
  • 网络Paris Hotel;Hotel de Paris;Paris Las Vegas;paris las vegas hotel
  1. 可以,先生。巴黎大酒店。知道对方的电话号码吗?

    Certainly , sir . Paris hotel . Do you know the number ?

  2. 我想给巴黎大酒店打一个电话,我可以不可以打直拨?

    I want to place a call to Paris hotel . Can I dial direct ?

  3. 先生,你要的打到巴黎大酒店的电话,现在接通了,请开始讲话。

    Your call to paris hotel , sir . You are through now . Go ahead , please .

  4. 有几个房间采用19世纪后期风格的墙壁和家具的黑白照片作为壁纸,令人回忆起巴黎古老大酒店的内饰风格。

    Several of the rooms feature wallpaper printed with black-and-white photos of walls and fittings in a late 19th-century style , which recalls the type of interiors synonymous with grand old Parisian hotels .