
yùn dònɡ mào
  • sports cap
  1. 包括你头上的那顶小运动帽。

    Including the sporty little hat you got on your head .

  2. 我们主要生产各种款式的运动帽、棒球帽、盆帽等产品。

    We mainly produce various styles of sport caps , baseball caps and bucket hats etc.

  3. 背包、登山鞋或运动鞋、遮阳帽,墨镜,登山杖,手套,护膝。

    Backpack , sport hiking shoes , hat , sunglasses , alpenstock , glove , knee pad ( optional )

  4. 这么说chavs指的是一类年轻人,他们穿的很像那些美国说唱歌手的样子很相似,像运动服,棒球帽。

    Jo : Well a chav is a young person – it can be a man or a woman and it 's someone who firstly likes designer clothes usually similar to the kind of clothes an American hip hop rapper might wear .