
  • 网络properties;stage prop
  1. 他负责全部舞台道具和灯光。

    He is responsible for all the stage props and lighting .

  2. 由于舞台道具有限,演员们就用身体动作表示情景。

    Since there are very few stage props , the actors use body movements to suggest a situation .

  3. 梵剧由繁复的仪式、布景、管弦乐队和舞台道具组成。

    It involves elaborate rituals and compositions , orchestras , and stage properties .

  4. 温克的工具恰好是他的艺术作品,在他的艺术冒险事业当中充当了舞台道具。

    Vink 's tools happen to be his artworks that in his artistic venture act as stage props .

  5. 图中约有1000个人物,其中大部分的服装和舞台道具是由他自己制作或租用的。

    Most of the costumes and stage props for the nearly 1,000 characters depicted in the tableau he made himself or rented .

  6. 传统台湾皮影中8-12寸大小的人物剪影、舞台道具包括家具、自然景观、宝塔。殿堂和树木花草等都是用皮革做成的。

    Traditionally , the eight to12-inch puppet figures , and the stage scenery and props such as furniture , natural scenery , pagodas , halls , and plants are all cut from leather .

  7. 有什么无法容忍的舞台小道具被顾问班子否决的吗?

    Any outrageous stage props that got vetoed by the council ?

  8. 为奥运会所做的改进工程,并非是戏剧演出结束后轻易就可以丢弃的舞台小道具。

    The Olympics upgrades are not disposable stage props that can be easily discarded after the show .

  9. 石家庄大卫魔术道具研发中心,是目前国内最大的舞台魔术道具制做中心。

    David Magic Props R & D Center is located in Shijiazhuang , the capital city of Hebei province with an area of36890 square meters .

  10. 霉霉在低谷时反而接受了蛇,她的舞台、道具、专辑宣传都以蛇为主。

    Swift has embraced the snake during her reputation era , and her stages , merch and album promo have all featured the slithery reptile .

  11. 如果说体育教师和学生是体育与健康教学活动的主角,体育与健康教学环境就是师生活动的舞台、道具和台词,缺乏这些内容,体育与健康教学活动就失去了依托。

    If the teachers and students are main parts of PE teaching , the PE and health teaching environment is the stage , potion thereon accordingly .

  12. 第三章从剧场技巧方面进行比较,包括舞台和道具、舞台经理以及音乐的使用。

    Then in Chapter Three , Theatrical devices in Our Town are demonstrated , including the stage and props , the Stage Manager and the use of music .

  13. 接受问卷调查的十位人员有:导演、编剧、执行导演、男、女主角、服装设计、音乐音效设计、舞台监督、道具制作、迁景工。

    Questionnaire surveyt10staffs : director , screenwriter , executive director , actor , actress , costume designer , music & sound designer , stage manager , props making , workers .