
  • 网络structured analysis;Structural analysis
  1. 煤库MIS的结构化分析与设计

    Structured Analysis and Design of MIS for Coal Storehouse

  2. 推动基于使用的结构化分析的GUI(活动图)

    Driving GUI based on structured analysis of usage ( Activity charts )

  3. 论文的第四章是DSP控制器的软件设计部分,对软件结构进行结构化分析,具体介绍了软件设计总体思想和软件中各功能模块的设计。

    Chapter four concerns on the software design of the embedded controller of DSP .

  4. 以该方法对拉深件CAD系统进行了结构化分析、结构化设计和结构化程序设计。

    According to the method , CAD system for tube drawing is analyzed , designed and programmed structurally .

  5. 探讨了筒形件拉深模CAD系统的结构化分析与设计方法;

    The structural analysis and design method for a tube drawing die CAD system were discussed in this paper .

  6. 然后在结构化分析的基础上使用ER图方法进行了数据库的概念设计和逻辑设计。

    And then in the ER diagram for the conceptual design and logical design of the database on the basis of structured analysis .

  7. 数据字典(DD)工具是结构化分析方法的重要工具。

    Data Dictionary ( DD ) tool is an important tool for supporting structured analysis .

  8. 相对于传统的结构化分析方法,UML采用基于对象的方法对嵌入式系统进行分析和设计,并由此带来独特的优势。

    Contrary to traditional structure based analysis method , UML adopts object based method to analyze and design embedded system , which brings unique advantages .

  9. 由于传统的结构化分析和设计方法以及面向对象的分析和设计方法不能很好地描述多Agent系统,特别是其自主性和复杂的组织结构,于是产生了面向Agent的分析和设计方法。

    Since the autonomy and complicated organizational structure of MAS cannot be described clearly by traditional structured design method and Object-oriented design method , a new design methodology & Agent Oriented methodology is brought .

  10. 采用结构化分析的方法画出电站现场人员工作管理系统的控制流图(CFG)。

    Using structural analysis method of draw power station site personnel management system control flow graph ( CFG ) .

  11. 从MIS的结构化分析与设计出发,详细地阐述了煤库MIS的开发过程与方法。

    Starting with the structured analysis and design of MIS , the author expounds , in detail , the development and methods for coal storehouse MIS .

  12. 用结构化分析方法分析了各学科数据在MGIS中的处理过程;

    Analyse all treatment course of datum in MGIS with dataflow chat ;

  13. 本文通过对J2EE企业计算平台的结构化分析,论述了利用JSP技术对实现网上考试系统的具体设计与实现,并给出了与数据库连接的代码。

    Analysing the constructivity of enterprise computing platform J2EE , the author expounds design for Web-test system by using JSP technique , and presents relevant codes joining up with data-base .

  14. 本文介绍了一种基于DSP的在线式UPS智能化监控系统的设计和实现方法,采用结构化分析与设计的方法实现了该系统的软件功能。

    The paper introduces design and implementation of an on-line UPS intelligentized supervisory system based on DSP , and software function of the system is realized by adopting Structured Analysis and Design Technique .

  15. 对传统的支持结构化分析(SA)的软件工具中的DFD、DD计算机辅助编辑而言,是新的尝试。

    For the computer-aided edit of DFD and DD in the traditional software tool supporting Structured Analysis ( SA ), it is a try .

  16. 论述了结构化分析工具(HOQ)的构建过程和关联矩阵及其耦合性分析方法。

    The building process of structure analysis tools ( HOQ ) and the method of the associated matrix and its coupling analysis are discussed .

  17. 最后,用大型结构化分析程序NASTRAN对板式橡胶支座与盆式橡胶支座条件下的高架桥空间地震反应进行了分析,并得出了一些有益的结论。

    Finally , 3-D earthquake response of plate rubber bearings and basin rubber bearings of viaduct are analysed by using NASTRAN structural program and some useful conclusions are drawn .

  18. 在分析白车身焊接规划的专家系统时采用的是结构化分析方法。通过结构化分析,编写了专家系统,以及专家系统和CAR仿真软件eM-workplace的接口,完成了焊接规划的焊点规划任务。

    Based on the structure analysis and programmed expert system and interface of expert system and eM-workplace , the planning of robot-station in the process of the body in-white manufacture is solved .

  19. 按照应用于管理决策KBS的原型系统思想,首先在对涉及决策环境进行结构化分析基础上,相继产生结构化情景图和关联图及其它所需文档。

    According to the thought of KBS , basing on the structural analysis of decision situation , the structural situation diagram , dependency diagram and other documents are produced .

  20. 该系统采用结构化分析、结构化设计及结构化编程的方法,用DBASE关系数据库语言开发,在微机IBM&PC/XT上实现。

    By means of the methods of structure analysis , structure design and structure programming and by using the DBASE - ⅲ system , the CAM system was developed on IBM-PC / XT .

  21. 依据棉铃虫灾变预警与防治决策及系统分析原理,采用结构化分析与结构化设计和面向对象的设计方法,应用VB编程开发而成。

    Based on the fundamentals of system analysis and by applying the structural analysis / design and object oriented programming method , a practical computer system of the early warning to cotton bollworm calamity and the auxiliary control decision making with VB6.0 as program language was developed .

  22. IDEF是建立信息模型的有效工具,其基本概念是在结构化分析方法的基础上发展起来的。

    IDEF is a powerful instrument of constructing the information model , and its basic concept is developed on the basis of constructional analysis method .

  23. 其经典的结构化分析结构化设计结构化程序设计(SA-SD-SP)方法已被程序设计者所广泛应用。

    It 's classical Structured Analysis Structured Design Structured Programming ( SA-SD-SP ) also been widely applied by programmer .

  24. 根据高校系级教务管理工作的要求,按照结构化分析与设计的原则,用FOXBASE+开发了一套全新的教务管理信息系统软件。

    According to the need of educational management of a department of college and university , a new kind of educational management information system soft was developed by using FoxBASE + in accordance with the principle of structured analysis and design .

  25. DCR16电脑自动输入/输出控制系统采用结构化分析方法做需求分析的全过程,包括其数据流图的绘制,数据词典、小说明的示例,并结合实例对该方法的优缺点进行了评述。

    This paper describes the whole process in which DCR-16 computer auto-input-output control system performs requirement analyses with an SA method , including DFD making , examples of data dictionaries and instructions . Advantages and disadvantages of this method are evaluated in practice .

  26. 论述了企业现行生产管理系统存在的问题和改进途径,并采用结构化分析工具&数据字典和数据流程图对企业现行生产管理系统的流程进行摸底,提出了开发PMIS系统的目标。

    It interprets the problem and the improving way for present production management information system , and makes use of structured analysis tool-data dictionary and data flow diagram to know the real situation of the present production management system , putting forward the goal of opening up the PMIS .

  27. 对福柯权力观的结构化分析

    Study on Michel Foucault 's View of Power by Structural Method

  28. 镜头探测是视频内容和结构化分析的第一步。

    Shot detection is the first step in video content structured analysis .

  29. 对城市信息化资金投入系统的耗散结构化分析

    Dissipative Structure Analysis on the Money-input System of City Informatization

  30. 播音员镜头探测是实现新闻视频结构化分析的有效途径。

    Anchorperson shot detection is an effective way of news video structuring .