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  • dyskinesia
  1. 目的观察维生素E(VitE)对迟发性运动障碍(TD)大鼠的影响,探讨TD可能的病理生理机制。

    Objective To investigate pathophysiological mechanism of tardive dyskinesia ( TD ) by treating the TD model rats with Vitamin E ( Vit E ) .

  2. 调查33例双相情感性精神障碍患者迟发性运动障碍(TD)有关的因素,并评估其认知功能。

    Objective : To investigate the risk factors associated with tardive dyskinesia ( TD ) in patients with bipolar affective disorder .

  3. 背景与目的:帕金森病(PD)是常见的运动障碍疾病。

    Background and purpose : Parkinson 's disease is a frequent dyscinesia disease .

  4. 迟发性运动障碍患者超氧化物歧化酶、ATP酶活性改变

    The activation of SOD and ATP in schizophrenic patients with tardive dyskinesia

  5. 在未来,这些症状可能作为PD运动障碍出现前的早期指标。

    In the future , these symptoms might serve as useful early indicators in the premotor stage .

  6. 结论:MODS可引起胃肠运动障碍。

    Conclusion : Gastrointestinal motility dysfunction can be caused by MODS .

  7. 方法:对39例经CT、MRI证实为脑干病变的患者行眼球运动障碍、眼球震颤分析。

    Methods : Analyse the ocular dyscinesia and nystagmus in 39 patiens who have lesions in the brain stem confirmed by CT and MRI .

  8. 目的:总结发作性运动障碍中PKC的临床特征,并对其发病机制加以探讨。

    Aim : To investigate the pathogenesis and clinical characteristics of paroxysmal dyskinesias .

  9. MODS肠运动障碍机制和大承气冲剂的治疗作用

    Mechanism of Intestinal Motility Dysfunction Caused by MODS and Therapeutic Effect of Dachengqi Granules

  10. 方法100例运动障碍型FD患者随机平均分为两组。

    Methods 100 patients with dyskinetic FD were randomly divided into two equal groups .

  11. 运动障碍样FD患者焦虑及抑郁的发病率较高。

    Incidence of anxiety and depression was higher in patients with dyskinesia - like FD .

  12. 一个可能为发作性运动障碍家族的Ib型假性甲状旁腺功能减退症的分子学诊断

    Molecular diagnosis of pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ib in a family with presumed paroxysmal dyskinesia

  13. Vim和Vo核为毁损靶点的丘脑切开术治疗帕金森病及其他不随意运动障碍

    Thalamotomy with Vim and Vo as Targets for PD and Other Movement Disorders

  14. 帕金森病(Parkinson'SDisease,PD)是一种老年人常见的慢性进展性运动障碍性疾病,患者可出现静止性震颤、肌强直、运动迟缓和姿势反射障碍等。

    Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) is a common chronic progressive neurodegenerative disorder in elder people ; it is characterized by resting tremor , rigidity , bradykinesia and postural instability .

  15. 目的了解糖尿病患者食管酸碱反流情况及胃内pH变化,探讨其诊断胃、食管分泌及运动障碍的临床意义。

    Objective To observe the acid and alkali esophageal reflux and gastric pH in diabetic patients and evaluate the clinical significance in diagnosis of esophageal and gastric excretion and movement disorder .

  16. 结论PM、DM出现食管运动障碍,有食管症状组较非食管症状组食管受累更为明显,治疗后随病情好转食管运动功能障碍得到改善。

    Conclusion There is esophageal motility disorder in PM and DM , especially in esophageal symptom group . After treatment the abnormality is improved .

  17. 出生缺陷和其它发育障碍在MR儿童中排在前5位的依次是:下肢运动障碍、上肢运动障碍、癫痈、马蹄内翻、视力障碍。

    The first five types of birth defect and developmental disorders in children with MR were motor disorder of lower limbs , motor disorder of upper limbs , epilepsy , equinovarus , Visual disturbance respectively .

  18. 目的总结脑深部刺激(DBS)治疗运动障碍性疾病的并发症和不良反应。

    Objective Deep brain stimulation ( DBS ) for alleviation of movement disorders is now well established .

  19. 目的用MRI研究轴性高度近视眼4条直肌pulley的功能位置,探讨轴性高度近视继发性眼球运动障碍的病因。

    Objective To study the location of rectus pulleys in high myopia by dynamic MRI and the etiopathogenisis of dyskinetic ocular movement of axiality high myopia .

  20. 目的探讨手术治疗运动障碍病(MDs)的疗效、适应证、靶点选择和风险。

    Objective To evaluate the outcome , indications , target selections and risks in surgical treatment of movement disorders ( MDs ) .

  21. 目的讨论以丘脑腹中间核(Vim)和丘脑腹嘴核(Vo)为毁损靶点的丘脑切开术治疗帕金森病及其他不随意运动障碍的方法和原理。

    Objective To discuss the thalamotomy with Vim and Vo as targets for Parkinson 's disease and other movement disorders .

  22. 目的:调查撤药出现的运动障碍(WE-D)是否为迟发性运动障碍(TD)的早期征象。

    Objective : To investigate whether withdrawal emergent dyskinesia ( WE D ) is the early signal of tardive dyskinesia ( TD ) .

  23. 目的:探讨伴有迟发性运动障碍(TD)的精神分裂症患者血清铁指数(血清铁含量、铁结合力和铁蛋白)。

    Objective : To investigate the serum iron indices ( iron , total iron binding capacity and ferritin ) in the schizophrenia with tardive dyskinesia .

  24. 抗精神病药物导致的迟发性锥体外系综合征(TES)由迟发性运动障碍(TD)发展而来。

    Neuroleptic - associated tardive extrapyramidal syndrome ( TES ) has been developed in the base of the tardive dyskinesia ( TD ) .

  25. 食管测压检查阳性率达78.3%,主要表现为食管体部运动障碍、UES功能障碍及LES功能障碍。

    The positive rate of esophageal manometry was 78.3 % , including esophageal body motor dyscinesia , UES dysfunction and LES dysfunction .

  26. 这些结果说明PTS能改善MPTP诱导的小鼠运动障碍,防止黑质多巴胺能神经元坏死丢失。

    These results indicate that PTS ameliorated the move dysfunction induced by MPTP , prevented the loss of dopaminergic neurons in SNc .

  27. 抗囊治疗后,头痛、头晕、癫痫发作、恶心呕吐、神经衰弱症候群、视乳头水肿、抑郁症状、肌体运动障碍等神经精神症状均较抗囊治疗前明显减少(P0.05~0.01);

    After praziquantel treatment psychiatric symptoms including headache , dizziness , epileptic attack , nausea , vomiting , neurasthenia , papilledema . depression and dyskinesia were significantly decreased compared with pretreatment ( P0.05 ~ 0.01 ) .

  28. 例5、6分别于7岁、5岁起病,进行性肢体运动障碍,MRI显示颈髓炎性脱髓鞘病变。

    Cases 5 and 6 gradually showed muscle weakness and paraplegia at the age of 7 years and 5 years , respectively . Inflammatory demyelination changes of cervical cord were evident on magnetic resonance imaging in these two patients .

  29. 结论:以运动障碍和尿失禁为首发症状且CT扫描显示单纯脑室扩大无明显脑皮层萎缩,连续颅内压监测出现A波者适宜行脑积水分流术。

    Conclusion : The patients being fit for shunt operation included those had the first symptom of gait disturbance and urinary incontinence , and their CT showing merely enlargement of ventricular without obvious cerebral atrophy , and intracranial pressure measuring showing a wave .

  30. 目的探讨息宁控释片(Sinemet-CR)对帕金森病(PD)症状波动、运动障碍的疗效。

    Objective To assess the clinical efficacy of Sinemet-CR in treatment of motor fluctuation and dyskinesias induced by Parkinson disease ( PD ) .