
tóu nǎo lěng jìng
  • be coolheaded;sober-minded;clear-minded;have a cool head;be calm and collected;have one's wits about one;sangfroid
头脑冷静 [tóu nǎo lěng jìng]
  • [sangfroid;have a cool head;be calm and collected;sober-minded;clear-minded] 通常指气质上的冷静或异常的镇定;尤指在紧张情况下表现的冷静或镇定

  • 他觉得大多数人都是傻瓜,他头脑冷静,而且对大伙儿会说这句话表示轻蔑

头脑冷静[tóu nǎo lěng jìng]
  1. 他头脑冷静。

    He has a cool head .

  2. 我一定要保持头脑冷静。

    I 'm going to have to get ahold of myself .

  3. 凯文总是头脑冷静,脚踏实地。

    Kevin was always level-headed with both feet on the ground .

  4. 她是个头脑冷静的务实派,绝不是一个不切实际的人。

    Far from being a dreamer , she 's a level-headed pragmatist .

  5. 他是个头脑冷静、值得信赖的领导。

    He is a trustworthy and level-headed leader .

  6. 诺思布里奇是个头脑冷静、诡计多端、阴险狡诈的罪犯,他可能还会犯案。

    Northbridge is a cool , calculating and clever criminal who could strike again .

  7. 西蒙为人头脑冷静,讲求实际。

    Simon is level-headed and practical

  8. 头脑冷静才能使我们渡过这一危机。

    Cool heads will bring us through the crisis .

  9. 多亏了的思维敏捷的Jack和头脑冷静的Kate的领导,他们还有希望。但是正如幸存者们将会知道的:即使是英雄,也有不可告人的秘密。

    But even heroes have secrets , as the survivors will come to learn .

  10. 美国当选总统BarackObama在所有招聘中最漫长、公开的一次招聘中成功了。部分原因在于他保持头脑冷静、目光一直盯着奖励。

    President-elect Barack Obama succeeded in one of the most lengthy and public of all hiring processes , in part because he kept his cool and kept his eyes on the prize .

  11. 有头的螺栓;三头神狗;头脑冷静的战斗机飞行员。

    Headed bolts ; three-headed Cerberus ; a cool-headed fighter pilot .

  12. 玛撒是一名黑人,头脑冷静,正在接受成为医生的培训。

    Martha is black , cool-headed and training to be a doctor .

  13. 球场上,梅西头脑冷静,在需要时勇于承担责任。

    He is cool-headed and able to assume several responsibilities when required .

  14. 这种情况下特别要求(我们)头脑冷静,有耐心。

    Such a situation esecially calls for calm and patience .

  15. 头脑冷静的计算者,是梦想家的严厉惩罚人。

    The cool-headed reckoner is the stern chastiser of the ecstatic visionary .

  16. 他头脑冷静(不易冲动)。

    He has a cool head , ie doesn 't get agitated .

  17. 在紧急情况,我们应学会保持头脑冷静。

    We should learn to keep a level head in an emergency .

  18. 他只觉得头脑冷静,心境平和,就是累得厉害。

    He was left cool and calm and very tired .

  19. 我可以说是那种头脑冷静的人。

    I am the one who never loses his presence of mind .

  20. 他一直觉得提里奥是个有荣誉感,头脑冷静的男人。

    He had always known Tirion to be an honorable , levelheaded man .

  21. 我在球场上和自己斗争并且努力保持头脑冷静。

    I fight myself on court and try to keep my brain stable .

  22. 保持头脑冷静,不要冲动,对不对?

    To stay calm , and to not get freaked out , okay ?

  23. 史坦莉在面临危难情况的时候能保持头脑冷静。

    Stanley was able to keep his cool in the face of danger .

  24. 始终保持头脑冷静可能会有相当的好处。

    Having a sober mind around might prove to be of some help .

  25. 她因头脑冷静、敢作敢为而为人称道。

    She distinguished herself by her coolness and bravery .

  26. 我们在推行发展方针时,必须充满热情而又头脑冷静。

    We need to be big-hearted but also hard-headed in our approach to development .

  27. 这时候保持头脑冷静是很重要的。

    It 's important for you to keep a cool head at this moment .

  28. 不管发生什么事,你都应该保持头脑冷静。

    Whatever happens , you should keep cool-headed .

  29. 你必须尝试头脑冷静。

    You must try a levelheaded attitude .

  30. -rroo:库克头脑冷静,这一点有些像盖茨或巴菲特。

    – rroo : Cook is a level-headed guy , more like Gates or Buffet .