
  • 网络US Time;american time
  1. 几个月前,政府研究人员发布了最新的美国时间使用调查报告。

    A few months ago , government researchers released the latest American Time Use Survey .

  2. 那来的美国时间休息啊?

    That comes American time rest ?

  3. 《X战警:天启》将于美国时间2016年5月27日上映。

    X-Men : Apocalypse opens May 27 , 2016 .

  4. 新一季的《欢乐合唱团》将会在美国时间9月13日FOX电视网首播。

    The new season of Glee premieres on Thursday , Sept. 13 at 9 / 8c on Fox .

  5. 在今年六月的谷歌开发者大会上,谷歌宣布其头两款安装了AndroidWear的手表正好将于美国时间7月7日开始发货。

    At its developer conference in June , Google revealed that first two Android Wear watches would begin shipping & well , today .

  6. 此次内衣秀将在美国时间12月4日在CBS播出。

    The show airs on CBS December 4 .

  7. 美国时间9月30日上午,微软(Microsoft)发布了其最新旗舰操作系统Windows10技术预览版,并重新引入久违的开始菜单,关于此消息已有诸多报道。

    Much has already been written about Microsoft 's new Windows 10 and the reintroduction of its long-lost Start button after the company unveiled its updated flagship operating system on Tuesday morning .

  8. 美国时间本周四,NBC电视台宣布第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马将在《公园与游憩》本季最后一集中亮相。

    First lady Michelle Obama is going to make an appearance on the season finale of Parks and Recreation , NBC announced Thursday .

  9. 克莉丝汀·斯图亚特拿下了美国时间周日晚举办的MTV电影大奖颁奖礼的第一个大奖。

    Kristen Stewart nabbed the first award of the night at the MTV Movie Awards in Universal City , CA on Sunday .

  10. 在美国时间周一晚间的收盘后交易中,Alphabet股价上涨约6.5%,市值达到5500亿美元,与此同时苹果公司市值为5380亿美元。

    The company 's shares rose around 6.5pc in after-hours trading on Monday night to give Alphabet a market capitalisation of around $ 550bn , compared to Apple 's $ 538bn .

  11. 美国时间周日晚间,在亚洲市场开市之前,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)宣布,美国国会领袖们已达成一项初步协议,将提高债务上限,以避免违约。

    President Barack Obama announced on Sunday night that US Congressional leaders had reached an agreement on a tentative deal that would extend the debt ceiling and avoid a US default , ahead of the opening of Asian markets .

  12. 艾美奖得主凯瑟琳朱斯滕(KathrynJoosten)于美国时间2012年6月1日因肺癌去世,享年72岁。

    Emmy-winning actress Kathryn Joosten died Friday ( June 1 ) from lung cancer . She was 72 .

  13. 吸血鬼日记第四季第一集《成长的痛》美国时间周四晚上在CW台播出,这一集中Elena变成了吸血鬼,Bonnie试图阻止这些,并在结尾做出了惊人举动。

    The Vampire Diaries season 4 premiered Thursday night on the CW 11 in Queens with Growing Pains , which saw Elena 's transition , Bonnie 's attempt to stop it , and a surprising move at the end .

  14. 你没那个美国时间或是能耐可以跟我斗。

    You don 't have the time or the skill .

  15. 美国时间周二早上5点半,第82届奥斯卡奖提名名单新鲜出炉。

    The nominees for the82nd annual Academy Award was announced Tuesday morning .

  16. 停播中的吸血鬼日记第四季将于美国时间4月18日回归。

    The Vampire Diaries Season 4 is on hiatus until April 18 .

  17. 《公园与游憩》第六季最后一集将于美国时间4月24日播出,时长1小时。

    The hour-long Parks and Recreation season 6 finale is set to air April 24 .

  18. 《纸牌屋》第二季将会在美国时间2月14日一次性放出第二季的全部13集。

    House of Cards Season 2 will be released in its entirety on February 14 .

  19. 这是引用科比在周一(美国时间)对阵超音速后评价拜纳姆的原话。

    That 's a quote from Kobe about Andrew Bynum after Monday 's game in Seattle .

  20. 快点这里是美国时间就是钱赶紧赶紧

    Come on now ! This is America . Time is money . Chop , chop !

  21. 美国时间上周日,第47届超级碗在新奥尔良梅赛德斯穹顶体育场举行。

    Beyonce took the stage at halftime of Sunday 's Super Bowl at New Orleans ' Superdome .

  22. 美国时间1月25日,乔纳希尔第三次客串主持《周六夜现场》节目。

    Jonah Hill returned to Saturday Night Live on Jan. 25 to host for the third time .

  23. 截至美国时间昨日午间,世行未就这一提问做出回应。

    As of midday yesterday in the US , the bank was unable to respond to this request .

  24. 美国时间本周日举办的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,主持人休·杰克曼不会成为独个儿载歌载舞的一位。

    Host Hugh Jackman won 't be the only star singing and dancing at Sunday 's Academy Awards .

  25. 梅尔将于美国时间本周二就职,当天雅虎将公布季度业绩。

    She will assume the role on Tuesday , the same day Yahoo is to announce quarterly earnings .

  26. 美国时间上周日,乡村音乐界的大牌们齐聚拉斯维加斯,出席2013年乡村音乐学院奖颁奖典礼。

    Country 's biggest stars gathered in Las Vegas on Sunday for the 2013 Academy of Country Music Awards .

  27. 这位47岁的前参议员将于周二中午(美国时间)在内外交困中就职。如今,美国内有经济危机,外有两场战争。

    The47-year-old former senator takes office at noon Tuesday at a time of economic crisis at home and two wars overseas .

  28. 他说他希望在周二(美国时间)对阵步行者的比赛&湖人连续3场客场比赛的第一场中复出。

    He said he hopes to play Tuesday against the Indiana pacers , the first game on a three-game trip for the lakers .

  29. 根据内部人士透露国王队计划在美国时间本周六召开新闻发布会去宣布这一决定,至于合同金额及其它细节双方仍旧在洽谈当中。

    The Kings planned a news conference Saturday to announce the deal , according to the two people , who spoke on condition of anonymity .

  30. 他们已经准备好去实现夺冠大业,并且用赛季初这个周六(美国时间)的第一个爆炸性交易证明了他们的决心。

    They 're ready to compete for a title , and they proved that Saturday with the first blockbuster trade of the early NBA season .