
  • 网络Transportation technology
  1. 铁路冷藏运输技术的发展

    Current situation and developing trends of railway refrigerated transportation technology

  2. 这就为天然气水合物储存和运输技术提供了可能。

    It provides possibility to study on hydrate storage and transportation technology .

  3. 另一个例子是,对新事物的迷恋使人们相信,近年来通信和运输技术的变化是革命性的,它让我们现在生活在一个"无国界的世界"。

    In yet another example , a fascination with the new has led people to believe that the recent changes in the technologies of communications and transportation are so revolutionary that now we live in a " borderless world " .

  4. 使用HRP逆行轴浆运输技术观察了大白鼠海马下托的皮质和皮质下核团传入纤维联系。

    The cortical and subcortical afferent connections of the subiculum were studied using HRP retrograde tracing technique in 32 adult rats .

  5. 本实验用HRP逆行性轴浆运输技术,对猫丘脑中央外侧核的传入纤维联系及其局部定位关系进行了观察。

    The afferent connections and topographical organization of the central lateral nucleus were studied with HRP retrograde tracing technique in 10 adult cats .

  6. 智能交通系统(IntelligentTransportationsystem,简称ITS)是当前世界上交通运输技术的前沿,它是一种在大范围内、全方位发挥作用的实时、准确、高效、智能的交通运输管理系统。

    The intelligence transportation system ( Intelligent Transportation System , is called ITS ) is the front transportation technology in the current world , it is the real-time , accurate , highly effective , the intelligent traffic management system which display function in the wide range and omni-directional .

  7. 应用现代运输技术于发展中国家的矿业开发

    Application of Modern Transport Technology to Mineral Development in Developing Countries

  8. 履带机械公路运输技术要求探讨

    Research on Technique Demand for Highway Transportation of the Pedrail Machine

  9. 日本对虾活虾冬季运输技术研究

    Transportation of Live Tiger Shrimp ( Marsupenaeus japonicus ) in Winter

  10. 本文重点论述了我国铁路集装箱运输技术发展方向。

    This paper discusses the recent development of the container transport .

  11. 第四,物流服务方式日益多样化,以现代信息技术、运输技术、管理技术为基础的集成化、一体化物流服务将得到更为广泛的应用;

    Forth , integrated logistic service will be applied widely ;

  12. 现代化安钢总图运输技术改造的展望

    Prospect on technical transformation of key map transportaton in Angang

  13. 海鳗活体暂养与运输技术研究

    Study on the Technique of Captivity and Transportation of Live Marine Eel

  14. 运输技术的新发展&智能交通运输系统

    The New Development of Transport Technology & Intelligent Transport System

  15. 铁路集装箱运输技术发展方向的探讨

    The discussion on the technological development of container - transport

  16. 野生哲罗鱼的采捕及运输技术

    Capture and transportation skill for wild Hucho taimen Pallas

  17. 为发展重载和高速运输技术创造条件。

    And creating conditions for developing heavy haul and high speed transportation technology .

  18. 双线隧道无轨装碴有轨运输技术

    Trackless Muck - Loading and Rail Haulage Technology for Duble - Line Tunnel

  19. 果蔬气调运输技术及设备的现状

    Recent Status for CA Transportation Technologies and Equipments

  20. 但目前氢气的存储和运输技术尚不成熟,因此以天然气为原料的小型分布式制氢系统得以有一席之地。

    Currently , the technology of hydrogen storage and transportation is not yet mature .

  21. 深凹露天矿大倾角运输技术的研究与应用

    Research and Application of the Big Inclination Conveying Technology in Deep Open pit Mines

  22. 当然货物装运随集装箱运输技术而改变。

    Of course the shipment of goods has been changed by the technique of containerization .

  23. 混凝土小型砌块包装运输技术

    Small Concrete Block Package and Transportation Technology

  24. 集装箱运输技术资源管理。

    Container transportation technology resource management .

  25. 金枪鱼低温运输技术

    Low Temperature Transporting Technology for Tuna

  26. 亚洲公路运输技术局

    Asian Highway Transport Technical Bureau

  27. 如今,随着加工、冻和运输技术的发展,这个地理范围已扩大了许多。

    Today , advances in processing , refrigeration and transportation technologies have widened the geographical reach considerably .

  28. 贯彻管道运输技术政策提高管道运输综合能力

    Carrying out the Technology Policy on Pipeline Transportation to Increase the Comprehensive Capability of the Pipeline Transportation Industry

  29. 建立完整的铁路重载运输技术体系&由大秦铁路万吨列车试验得到的启示

    Need for an Integrated Technical System on Heavy-Haul Railway Transportation-Enlightenments from the Running Tests of 10 000t Trains

  30. 将智能运输技术与物流管理相结合,将会极大地提升物流的服务水平。

    The service standard would be significantly improved through an approach of combination of intelligent transportation and logistics management .