部分学生把成败归因于努力程度和学习策略等因素,部分学生把失败归因于学习环境及语言学习能力等不可控因素;

    Most students attribute success or failure to effort or learning strategies while some students attribute to uncontrollable factors such as learning environment or lack of language learning ability ;

  16. 通过田口式参数设计法,可以优化线宽控制对光刻过程步骤中的可控参数的条件,以便将不可控因素的影响降到最低。

    With Taguchi parameter design , the condition of controllable parameters can be optimized in the linewidth control of photolithography process so as to minimize the influence of uncontrollable factors .

  17. 最后通过不可控因素分析方法在英那河水库扩建工程项目经理绩效评估中的应用对比分析,讨论了该方法体系的实际意义。

    Finally , application this evaluating method in manager performance evaluation in the Yingna River Reservoir Extending Construction Project , the practical significance of this method is proved to be very distinct .

  18. 在渐进推行的过程中,其局限性和实验条件外不可控因素的影响不可避免,诸多问题值得进一步深入研究。

    In the gradual implementation of the process , except its limitations and the experimental conditions , the influence of uncontrolled factors is inevitable ; many problems are worth further deep research .

  19. 无人机具有机动灵活、操纵简单、成本低廉、安全可靠等优点,它能够在一定程度上摆脱天气这一不可控因素对农业遥感的限制。

    UAV is flexible , easy to operate , low cost , safe and reliable . It can help to get rid of the limit of weather which is an uncontrollable factor .

  20. 而且由于人工管理存在着大量的不可控因素,造成了学籍管理的某些不规范,使得学籍管理工作陷入事倍功半的地步。

    Furthermore , the students status management is involved into an state of twice the work with half of results because of certain non-standard operations that resulted from the uncontrollable factors in manual management .

  21. 作为提供服务的酒店方从可控因素角度降低服务差异,对于不可控因素方面要积极应对,并运用服务优势提升消费者满意度。

    The hotels proving service should reduce the service differentiation from the perspective of controllable factors and actively cope with the uncontrollable factors , and also make the use of service advantage to enhance customers ' satisfaction .

  22. 在准确的流程设计和人员安排的前提下,对每个流程环节应有明确的工作程式、基准做支撑,减少由于人员的变动或不可控因素对整体工作进度的影响;

    Given the accurately designed processes and personal assignments , clearly defined work processes and benchmarks should be in place to reduce the impact of unexpected factors on overall work schedule , including personal transfer or uncontrolled factors ;

  23. 外部影响因素主要包括上市公司预测后不可控因素的变化、资本市场有效性的影响以及有效监管的缺乏。

    External factors include uncontrollable factors change , the impact of capital market efficiency and the lack of effective supervision . ( 4 ) The false representation behavior of financial forecast information of listed company has economic consequences .

  24. 最后指出适当的盈余管理可以把公司的财务数据控制在契约的限制性条款内,降低违约的风险,抵消不可控因素带来的不利影响,有助于企业度过暂时的财务危机。

    In the end , Pointed out the appropriate earnings management can control the financial data , reducing the risk of default , offset the adverse effects of . Non-controllable , and help business through the financial crisis .

  25. 本文针对现有施工项目经理绩效评估的不足,探讨如何将影响项目经理绩效的不可控因素纳入绩效评估体系,以提高绩效评估的科学性与真实性。

    Considering the deficiency of the present construction project manager performance evaluation system , this paper tries to bring the uncontrollable factors that influence manager 's performance into the present available evaluation system to improve its scientific and authenticity .

  26. 由于丝网版画牵扯到科学技术的发展、材料的选择与运用、艺术家在创作时观念的具体落实等方面,因此它本身具备了众多的不可控因素,这些不可控因素给艺术家带来众多的创作灵感。

    Given the fact that silkscreen printing is relative to science and technology , selection and application of materials , and realization of artists ' conceptions , the silkscreen is equipped with many uncontrolled factors , which bring inspirations to artists .

  27. 在体实验虽然能保证与人体内环境的高度相似性,但由于其环境复杂,不可控因素较多,无法进行对单一干扰因素的分析。

    The cell still retained similar original body characteristics in vivo experiment , but , its environment is complicated , which cannot control a several of factors , and it also cause the barrier of analysis to the interference of single factor .

  28. 对退火炉燃烧过程设计了模糊自寻优控制器,采用自寻优控制,自动搜索最佳油/风比,取得了较好的控制效果,且对不可控因素的干扰具有较好的自适应能力。

    The fuzzy self-optimization controller designed for the burning process of annealing furnace based on self-optimization can search automatically the most suitable ratio of oil to air and get better results . This controller is automatic adaptive to the disturbance of uncontrollable factors .

  29. 在对现有评价方法进行分析说明的基础上,指出了其中存在的不足之处,并引入证据理论进行不可控因素的量化评价,获得项目经理绩效修正系数;

    In the last part of the paper , the author points out the deficiencies of the present available evaluating methods based on the analysis above , then quoting the Evidence Theory , the author tries to estimate the uncontrollable influential factors and obtains the correcting coefficient .

  30. 同时光伏电站运行特性受自然条件(如光照强度、环境温度、风速等多种不可控因素)影响具有随机性,从而导致配电网的故障电流难以预测。

    Furthermore , the operating characteristic parameters of distribution generations can be easily affected by natural conditions , such as light intensity , temperature , wind speed and other uncontrollable factors . Consequently , fault current of distribution network with grid-connected PV power stations is difficult to forecast .