
wǔ shī
  • lion dance
  1. 因此,舞狮成为元宵节(theLanternFestival)和其他节日的习俗,人们以此来祈祷好运、平安和幸福。

    Therefore , performing the lion dance at the Lantern Festival and other festive occasions became a custom where people could pray for good luck , safety and happiness .

  2. 雪莉:什么样的表演?舞狮行吗?

    Shirley : What kind of performance ? A lion dance ?

  3. 阿迪达斯(Adidas)赞助了香港的一次年度舞狮大赛——这是这项传统正获得更广泛受众的一个标志。

    Adidas sponsors an annual competition in Hong Kong - a sign that the tradition is gaining a wider audience .

  4. 关于中国舞狮起源与发展的初步探讨

    A Study on the Origin and Development of Chinese Lion Dance

  5. 现场鼓乐齐奏、龙师共舞/舞狮庆祝。

    It was welcomed by banging drums and dragon and lion dancers .

  6. 舞狮的压轴环节是“采青”。

    The finale is choi tsing , " plucking the greens . "

  7. 舞狮选项课教学对体育专业大学生心理健康影响的研究

    On Psychologically Health influence of Sports-majored Students Taking Lion Dance Option Class

  8. 他们在看舞狮。

    They are watching the performance of the lion dance .

  9. 新课程标准下龙狮运动校本化的探究21世纪我国高校舞龙舞狮运动前瞻

    The Lion and Dragon Dance in Chinese College in the 21st Century

  10. 他的舞狮团经常在商店和餐厅的开业仪式上表演。

    His team regularly performs at opening events for shops and restaurants .

  11. 中华狮崇拜与舞狮运动

    Chinese lion worship and the lion - dancing sports

  12. 现在,舞狮表演在主流社会得到复兴。

    Now the dances are enjoying a mainstream revival .

  13. 滑雪板,功夫,舞狮。

    Snowboarding , Martial Arts , Lion Dance .

  14. 刍议舞龙、舞狮在高校的发展前景

    On the Foreground of the Dance Dragon and Dance Lion in Colleges and Universities

  15. 中华舞狮运动发展的研究

    Study of the Development of Chinese Lion Dance

  16. 在去商场的方式,我们观看了舞狮表演。

    On the way to the shopping mall , we watched the lion dance .

  17. 不好意思不好意思舞狮准备起动了。

    Sorry to keep you waiting , the lion dance is ready to go .

  18. 武汉体育学院舞龙舞狮课程开设现状调查与研究

    Wuhan Institute of Physical Education Curriculum Dragon and Lion to Carry out Survey and Research

  19. “点睛”之后,真正的舞狮表演就开始了。

    The performance will begin after that .

  20. 舞龙舞狮课程的教学场馆、器材均能满足教学的需要。

    Dragon and lion teaching facilities , the equipment can meet the needs of teaching .

  21. 高校舞龙舞狮运动的市场开发策略研究

    A Study on Market Development Strategies of the Dragon and Lion Dance in Universities and Colleges

  22. 广西高校开展舞龙舞狮运动的可行性研究

    Feasibility Research on the Development of Dragon and Lion Dance in Colleges and Universities in GuangXi

  23. 舞狮是一项集武术、舞蹈、音乐于一体的综合艺术。

    The lion dance is an art which combines martial arts , dance and music together .

  24. 舞龙、麒麟和舞狮确保了来年的好运。

    Dances of dragons , unicorns , and lions ensure good luck for the coming year .

  25. 开园仪式上进行了舞狮表演,而且依惯例由当地党政领导发表讲话。

    It opened to a ceremony of dancing lions and obligatory speeches from local party chiefs .

  26. 舞狮是中国民俗传统体育技艺活动,有着丰富的文化内涵。

    Lion dance is a traditional folk sport event and it has a profound cultural meaning .

  27. 现代高桩舞狮运动的特点及其品牌形成的价值与意义分析

    The Characteristics of a Lion Dance Sport and the Value and Meaning Analysis of its Brand Formation

  28. 舞龙舞狮课程的教学内容以传授舞龙舞狮的基本知识、基本技术为主。

    Dragon and lion curriculum to teach basic knowledge of dragon and lion , the basic technologies .

  29. 他的脸就是这样的舞狮,非常红,并有燃烧的眼睛是雪亮的。

    His Face is like that of a Lion , very Red , and having Flaming Eyes .

  30. 最后简述了舞狮运动的主要流派和风格。

    At last , the brief introduction for the mainly genres and styles of lion-dance sports is given .