
wǔ dǎo jiā
  • dancer
  1. 他是位杰出的舞蹈家/医生/律师。

    He is an eminent dancer / doctor / lawyer .

  2. 她可以算一个舞蹈家。

    She can be counted as a dancer .

  3. 例句:他被认为是本世纪数一数二的舞蹈家。

    He is usually counted among the greatest dancers of the century .

  4. 他的未婚妻是个有前途的青年舞蹈家。

    His fianc é e is a promising young terpsichorean .

  5. 他是做为一个杰出的舞蹈家而出名。

    He is famous as a eximious terpsichorean .

  6. 他是天生的舞蹈家。

    He is a natural dancer .

  7. 他是一位商人,房地产开发商,大学讲师和作家,他还是一位舞蹈家,拥有一个大型舞蹈工作室。他的儿子Corky和孙子Mark追寻着他的足迹进入舞蹈界。

    He was a businessman and property developer . A university lecturer and author . A dancer and dance studio owner whose son Corky and grandson Mark followed in his footsteps into the dance world .

  8. 你们也看过她的作品。有一次,我和Gillian吃午饭,我问她:“Gillian,你是怎样成为舞蹈家的?”说起来很有意思。

    Anyway , Gillian and I had lunch one day and I said , " How did you get to be a dancer ? " It was interesting .

  9. 从20年代到50年代,梅贝尔邀请玛莎·格拉罕姆(MarthaGraham)、安塞尔·亚当斯(AnselAdams)、薇拉·卡瑟(WillaCather)和马斯登·哈特利(MarsdenHartley)等艺术家、舞蹈家和作家来洛斯加洛斯,加入她创立的艺术家村。

    Los Gallos was a place where ( from the 1920s to the 1950s ) Mabel had invited artists , dancers and writers like Martha Graham , Ansel Adams , Willa Cather and Marsden Hartley to participate in the artist colony she had created there .

  10. 所以我们建立了LXD意思是:杰出舞蹈家组成的舞蹈团。

    So , we created the LXD , sort of a & the Legion of Extraordinary Dancers , a justice league of dancers that believe that dance can have a transformative effect on the world .

  11. 简被视为本世纪最伟大的舞蹈家之一。

    Jane was counted among the greatest dancers of the century .

  12. 我要像个舞蹈家一样脚步轻盈。

    I gotta be light on my feet like a dancer .

  13. 这是由舞蹈家协会推出的专场节目。

    It 's a special program performed by the Dancer Association .

  14. 这位舞蹈家说他对犹太族的舞蹈感兴趣。

    The dancer said that she was interested in Jewish dancing .

  15. 简是一名出色的舞蹈家,和她姐姐一样。

    Jane is a fine dancer , as her sister is .

  16. 拌着音乐起舞,我发现自己是天生的舞蹈家。

    Dancing to music , I found myself a born dancer .

  17. 在将来她想成为一名优秀的舞蹈家。

    She wants to be a great dancer in the future .

  18. 我时常梦想成为一个舞蹈家。

    I often dream of ( about ) becoming a dancer .

  19. 和,因此,在1900年左右,舞蹈家创造了一个。

    And , so , around 1900 , dancers created one .

  20. 了解人体生理结构对于舞蹈家来说是很重要的。

    An understanding of human anatomy is important to a dancer .

  21. 要有天分和奉献精神才能成为一流的舞蹈家。

    It takes talent and dedication to become a top dancer .

  22. 他行军礼时碰起鞋后跟来象舞蹈家一样熟练。

    He clicked his heels as perfectly as a dancer does .

  23. 他拜访精神病学家兼舞蹈家柯玛;

    He sees coma , the psychiatrist and the dancer ;

  24. 把我的天鹅服装准备好。俄国女芭蕾舞蹈家巴夫诺娃

    Get my swan costume ready . & Anna Pavlova , Russian ballerina

  25. 我想她们都想当有名的舞蹈家。

    They want to be famous dancer , I think .

  26. 你以前知道她是个著名的舞蹈家吗?

    Did you know that she was a famous dancer ?

  27. 这位歌唱家兼舞蹈家将参加这次晚会。

    The singer and dancer is to attend the party .

  28. 我喜欢跳舞,我想成为一个舞蹈家。

    I enjoy dancing , so I want to be a dancer .

  29. 我相信他有可以成为一个舞蹈家的潜能。

    I believe he has the potential to make a good dancer .

  30. 只有那个锡兵和舞蹈家呆在原地。

    Only the tin soldier and the dancer remained in their places .