
  • 网络the Chapel;Wedding hall;wedding chapel
  1. 我们20分钟后在结婚礼堂见。

    We 'll meet in the chapel in20 minutes .

  2. 即将于1月份步入结婚礼堂的米斯拉正是其中一员。

    That includes people like Somya Misra , who will be getting married in January .

  3. 婚姻最轻易的阶段是在恋爱和步入结婚礼堂。

    The easiest part of marriage is falling in love and walking down the aisle .

  4. 当她款款步入结婚礼堂时,竖琴奏乐,等待她的是着燕尾服帅气逼人的新郎。

    And as she trotted into the room to the wedding march , played by a harpist , she was met by the groom , smartly dressed in a tuxedo .

  5. 这对好莱坞重量级明星情侣在2011年订婚,当时皮特送了50万美元的钻石戒指求婚,并于同年11月表示他们将很快进入结婚礼堂。

    The A-list couple got engaged in 2011 when Brad proposed with a $ 500,000 diamond ring and in November , the actor said they would be walking down the aisle ' soon ' .

  6. 在被誉为“全球最佳结婚地点”的VivaLasVegas结婚礼堂,工作人员为准备结婚的爱侣们提供了40套不同的婚礼服务可选择。

    Those tying the knot at the Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel have 40 different 12 / 12 / 12 wedding packages to choose from .