
liú lànɡ hàn
  • tramp;hobo;bum;vagrant;vagabond;picaroon
流浪汉 [liú làng hàn]
  • [hobo;idler;roamer;vigrant;tramp; sway man; wanderer]为寻找临时工作或为讨饭、或为进行小偷小摸而以游荡为生的人

  • 在厨房门口要东西吃的流浪汉

  1. 这是Sal和大长哈泽的故事,哈泽是他认识的一个流浪汉。

    This is Sal 's story about Big Slim Hazard , a hobo that he once knew .

  2. 是啊,这就是为什么我闻起来像个流浪汉。

    Yeah , that explains why I smell like a hobo .

  3. 流浪汉从深口袋里掏出了一截蜡烛。

    The tramp produced a stump of candle from his deep pockets .

  4. 这座旧庙为流浪汉们遮风挡雨。

    The old temple sheltered the tramps from bad weather .

  5. 流浪汉来自社会最下层。

    Tramps are from the lowest stratum of society .

  6. 博闻广识的老流浪汉让杰基表演着马戏团的绝技,我和我兄弟们都看呆了。

    My brothers and I stared in awe as the knowledgeable old OBO put Jacky through his circus tricks .

  7. 史蒂夫明白流浪汉的意思,感谢他给的忠告,

    Steve understood what the homeless guy meant and thanked him for the good advice ,

  8. “感恩节那天,我们要去一个流浪汉之家帮忙。”

    " We are going to help out at a homeless shelter on Thanksgiving Day . "

  9. 史蒂夫问他:"你后悔吗?"流浪汉回答:“不,这只会伤及我的灵魂。”

    Steve asked him , " Do you regret it ? " the homeless man replied , " No , it just hurts my soul .

  10. 一个流浪汉来到门前讨饭吃。

    A tramp came to the door and asked for food .

  11. 流浪汉辱骂那位赶他走开的人

    The tramp reviled the man who drove him off .

  12. 那悍妇怒骂那流浪汉。

    The virago vomited out curses on that tramp .

  13. 你们可记得我对于自己的家世,不见得比流浪汉的一头狗知道的更多

    You are to remember that I knew no more of my descent than any cadger 's dog .

  14. 但在Kevin离开餐厅后,他却给我们流浪汉买了一个三明治送到门外给他。

    But he buys our homeless a sandwich when he leaves the restaurant .

  15. 萨奇柏林广告公司做了一档名叫《DaysofHope》的节目,节目中请来了流浪汉来播报天气,并讨论这种天气对于他们这种露宿街头的人来说会有怎样的影响。

    Saatchi Saatchi Berlin set up the program , called Days of Hope , in which homeless people deliver the weather forecast and discuss how it affects them while living on the streets .

  16. 不管你是世界500强的CEO,或是邮递员,还是流浪汉,你都身在其中。

    Whether you 're the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or you 're a mailman or you 're homeless , this affects you .

  17. “Bum”这个词在英国英语中既有“臀部”之意,也可指“流浪汉”。

    The word ' bum ' in British English means buttocks as well as vagrant .

  18. 克雷文称“弗莱迪”这一形象取材于真实生活,包括克雷文小时候特别畏惧的一个流浪汉,以及DC漫画里的超级英雄——塑胶侠。

    The inspiration for the character came from many different avenues , including a homeless man , who so frightened Craven as a child that he never forgot him , as well as DC superhero Plasticman .

  19. 但美国今年首个热播视频捧红了一名流浪汉。泰德·威廉姆斯(TedWilliams)用男中音乞讨的视频吸引了全美的注意,并给他带来了不少工作机会。

    But one of America 's first viral videos of2011 has propelled a homeless man , who was filmed begging for money with a baritone-rich radio voice , to national attention and job offers .

  20. 特德•康诺弗(TedConover)从安默斯特学院(AmherstCollege)休学期间与流浪汉一起搭乘货运列车,冒了很多险,最后他把那些经历写进了自己的书《漫无目的地前进》(RollingNowhere)中。

    Ted Conover took plenty of risks when he rode freight trains with hobos during his time off from Amherst College , and eventually wrote about the experience in his book , Rolling Nowhere .

  21. 如果你由这个词联想到的是充满艺术气息与浪漫风情的法国巴黎,如果你最喜欢的外语表达是BelleEpoque,那么其中一些流浪汉的不幸遭遇将会变得更加不堪入目。

    If you associate the French capital city with romance and art and if your favorite foreign expression is Belle Epoque , the sight of some of these unlucky souls will be even more brutal .

  22. Cool:cool(凉爽)这个单词的意思太接近西班牙语的单词culo,是流浪汉的一种粗鲁的说法,最好不要用。

    Cool : The word cool is too close for comfort to the Spanish word culo ' ; a crude term for bum . Best avoided .

  23. 这个女孩被街上的流浪汉吓坏了。

    The girl was scared by the rover on the street .

  24. 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》、《在路上》与流浪汉小说

    Adventure of Huckleberry Finn , on the Road and Picaresque Novel

  25. 这个流浪汉怎么能如此有效地杀人?

    How did this homeless man learn to kill so efficiently ?

  26. 我们得庆祝下忏悔的流浪汉的到来。

    We have to celebrate the arrival of the repented nomad .

  27. (澳大利亚口俚)习惯在日落时分到达的流浪汉。

    ( Australia ) a tramp who habitually arrives at sundown .

  28. 一个饱经风霜的老年流浪汉蜷曲在公园的椅子上。

    A gnarled old tramp lay curled up on apark bench .

  29. 我支持任何想帮助流浪汉的人。

    I 'm with anyone who wants to help the homeless .

  30. 昨天夜里两个流浪汉冻死在公园里。

    Two vagabonds froze to death in the park last night .