
  • 网络Unlawful infringement;wrongfully damaged;trespass
  1. 侵权行为(TORT)是对他人(自然人和法人)合法利益的不法侵害行为,而新闻评论侵权则指新闻评论在写作和传播过程中侵害公民和法人人格权的行为。

    Tort is illegal infringement of others ' legitimate benefit including natural persons and corporation . While news review means that news review encroach on the right to human dignity of citizen and corporation in the course of writing and propagation .

  2. 对预防交通民警在执法中遭受不法侵害的思考

    Research on the Measures of Reducing Unlawful Infringement upon Traffic Police

  3. 正当防卫中不法侵害行为的特性

    On the Characteristics of Unlawful Infringement in Justifiable Defense

  4. 家庭暴力为家庭成员之间实施的身体上或精神上的不法侵害行为。

    Family violence means the unlawful bodily or mental infringement upon other family members .

  5. 无责任能力人致人损害的行为与不法侵害的问题。

    The destroy action of irresponsibility person and the problem of the actualizing action .

  6. 不法侵害行为的客观形式。

    The impersonal form of the actualizing action .

  7. 不法侵害是否包括不作为犯罪。

    The actualizing action including nonfeasance or not .

  8. 非法手机短消息考验着社会应对不法侵害的能力。

    Our abilities to deal with unlawful infringements are now being tested by SMS spam .

  9. 不法侵害的范围。

    The scope of the actualizing action .

  10. 不法侵害及其变化的术语在民法制度中被用于民事侵权行为上。

    The term delict and variants thereof are used in civil law systems for civil wrongs .

  11. 我们可以从不法侵害的性质、范围上来判断不法侵害行为是否存在。

    We can illicit nature of the infringement , range up to judge the existence of unlawful infringement .

  12. 正当防卫制度创立至今的几千年里,防卫权所针对的不法侵害的范围一直处于变化之中。

    Self-defense system has been established thousands of years , the scope of unlawful attack has been changes .

  13. 不法侵害正在进行之焦点评介&以刑法中正当防卫的时机条件为限定

    Referred Comment on Indisputable Points of " Ongoing " Illegal Infringement & On the Opportunity Condition of Self-Defense System

  14. 第二,必须存在不法侵害行为,包括犯罪行为和其它违法行为;

    Secondly , there must exist an unlawful infringement , including criminal acts as well as other illegal acts .

  15. 本文论述的是古罗马对不法侵害的司法救济,共分四个部分。

    This article is about the illegal violation to the judicial relief in ancient Rome , altogether divides four parts .

  16. 主观上必须是出于保护合法权益免受正在进行的不法侵害的防卫意图。

    Subjectively , the defense must be conducted to protect the legal rights and interests from being offended by the ongoing illegal offense .

  17. 我国法律将不法侵害限定为正在进行的不法侵害,其中正在进行即是正当防卫时间条件。

    Unlawful infringement of our laws will be limited to " being " violated , in which " progress " that is self-defense time conditions .

  18. 因此有必要从不法侵害的含义及特征入手,对可以实施正当防卫的不法侵害行为作一个科学的界定。

    Therefore , the author starts with the implication and characteristics of unlawful infringement to sketch a scientific dividing line about when to execute justifiable defense .

  19. 正当防卫在大多数情况下是针对积极的不法侵害而行使的一项权利,而对不作为形式的不法侵害能否进行正当防卫,学者们意见不一。

    However , there are also different arguments among scholars as to whether the justifiable defense can be carried out on the basis of the negative illegal infringement .

  20. 再次,为避免在勘查和开采过程中矿业权人受到各个方面、各个领域的不法侵害,保障矿业权人的权益,本文从矿业权保护的范围、存在的问题等方面进行了阐述。

    Thirdly , to avoid the violation from any way , the paper describes and analyzes the protective scope of the laws for mineral rights and the existing problems .

  21. 专利权受到不法侵害时,如何科学、合理的确定损害赔偿额一直是专利侵权诉讼中的热点和难点问题。

    When patent encounters unlawful infringement , scientific and rational determination of the amount of damages has always been a hot spot and difficult problem in patent infringement litigation .

  22. 刑法第二十条关于正当防卫制度的规定对于保护国家、公共利益、本人或他人的人身、财产和其他权利免受正在进行的不法侵害有着积极的意义。

    The stipulations by Act ⅱ of Criminal Law , which are to protect national and public interests , individuals ' personal safety and property , are of great significance .

  23. 如果不能明确不法侵害,公民就无法判断对其面对的何种侵害可以进行反击,这与剥夺公民的防卫权无异。

    If we can not understand unlawful attack , we can not judged what could be countered against , this is the same as the denial of the right to self-defense .

  24. 近年来,我国民警在执法过程中遭受不法侵害的事件日益频繁,民警被谩骂、围攻、诬告陷害甚至袭击的案件在各地时有发生。

    In recent years , police in law enforcement Invaded by increasing the incident , police were abusive , siege , false accusation or attack of the cases have occurred throughout .

  25. 间接占有制度的确立,最大的好处是可以让间接占有人不必基于物所有权人的身份,而是以占有人的身份直接要求不法侵害占有物的第三人停止侵害并赔偿损失。

    The main advantage of establishment of indirect possession is that indirect occupant can ask the the third person to stop destroy and compensate for the losses on the basis of occupant .

  26. 迫于现实的压力很多消费者忍气吞声,这使更多的生产商和销售商漠视消费者利益,以致我国市场竞争秩序混乱,消费者利益遭到不法侵害得不到救济。

    Under pressure of reality , which many consumers hold more manufacturer and distributor ignore consumer interest , so that our country market competition order chaos , consumer interest attacked illegally get relief .

  27. 之所以如此,是因为不法侵害是否正在发生并不只是一个时间概念,其直接体现了正当防卫制度背后所蕴含的价值冲突。

    This is so because " the unlawful infringement is taking place " is not just a concept of time , and its defense system directly reflects the value of conflict behind it .

  28. 目前学者们对正当防卫问题的意见分歧,主要集中在可实行正当防卫的不法侵害的范围、防卫的限度、防卫过当的罪过形式等问题上。

    At present , the arguments on justifiable defense are mainly concentrated on the questions on the scope of unlawful infringement of allowable defense , defense limit and offence forms of defense of exceeding limit , etc.

  29. 第一、指出正当防卫的前提条件是不法侵害并对不法侵害的范围和应具备的特征作了进一步的说明,同时分析了对不作为犯罪可以实行正当防卫的理由和条件。

    Part I points out the prior condition of justifiable defence is illegal violation and explains the scope and characteristics of illegal violation and analyses the reasons and conditions to practise justifiable defence towards inactive crimes .

  30. 相对说来,目前我国公务员权利救济制度还比较落后,很不完善,公务员诸多权利遭受不法侵害后,无法寻求有效的救济。

    Comparatively speaking , the remedy system of civil servant rights in China is still very backward and not perfect . It is a prevalent situation that civil servants have no effective approach of relief after their rights were infringed .