
  • 网络Head space;HEADROOM;head room
  1. 其次,头部空间采用了曲形穹顶设计,令车内空间得到进一步的扩展与提升,减少了行车的压抑感。

    Secondly , the head space using a curved dome design , so that further expansion of interior space and improve , reducing the traffic of oppression .

  2. 头部空间大,还有一个平的地板,你的腿和脚都很舒适。

    You sit fairly tall and there 's a flat floor , so your legs and feet can fit easily , even if you 're in the back .

  3. 视网膜这两层结构在发育早期分化的有序进行可能与早期胚胎头部内空间以及附近的间充质细胞有关。

    The orderly differentiation of the two layer of retina is probably related to the space in embryo and the mesenchyme nearby .

  4. 乘客在后座会发现有各种各样的头部和腿部空间,但是坐在三排可能是一个有点被排挤的。

    Passengers in the rear will find there 's plenty of head and legroom , but sitting three-abreast might be a bit of a squeeze .

  5. 净空高度如在机动车内、门上方或隧道中的某人头部上端的空间;空间

    Space above one 's head , as in a motor vehicle , above a doorway , or in a tunnel ; clearance . clearway acting as buffer

  6. 头部与腿部空间能够完全地满足四个成年人的乘坐要求,而且前排驾驶者与乘客座椅均带有良好的腰部支撑以及简单易用的座椅调节功能。

    Headroom and legroom are satisfactory for four adults , and the front driver and passenger seats have excellent lower lumbar supports and seat adjustment functions easy to use .

  7. 封装结构使用动态头部的方式减少空间消耗,提高负载率,并通过均衡码率等方法充分利用光盘容量。

    Package structure uses the dynamic head to minimize space consumption , improving the load factor .