
  • 网络operating frequency;KHZ;GHz
  1. 接下来,cpuinfocurfreq显示处理器当前的运行频率。

    Next , cpuinfo_cur_freq shows the processor 's current operating frequency .

  2. 通过对步进电动机矩频特性及其运动方程式的分析,建立了步进电动机最高运行频率的数学模型,即最高运行频率为最大静转矩和负载转矩的函数。

    The mathematical model of stepper motors maximum operating frequency is established based on the analysis of stepper motors torque-frequency characteristic and systemic motion equation .

  3. CPU运行频率越高,它产生的热量就越多。

    CPU running frequency is taller , the quantity of heat that it produces is more .

  4. 261、H.263、MPEG1以及MPEG2等视频编解码标准中,运行频率最高的运算是离散余弦变换(DCT)。

    Discrete cosine transformation ( DCT ) is the most frequent operation in coding and decoding standards as H.261 , H.263 , MPEG_1 and MPEG_2 and so on .

  5. iPadAir的A7处理器性能略强(运行频率为1.4GHz,而iPadmini2和iPhone5S为1.3GHz)。

    There is a very slight performance increase in the iPad Air 's A7 ( it runs at 1.4GHz , compared to 1.3GHz on the iPad mini with Retina Display , and the iPhone 5S ) .

  6. 阻碍规模化DBD等离子体源发展的主要问题之一是DBD系统的运行频率很低而导致的功率输出不高。

    At present , the main problem of hindering the development scaled DBD plasma source is that the frequency of system operation is low ; the power output is hard to improve .

  7. SoC芯片的集成度越来越高,运行频率越来越快,面市时间越来越短,为了实现这样的系统,设计者越来越依赖于IP核的重用。

    Because SoC chips ' density and frequency are getting higher and higher , and their time to get into the market is getting shorter and shorter , the designers incline to depend more and more on IP core in the designing of SoC chips .

  8. 然而,高速A/D转换芯片运行频率较高,在电路设计和结构安排上有它独特的地方,高速A/D转换芯片和高速RAM的价格也比较昂贵。

    However , due to its high running frequency , high speed A / D chip has its idiographic aspect on circuit design and structure arrangement . In addition , the price of high speed A / D chip and high speed RAM chip is very high .

  9. 在启用userspace调控器时,cpufreq-set实用程序让用户可以修改每个处理器的可用频率范围、使用的调控器和当前运行频率。

    The cpufreq-set utility allows the user to change each processor 's range of available frequencies , the operating governor , and the current running frequency when the userspace governor is enabled .

  10. 水电机组并网运行频率调节系统的稳定性

    Stability of Frequency Regulating System for Hydropower Units in Grid-Connected Operation

  11. 目前,测试的运行频率越来越高了。

    Tests seem to get run more and more often these days .

  12. 在不同的国家,日光灯的运行频率都不同。

    Fluorescent lights run at different frequencies in different countries .

  13. 传统的单核处理器通过提高运行频率来提高计算性能。

    The single-core processors improve the computing performance by increasing the clock frequency .

  14. 运行频率的设定以及快速晶闸管触发脉冲的产生由计算机控制单元完成。

    Computer control unit produces the trigger pulses for the fast switching thyristors .

  15. 运行频率和整机的输入功率对压缩机效率的影响都小于2%。

    The influence of frequency and input power on compressor both are less than 2 % .

  16. 指出了步进电机的选择原则、动和运行频率区段的划分。

    It pointed selection principle of stepping motor , and divisions of starting and running frequency range .

  17. 根据发电机运行频率限制,从机组角频率角度提出了自适应解列时机确定方案。

    According to generator frequency limits , a scheme , which decides islanding time adaptively , is proposed .

  18. 主要结论是:应该优先运行频率较高的进程,简称高频率优先原则。

    The main conclusion is that the higher a process ' frequency is , the higher its priority should be .

  19. 在“执行这个任务”下,选择该批处理文件的运行频率,然后单击“下一步”。

    Under perform this task , select the frequency with which you want the batch file to run , and then click next .

  20. 实验证明,该新型驱动装置的运行频率、矩频特性、效率等明显优于同类产品。

    The experiment illustrates that operation frequency torque-frequency characteristics , efficiency etc of the new driving unit is superior to the same one .

  21. 在修改这个服务的运行频率时,要确保人员分配是最新的,并且要考虑到刷新对性能的影响。

    Any changes to the frequency of the service runs balance the need to keep the staff assignment up-to-date and the performance impact of a refresh .

  22. 虽然在这个示例中只出现了一次,但为了分级目的,您应该确定这些任务在主要班次期间的运行频率。

    While this is a single occurrence in this sample , for sizing purposes , you should determine how often these tasks run during prime shift .

  23. 同时可使步进电动机的最高运行频率提高2~8倍而不失步。

    In this method , the stepper motor starts / stops smoothly , and the max frequency is increased 2 ~ 8 times but not asynchronous .

  24. 简单论述了阻抗变换法的基本原理,并采用此方法设计了荧光灯电子镇流器输出网络以及各段运行频率。

    The paper describes the principle of impedance transforming . The output network of a ballast and the frequency for each step are designed with this method .

  25. 本文建立了新型无接触电能传输系统的数学模型,并分析研究了系统补偿拓扑、运行频率及负载参数对系统性能的影响。

    This paper establishes the mathematic model of this system , and investigates the effect of compensation topology , operational frequency , and load on system characteristics .

  26. 同步发电机的调速系统通过调节原动机向发电机输出的机械功率,从而实现功率和频率的调节,保持电网的正常运行频率。

    Synchronous generator governor regulates the mechanical power from prime motor to generator in order to realize the power and frequency adjustment and keep the normal operating frequency .

  27. 闸门是水利工程中的重要设备,不仅运行频率高,而且要求启闭灵活、准确可靠。

    Reservoir gate is the critical equipment , which not only operates in high frequency but also requires flexible , accurate and reliable opening and closing in hydraulic engineering .

  28. 转换器运行频率非常高,而导致其响应时间延长,因此您劝说经理购买更为强大的计算机来承载您的服务。

    The converter is getting run so much that response times are slow , so you persuade your manager to buy a more powerful machine to host your service .

  29. 为了以最短的时间使步进电机加速到最高运行频率并在转矩最大处升到高一级频率,以获得最大加速度,开发了机床进给系统用步进电机控制系统。

    In order to speed up the step motor with the shortest time , do it in the point where the torque is largest and attain the biggest acceleration .

  30. 系统研究了各种条件和工况(包括运行频率、充气压力、小孔开度、压缩机出口压比等)对脉冲管制冷机内部压力波和速度波的幅值与相位的影响规律。

    The effect of the operating frequency , the orifice setting , the system mean pressure and pressure radio in warm-end of regenerator on the amplitude and phase difference of dynamic pressure and velocity is discussed .