
  • 网络After The Dance;After The Ball;Après le Bal
  1. 假面舞会之后我收到一封匿名短信

    Since the masquerade ball . I got an anonymous text

  2. 舞会之后,许多年轻人自愿留下来打扫场所。

    After the dancing party , quite a lot of young men stayed behind as volunteers to clean the place .

  3. 那次舞会之后,他由于风格独特而名声大噪,因为他会买两张同样的唱片,用两个唱盘延长两边歌曲的间隙。

    After this block party , he became very well-known for his unique style of buying two copies of the same record and using two turntables to extend the breaks in both songs .

  4. 剑桥的学生在为庆祝考试结束,举办了名叫“自杀星期日”的舞会,之后醉多酒还到大街上去,这毁坏了学校的名誉。

    Cambridge University end-of-exams party " Suicide Sunday " lived up to its reputation with students collapsing in the streets after downing excessive amounts of alcohol .

  5. 保罗布罗克曼和妻子玛格特相识于德国,第一次见面是在一场舞会上,之后保罗便开始收集各种裙子。

    Paul Brockmann began collecting dresses after he first laid eyes on his wife , Margot , dancing in a ballroom in Germany .

  6. 迪斯科舞会持续到午夜之后。

    The disco ball went on until beyond midnight .