
  • 网络structured analysis
  1. 数据字典(DD)工具是结构化分析方法的重要工具。

    Data Dictionary ( DD ) tool is an important tool for supporting structured analysis .

  2. 本文介绍了一个支持结构化分析方法的需求分析集成环境,主要讨论了其设计思想和系统组成。

    A CASE environment supporting structured analysis for MIS is introduced in this paper .

  3. 相对于传统的结构化分析方法,UML采用基于对象的方法对嵌入式系统进行分析和设计,并由此带来独特的优势。

    Contrary to traditional structure based analysis method , UML adopts object based method to analyze and design embedded system , which brings unique advantages .

  4. 用结构化分析方法分析了各学科数据在MGIS中的处理过程;

    Analyse all treatment course of datum in MGIS with dataflow chat ;

  5. 在分析白车身焊接规划的专家系统时采用的是结构化分析方法。通过结构化分析,编写了专家系统,以及专家系统和CAR仿真软件eM-workplace的接口,完成了焊接规划的焊点规划任务。

    Based on the structure analysis and programmed expert system and interface of expert system and eM-workplace , the planning of robot-station in the process of the body in-white manufacture is solved .

  6. IDEF是建立信息模型的有效工具,其基本概念是在结构化分析方法的基础上发展起来的。

    IDEF is a powerful instrument of constructing the information model , and its basic concept is developed on the basis of constructional analysis method .

  7. DCR16电脑自动输入/输出控制系统采用结构化分析方法做需求分析的全过程,包括其数据流图的绘制,数据词典、小说明的示例,并结合实例对该方法的优缺点进行了评述。

    This paper describes the whole process in which DCR-16 computer auto-input-output control system performs requirement analyses with an SA method , including DFD making , examples of data dictionaries and instructions . Advantages and disadvantages of this method are evaluated in practice .

  8. 结构化分析方法之应用实例&DCR-16电脑自动输入/输出控制系统

    The Practical Application of SA Method & DCR-16 Computer Auto-input / output Control System

  9. 本文阐述了采用结构化分析方法对系统进行分析和设计的过程。

    The paper analyzes how to design the logistics management infomation system with structured analysis method .

  10. 采用结构化分析方法与企业系统规划方法相结合,对铁路运输收入管理信息系统分析和设计的方法进行阐述。

    It was used structured analysis and business system planning method to expound how to analyze and design Railway Transportation Income Management Information System .

  11. 针对上述问题,我们将受限汉语引入需求分析,再结合结构化分析方法辅助需求分析。

    In view of the above question , we combine restricted Chinese which is introduce into requirement analysis with structured analysis to assist requirement analysis .

  12. 运用结构化分析方法分析了售票业务需求、制定了主要票务流程的数据流图,设计了N-层的系统总体架构。

    It analyzes requirements of various ticketing operations using structured analysis , layouts data flow diagrams of ticketing flows and designs n-tier logical architecture of the system .

  13. 以往采用结构化分析方法开发软件系统,许多不成功的案例都是由于开发周期过长而使得开发出的系统已经满足不了用户当前的需求。

    At the past we adopted the structure analysis to develop software system , so most of the unsuccessful cases can not satisfy the client 's actual need because of the long period .

  14. 大豆决策咨询系统设计遵循软件工程的生命周期法,分阶段设计开发,用结构化分析方法提出整个系统概要设计方案。

    The design of soybean decision-making consultation system follows the life cycle standard of software engineering . The system will be exploited in steps and the summary is brought up by using frame-work analytical method .

  15. 在分析大型企业信息化建设项目基本要求的基础上,提出了使用关键成功因素法描述信息系统的信息结构,使用结构化分析方法描述信息系统的系统结构。

    The basic requirements of large scale enterprises about MIS construction are discussed in the beginning . And then , a CSF-based description method of information structure and a SA-based description method of system structure are presented .

  16. 运用结构化分析方法对失业保险的支付业务需求、软件系统功能需求以及软件系统非功能需求进行深入的分析,形成需求分析报告。

    The methods of structured analysis are used to carry on deep analysis about the payment business requirements of the unemployment insurance and functional and nonfunctional requirements of the software system . And the analysis report of the requirements is formed in return .

  17. 运用用例图进行需求分析,建立系统静态结构模型类图和系统动态行为模型状态机图。最后结合结构化分析方法,详细分析了系统的数据流图。

    The design included using use-case diagram to analyse business requirements , designing system static model ( calss diagram ) and dynamic behavior model ( state machine diagram ), combining structured analysis to conduct a detailed analysis of the data flow diagram of the system .

  18. 然后根据企业提出的需求,结合企业的采购、销售和库存的实际业务流程,采用结构化分析方法对企业进销存流程的数据流进行分析研究,并在此基础上设计出了系统的数据库。

    Then the paper analyses data flow of purchase , vendition and stock using structural analysis method combined with enterprise flow of purchase , vendition and stock according to requirement of enterprise . And on the basic of analysis , the database of the system is designed .

  19. 采用结构化分析的方法画出电站现场人员工作管理系统的控制流图(CFG)。

    Using structural analysis method of draw power station site personnel management system control flow graph ( CFG ) .

  20. 第四章:系统分析。本章从可行性、需求、系统定义几个角度对系统进行了全面的分析,使用了结构化的分析方法(SA)得出了本系统的逻辑模型。

    The forth chapter analyzes the system development 's probability , system 's requirement , system definition and gets the logic model of the system using structure analysis method .

  21. 作为IMO推荐的安全评估方法,综合安全评估(FSA)是一种系统化、结构化的分析方法,能够全面、综合的考虑影响安全的各项因素,提出合理、有效的控制方案。

    As the security assessment method recommended by IMO , Formal Safety Assessment ( FSA ) is a systematic and structured analysis method , which can fully consider the various factors affecting the safety . FSA can put forward the reasonable and effective control scheme .

  22. 利用结构化的分析方法进行了系统分析;

    The detail system analysis is made by use of structured analysis method , the logic model of new system is put forward ;

  23. 采用结构化分析设计方法,设计了系统总体功能结构和各个子系统功能结构。

    With the adoption of structural analysis and design method , it designs the overall functional structure of the system as well as the sub-system .

  24. 系统采用结构化系统分析方法对人事管理进行分解和抽象,然后得出人事管理信息系统的数据流程图和实体-关系图。

    System uses a structured method of personnel management system decomposition and abstraction , and then come to the personnel management information system data flow diagram and entity - relationship diagram .

  25. 本文提出了结构化分析的方法,有助于帮助分布式系统的设计者选择最合适的算法结构、系统硬件构成、故障模型、时钟同步质量等。

    This paper will help the designer in choosing the most appropriate structure of algorithm and the best building blocks suited to his / he hardware architecture , failure model , quality of synchronized clocks and so on .

  26. 第1章系统的需求分析先论述了软件工程的基本概念,接着分别介绍了传统的结构化需求分析方法与面向对象需求分析方法,还对本系统目标和系统要求进行了分析。

    Chapter 1 demand analysis of system firstly describes the basic concept of software engineering , then respectively presents the traditional structural demand analysis and object-oriented demand analysis , also makes an analysis of the system targets and the system demands .

  27. 本论文的主要工作包含以下几个方面:(1)描述了水情测报系统的模型,研究了系统的功能目标和性能需求,采用结构化分析的方法进行了分析。

    The main work and achievements are following : ( 1 ) Analyze the automatic flood monitoring system model , research the systematic function goal and performance demand , on this basis , this thesis analyze the system structure with structural analysis method .

  28. 在此基础上,以信息论、集合论的理论基础为指导,通过结构化的分析方法,对设备管理信息系统进行了全面研究,建立了系统总体结构模型和系统设计模型;

    On this foundation , with the theoretical foundation of information theory and set theory to guide , equipment management information system have carried out overall research through structured analysis method , systematic overall structural model and system to design model have established ;

  29. 这套系统采用结构化系统的分析方法,体系结构为C/S模式。

    The structured design method is adopted in programming the relevant software of this dissertation , whose architecture is C / S mode .

  30. 探讨了筒形件拉深模CAD系统的结构化分析与设计方法;

    The structural analysis and design method for a tube drawing die CAD system were discussed in this paper .