
tóu zhàng
  • feeling of fullness in the head
头胀 [tóu zhàng]
  • [feeling of fullness in the head] 指头部胀重不适的感觉。外感者多因感受湿邪、感冒或温病初期暑温余邪不清,或感受秽湿所致。根据不同症情,常用解表、清热、辟秽、化湿等法。内伤者,多因肝火上逆、湿热内阻所致,治宜泻肝降逆、清化湿热为主

头胀[tóu zhàng]
  1. 模头胀拉塑料管材取向成型的机理

    Mechanism of Die-Drawing by Stretching the Inside-Pressurized Pipes

  2. 除1例病人出现头胀而终止治疗外,没有发现明显的不良反应。

    No significant adverse reaction was noted except 1 case of heaviness in head and the medication had to be dis-continued .

  3. 第二类群中医证候符合肝阳上亢证候,主要相关症状有:头晕或眩晕、头胀、头痛、耳鸣、胸闷、恶心呕吐、烦躁,舌红暗,苔黄,脉弦滑。

    The second group in line with traditional Chinese medicine symptoms of liver yang syndromes , mainly related symptoms include : dizziness or vertigo , stretching , headache , tinnitus , chest tightness , nausea , vomiting , irritability , mamillata dark , moss yellow , slippery pulse string .