
  • 网络stage art;stage design;scenography
  1. 各种艺术均如此,舞台美术亦不例外。

    All kinds of art are so , stage art is no exception .

  2. 中央电视台舞台美术计算机辅助设计系统

    Computer-Aided Stage Art Design System in CCTV

  3. 大约一年前艾山来到北京,在中国传媒大学(CommunicationUniversityofChina)学舞台美术设计,阿布拉则继续留在了喀什。

    When Mr. Aishan moved to Beijing to study stage design at the Communication University of China about a year ago , Mr. Abula stayed in Kashgar .

  4. 基础课在舞台美术专业教学中的地位

    The Place and Role Foundation Courses in Relation to Stage Design Program

  5. 昆剧舞台美术源流考

    Study on the History of the Stage Fine Arts of Kunqu Opera

  6. 浅谈舞台美术在戏曲现代戏上所探索的成果

    On the Exploration of Stage Designing in Modern Xiqu Opera

  7. 艺术简历孙路1978-1982年就学于中央戏剧学院舞台美术系,设计专业。

    Sun Lu1978-1982 Studied in the Central Academy of Drama .

  8. 游戏的空间与空间的游戏&对舞台美术设计专业教学的思考

    Space of Game and Game of Space & Consideration of Education of the Major of Stage Design

  9. 第四章,重点研究图形、符号在电视舞台美术设计中的应用。

    The fourth , emphases on . an application for figure , symbol on TV stage art designing .

  10. 传统戏曲舞台美术是戏曲演出中各种造型因素的统称。

    The traditional drama satge art is various shape factor to know together as in the drama performance .

  11. 论舞台美术设计发展对我国服装表演的推动作用

    Paper on the Role in Promoting the Development of Art Design for Stage to China 's Fashion Shows

  12. 它是融音乐、戏剧、诗歌、舞蹈、舞台美术等为一体的综合性艺术。

    It is the comprehensive art that synthetize music , drama , verse , dance , the stage art etc.

  13. 对视错觉现象的研究被引入舞台美术设计领域,成为一个非常有意义而且具有刺激性的研究领域。

    The introduction of the study of optical illusion into scenography should open a signifies and important research area .

  14. 得出蒙太奇手法与舞蹈的结构、舞局、舞段、舞蹈动作和舞台美术等应用。

    That montage and dance , dance , dance segment structure of bureau , dance and stage art application .

  15. 剧团舞台美术部门参与了本团和外团众多舞剧的舞美设计和制作。

    The Stage Art Department of the company has designed and manufactured many productions for NBC , and for other companies occasionally .

  16. 我国舞台美术界虽然也了解这种布光方法,但在真正的舞台实践中对此的应用并不广泛。

    The Chinese stage design group also be familiar with this method , but we do not use this lighting method widely .

  17. 互动媒体艺术广泛应用在会展博览产业、互动广告、舞台美术与表演业、互动游戏等领域。

    Interactive media art is widely used in exhibition , interactive advertising , stage art , performance , interactive games and other fields .

  18. 铁扬:1935年生,河北赵县人,毕业于中央戏剧学院舞台美术系。

    Tieyang : Life in 1935 , Hebei Zhao county people , the fine arts graduating in central authority drama academy stage is .

  19. 对剧本创作、表演体系和舞台美术等爱美剧运动中实践与理论之间的差距进行分析。

    Then I analysis the gap between practice and theory in the creation of script performance system 、 stage arts and so on .

  20. 北京华北大学美术科及中央戏剧学院舞台美术系本科毕业。

    Beijing North China University of Fine Arts Division and the Central Academy of Drama Department of Fine Arts Stage bachelor 's degree .

  21. 在舞台美术方面也注重假定性,也注重与观众的交流,注重时空的自由转换。

    Concerning the stage art , the assumption , the communication with the audience , and the free conversion of space-time are equally stressed .

  22. 概述了舞台美术、舞台空间与布景以及舞台灯光的作用,从而为进一步引出本文的研究出发点做好铺垫。

    Summarizing the stage art , stage space and sets and the role of stage lights , so as to further raise the jumping-off place .

  23. 通过对剧目天幕、转台、面幕等方面的设计和制作的介绍,体现舞台美术对剧目的塑造过程。

    The process of ceiling curtain design , turntable making , and face curtain design were introduced to show the effect of stage design on play portray .

  24. 随着话剧表演艺术的不断发展以及舞台美术与其他艺术不断的渗透,中国新时期的话剧舞台美术得到迅猛发展。

    With the continuous development of drama performing arts and other arts and stage art , Chinese drama stage art gets continuously rapid development in the new period .

  25. 歌剧产生于16世纪末的意大利,它是一门集戏剧、音乐、舞蹈、诗歌、和舞台美术等于一体的综合艺术形式。

    Opera was produced at the end of 16 century in Italy , which is a integrated artistic form with drama , music , dance , poem and d (?)

  26. 同时,在舞台美术上采取了借用年画和风俗画的风格,在音乐上大胆使用民谣和小曲。

    In the meantime , the style that uses New Year picture and custom picture was adopted on arena art , in musically bold use balladry is mixed ditty .

  27. 作为一种新兴的公共艺术形式,涂鸦艺术具有传统和现代绘画、壁画、宣传画、漫画、卡通艺术、书法、舞台美术等多种艺术成分和功能。

    As a new public art form , graffiti art has a traditional and modern paintings , murals , posters , comics , cartoon art , writing , stage art and other artistic components and functions .

  28. 永靖傩舞戏在舞台美术方而强烈的艺术感染力吸引着人们不断探索,在保留其传统习俗的同时也在适应着当今社会发展的要求。

    The strong artistic appeal in the aspects of stage design of Yongjing Nuo opera has attracted people to explore constantly , for adapting to the requirements of contemporary social development while retaining their traditional customs .

  29. 舞台美术起源戏剧,经过各个时期的变化与改进,在电视领域它的创作手法丰富多彩,有的纵向继承,有的横向借鉴,写意性、装饰性、写实性等各具特色。

    The origin of stage arts theater , after various periods of change and improvement , its creative approach in the television colorful , and some vertical inheritance , some horizontal draw freehand , decorative , realistic distinctive .

  30. 舞台美术设计是现代化创作、新时代发展的需要,也是情感类节目以后的发展历程中需要重视和弥补的。

    Stage Art and Design is not only a modern creation , the needs of a new era of development , but also the future course of development of the emotional type of program need attention and make up .