
  • 网络Dance Techniques
  1. 简论舞蹈技巧的本质特征

    A Discussion About The Essential Characteristic of The Skill of Dance

  2. 他的舞蹈技巧很好,但他需要努力增强体质。

    His dancing technique is good but he needs to work on his fimess .

  3. 试析国标舞华尔兹的舞蹈技巧

    On Skills of Waltz

  4. 她早期的舞蹈技巧比较松散,只是建立在儿童自然的动作的基础上,跑动,跳跃,表演故事,还有大自然中的动作,海浪冲击海岸,树木在风中摆动。她的表现动作只是自然的流露而没有严格的技术指导。

    Her early dance technique was loosely based on the natural movements of children , running , skipping , acting out stories , also on motions from nature , waves crashing onto shore , trees swaying in the wind . Her expressive gestures were motivated from within rather than from being dictated by strict technique .

  5. 没有人会奢望,仅仅通过几节简单的课程就掌握网球、篮球或舞蹈的技巧。

    No one expects to master the skills of tennis , basketball , or the dance by a few easy lessons .

  6. 身韵展现了当今社会的风格,使我们的动作的风格和舞蹈的技巧很好地结合起来,成为了新的舞蹈模式。

    Body rhyme displays current social style , so that our movement style can be combined with dance skill well , becoming new dancing mode .

  7. 在继续挖掘整理传统的民族民间舞蹈的技巧的同时,对已有舞蹈技巧在基本功训练中加强规范的训练,要提炼、吸收、发展新疆各少数民族民间舞蹈,以并做好教材建设工作。

    Not only the continuous collecting of the techniques of the traditional folk dance must be done , but also normalizing the techniques we had in the basic training , and the word of absorbing , developing the ethnic folk dances and unique technical training must be enhanced .

  8. 竞赛上将其划分为两个分项目,舞蹈啦啦队和技巧啦啦队。

    The competition is divided into two points and dance cheerleaders and skills .

  9. 每套动作有音乐伴奏,结合优雅的舞蹈动作和技巧动作。

    Each routine usually runs to piano music , combines elements of dance and acrobatics with grace .

  10. 少年杰克逊是大众瞩目的焦点:他实际上是所有歌曲的主唱、他的舞蹈充满活力和技巧,并且展示出了任何年纪的表演者中都少见的表现力。

    And young Michael was the center of attention : he handled virtually all the lead vocals , danced with energy and finesse , and displayed a degree of showmanship rare in a performer of any age .

  11. 我国发展啦啦操的对策有:在发展内容上,舞蹈啦啦操和技巧啦啦操都是要开展的内容,但要分阶段地进行。

    The countermeasures for the development of our cheerleading are : In the aspect of content , we must develop dance and cheerleading , but we should differentiate the stages of their development and give preference to either .

  12. 舞谱学家的工作包括教舞蹈演员舞蹈动作的技巧和演绎。

    The job of a choreologist entails teaching dancers the technique and performance of dance movements

  13. 谈新疆少数民族舞蹈表演舞蹈教学中技巧的运用

    On Application of Techniques in Xinjiang Ethnic Dance Performance and Teaching

  14. 在作为综合艺术的戏曲、舞蹈中,对武打技巧和舞蹈技巧有很高的要求。

    There is very high requirement to acrobatic fighting and dancing skill in synthetical artistic opera and dance .

  15. 新疆少数民族舞蹈表演与舞蹈教学中,技巧运用与学习应该科学化。

    The application and study of the techniques of ethnic , dance performance and dance teaching should be scientific .

  16. 在东方舞蹈方面,包括国剧身段、民间舞蹈、太极导引;在西方舞蹈方面,则涵盖芭蕾舞与不同风格主流的当代舞蹈技巧。

    Chinese dance , folk dance , and Tai Chi are provided in oriental dance training program , while ballet and other mainstream modern dance skills of various styles are provided in Western one .

  17. 体育舞蹈选手要想给人们带来美的享受,并取得优异的成绩,不仅需要具备良好的身体素质、舞蹈基本功,而且还需要具有体育舞蹈项目本身所特有的舞蹈技巧。

    To make sports dance enjoyable and to achieve great successes , sports dancers not only should possess good physical basic skills but also specific skills of dancing .