
  • 网络trump;Donald Trump
  1. 唐纳德川普在世界很多地方均拥有股份。

    Donald Trump has business interests all around the world .

  2. 但另外一位知名人物纽约富商唐纳德.川普就不同了。

    But that is not the case for another celebrity figure , New York businessman Donald Trump .

  3. 前曼联U-18队长汤姆。川普知道强年足总杯的卫冕冠军今年还得继续完善自己。

    Former Under-18s captain Tom Thorpe is aware that the FA Youth Cup-winning side need to make the step up this season .

  4. 你以前见过亚伯特。卢卡斯。川普吗?

    Have you ever met an Albert Lucas trimble ?

  5. 汤姆。川普本应进球的,那是一个小禁区的黄金机会。

    Tom Thorpe should have beaten him though , with a golden chance inside the six-yard box .

  6. 地产大亨唐纳‧川普去年五月在苏格兰亚伯丁机场的记者会上发表声明。

    Real estate mogul Donald Trump speaks at a news conference at the Aberdeen Airport in Scotland in May last year .

  7. 川普今年早些时候特意以玩笑的语气谈到了参加明年的总统竞选,此后他在民意调查中受欢迎的程度迅速攀升。

    Trump had a rapid ascent in public opinion polls earlier in the year when he began his flirtation with a presidential run .

  8. 汤姆。川普在后防线上表现抢眼,兰内尔。科尔在攻击线上创造力十足。

    Tom Thorpe shone at the back with a composed centre-back showing , while Larnell Cole was United 's creative spark in attack .

  9. 川普对中国的攻击、对石油输出国组织批评,对一切他认为对美国不利的国际贸易进行的遣责,都让保守派活动人士感到兴奋。

    Trump excited conservative activists with his attacks on China , OPEC and what he felt were bad international trade deals for the United States .

  10. 昆尼皮亚克大学的民意调查员彼得.布朗说,最近的民调显示,川普和前阿拉斯加州长佩林都有严重的公众形像问题。

    Quinnipiac University pollster Peter Brown says recent surveys showed that Trump and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin have some serious image problems with the public .

  11. 已经有好一阵子,青少年一直奉企业家为流行天王偶像,不管是盖兹或川普,几乎和他们崇拜摇滚巨星及运动员一样。

    For some time now , teenagers have been looking to entrepreneurs as pop icons-whether gates or trump-as much as they have to rock stars and athletes .

  12. 川普可能被租借出去继续发展自己,但他还在等经理对他的使用计划。

    A loan exit is a possibility for Thorpe as he continues his development but he 's waiting to discover what plans the manager has in store for him .

  13. 门将萨姆。约翰斯顿、后卫汤姆。川普和射手维尔。基恩都是本届英格兰青年队成员,不过只有基恩参加了周四2-1战胜法国的半决赛。

    Goalkeeper Sam Johnstone , defender Tom Thorpe and striker William Keane have all featured for England at the tournament , although only Keane played in Thursday's2-1 win over France in the semi-final .

  14. 现在他们已经进了一队,现在还有科尔、林嘉德、塔尼克利夫、川普、福莱尔斯和基恩兄弟。

    Now they 've featured in the first team team and , just underneath , there 's the likes of Larnell Cole , Jesse Lingard , Ryan Tunnicliffe , Tom Thorpe , Ezekiel Fryers and the Keanes .

  15. 眼发送笏銮普川在此期间銮普泉以及熟悉和亲切的。

    And intimate familiarity with the eye E Wat Luang Phor Chuen well in that period Luang Phor Chuen .