
  • 网络dance;Dance art;choreography
  1. 她一生致力于对舞蹈艺术的追求。

    She has dedicated her life to the study of the dance .

  2. 舞蹈艺术是以情启真、以情扬善、以情唤美的艺术

    Dance Art is an art in which sentiment enlightens genuineness , extols benevolence , and arouses beauty .

  3. 论舞蹈艺术与戏剧艺术的界限及其艺术特征

    On the Bounds of Dance and Drama and Their Artistic Features

  4. 评论家称赞芭蕾舞团的舞蹈艺术。

    The reviewers lauded the ballet troupe for its terpsichorean artistry .

  5. 大学美育教育中的舞蹈艺术

    The Role of Dance Art in the Aesthetic Education in University

  6. 他进行着开拓新舞蹈艺术的艰苦探索。

    He explored hard the development road of the modern Chinese dance .

  7. 舞蹈艺术形象应与舞蹈音乐形象相统一

    The Integration of the Art-images and the Music-images in Dancing

  8. 试谈舞蹈艺术的美学特征

    On the Aesthetic Features of the Art of Dancing

  9. 兼有艺术和运动的舞蹈艺术是极具创新意义的。

    The choreography , which combines artistry and athletics , is extremely innovative .

  10. 试论舞蹈艺术发展的时空关照

    On the Space Time Correspondence of Dancing Arts Development

  11. 中国的新舞蹈艺术,得以从戏曲舞蹈和民间的土壤中滋生出来。

    New dances then came out of both opera dances and folk dances .

  12. 电视在传承和弘扬舞蹈艺术中的作用

    On the Function of TV for Inheriting and Carrying forward the Dancing Art

  13. 中西舞蹈艺术审美比较

    The Comparison of Chinese and Western Dancing Aesthetics

  14. 第一节论述了西汉时期舞蹈艺术的发展脉络。

    The first section elaborated the Western Han Dynasty time dance art development vein .

  15. 试论儿童舞蹈艺术特性与心理特征的关系

    Discussion on the Relations between the Artistic and Psychological Characteristics of Children 's Dance

  16. 哈巴罗夫斯克的音乐舞蹈艺术

    The art of musical dance in Khabarovsk

  17. 舞蹈艺术形象虽来源于现实生活,却包含着舞蹈家的主观情感;

    Artistic images , though coming from life , contains the dancer 's subjective feelings .

  18. 身韵·意境·生命论舞蹈艺术呼吸在身韵中的作用

    Shenyun · Artistic Conception · Life The Uses of Artistic Breath in the Figure Meter

  19. 严肃、认真的舞蹈艺术;具有严肃的社会意义的戏剧。

    Choreography that was sobersided and sententious ; a play with a solemn social message .

  20. 而舞蹈艺术展现同样也是采用画面的视觉效果表达给观众。

    And dance art show is also the image visual effect expression to the audience .

  21. 舞蹈艺术是依赖身体语言体现内涵的形体艺术。

    Dancing art is a kind of body art embodied by means of body language .

  22. 舞蹈艺术形象审美欣赏简论

    Aesthetic Appreciation of Artistic Images in Dancing

  23. 这股热浪逐渐渗透和影响着中国一些舞蹈艺术先驱们的思想。

    This heat wave seeps and is affecting the Chinese some dance art pioneers'thought gradually .

  24. 浅谈舞蹈艺术的美

    On the Beauty of the Dancing Art

  25. 谈舞蹈艺术的形式美

    On the External Beauty of Dancing

  26. 印第安人与贵州苗族各自都有显著特色的音乐舞蹈艺术。

    The Indians and the Miao nationality have their own music and dancing of marked characteristics .

  27. 作为人类文化结晶的舞蹈艺术在人文素质教育中有着不可替代的特殊作用。

    As the cream of human culture , dance plays a special role in humanistic education .

  28. 基于运动捕捉技术的中国少数民族舞蹈艺术保护方法研究

    Research of Protection Methods about the Dances Artistic of National Minorities Based on Motion Capture Technology

  29. 简论舞蹈艺术的综合性

    On the Comprehensiveness of Dance

  30. 运用相似论的观点对舞蹈艺术思维进行了探索。

    This article explores the thinking of dancing art with the view on the theory of similarity .