
jī jǐn
  • famine;crop failure
饥馑 [jī jǐn]
  • [famine;crop failure;distitution] 灾荒;荒年。五谷收成不好叫饥。蔬菜和野菜吃不上叫馑

  • 因之以饥馑。--《论语.先进》

  1. 从海地(Haiti)地震至非洲之角(HornofAfrica)的饥馑,以及以色列(Israel)的毁灭性大火,我们经验丰富并富有才智的专业救援人员为当地需求最紧迫的人员送去了援助。

    From earthquakes in Haiti to famine in the Horn of Africa and devastating fires in Israel , our experienced and talented emergency professionals deliver assistance to those who need it most .

  2. 美国的援助缓解了日本战败后的饥馑。

    American aid helped to ease the humiliation of Japanese defeat .

  3. 饥馑来自田畦,疾病来自河流。

    Hunger arising from the furrow , and disease from the stream .

  4. 那个国家的人民濒于饥馑的边缘。

    People in that country are living on the verge of starvation .

  5. 为何在暗中憔悴,忍受着饥馑,

    Why dost thou pine within and suffer dearth ,

  6. 亦无饥馑贫乏之忧。

    He will not suffer from hunger and poor .

  7. 他们因那年严冬的饥馑与瘟疫而发狂。

    They are craze by the famine and pestilence of that bitter winter .

  8. 盛宴和饥馑的循环

    that experience cycles of feast and famine .

  9. 新闻、兵、和平、饥馑、骚乱、回纹针的价值。

    The news , war , peace , famine , upheaval , the price per paper clip .

  10. 预计今后几个月饥馑将横扫索马里南部整个地区。

    It predicts that famine conditions will grip all areas of southern Somalia within the next few months .

  11. 这制造了资源的巨大不平衡,并在人类的贫穷和饥馑中被反映出来。

    This creates massive imbalances in resources , which is reflected as poverty and starvation of the human species .

  12. 日趋频繁的干旱和粮荒在饥馑和战乱已然深重的地区进一步加深了灾难。

    More frequent droughts and crop failures breed hunger and conflict in places where hunger and conflict already thrive .

  13. 当地球平衡了资源,让足够多雨水降落在每一个地区的时候,没有地区将再会饥馑。

    As earth balances her resources with enough rain falling upon each region , no region will starve again .

  14. 人民虽然没有立即濒于饥馑的危险,但经济发展的前途非常渺茫。

    While the people were not in imminent danger of starving , the prospects for economic development were slim indeed .

  15. 所以我们看到的悲惨现象就是:当美国为了能源而把食物(玉米)「烧掉」时,世界贫穷地区的人民却因为饥馑挣扎在生死边缘。

    This has led to a terrible situation in which the world 's poor starves as the United States literally burns food .

  16. 当最贫穷和最饥馑的地方停止再贫穷饥馑之时,那么那些极富者也将会在极性反平衡中减少。

    As the poorest and starving cease to be poor and starve , the vast wealth shall also diminish in polar counterbalance .

  17. 据最近的一项评估,预期饥馑将于未来数周内进一步扩展至索马里南部地区。

    Famine is expected to spread more widely through southern Somalia in the weeks to come , according to one recent assessment .

  18. 在饥馑仍在肆虐的地方,以马内利啊,求你展开翅膀,佑护你的儿女免于野有饿殍!

    Where famine yet rages , I entreat you , O Immanuel , spread your wings , protect your children from starvation !

  19. 其后的探险者发现,有证据表明弗兰克林的队员甚至不得不靠食人肉来求存活,但由于饥馑、疾病的双重围困,加之暴露于严寒之下,最终无一生还。

    Later explorers found evidence that Franklin 's men had resorted to cannibalism before they finally died of hunger , disease and exposure .

  20. 大自然王国为那时地球上的人类提供了充足食物,没有饥馑和缺乏。

    The nature kingdoms provided adequately for the number of humans then present upon Earth ; there was no starvation , nor lack .

  21. 宋体>在玫瑰绽放的日子,爱情是醉人的醇酒,&一旦花残红谢,它就成为饥馑中的食物。

    In the bounteous time of roses love is wine , & it is food in the famished hour when their petals are shed .

  22. 那就把你背包里的书拿出来作为指导吧,你将找到一系列可吃的植物和种子,帮你避过饥馑。

    Using the book you packed as a guide , you will find a range of edible plants and weeds that will stave of starvation .

  23. 以上所举,殆为战争中之轻微困苦;若一念及世界上许多地方尚有饥馑流行,则更觉上述困苦之为轻微。

    These admittedly are the minor hardships of war , especially when we pause to consider that in many parts of the world , starvation prevails .

  24. 在非洲,由于缺乏降水来生产足够多食物维生,所以发生了许多饥馑贫困及饥荒。

    Much of the hunger and poverty along with starvation of humans occurs in Africa due to a lack of waterfall to produce enough food to subsist .

  25. 仍然将会有一些人得到更多,而有一些人得到更少,但是当捕获一个更为平衡的梦想之时,前方将不再出现有饥馑。

    There still may be some with more and some with less ; but there will be no starvation ahead and as a more balanced dream catches .

  26. 新增的月亮,也令气候越来越不平衡,造成了之前从未有过的干旱和随后的饥馑,随之而来的就是针对资源所引发的冲突。

    The added moon also caused the weather to become increasingly imbalanced leading to droughts where there had been none before and then starvation and conflict over resources that followed .

  27. 接下来,面临饥馑的人越来越多;资源争夺愈演愈烈;贫富对峙日趋明朗。

    Followed are more and more people who are facing starvation , battles for resources that are increasingly fierce and the clarity of confrontation between the rich and the poor .

  28. 农业文化的精神体现在《诗经》的饥者劳者之歌中,土地制度不断变化,农人一直生活得很艰辛,劳动的欢乐少见,而饥馑的忧患甚多。

    The spirit of agricultural culture is embodied in the Book of Songs with the continuous change of land system , farmers living a rather hard life , less pleasure , more starvation .

  29. 而且,在澳洲殖民地的摇篮时代,那些移民者数度由于幸遇捕鲸船停泊在他们的海面上,施舍给他们硬面包,才得免于饥馑。

    Moreover , in the infancy of the first Australian settlement , the emigrants were several times saved from starvation by the benevolent biscuit of the whale-ship luckily dropping an anchor in their waters .

  30. 这一下了可不得了,不知多少地方,由于女神的愤怒,变得颗粒无收,到处都弥漫着饥馑和灾荒的绝望气氛。

    This look can be very , I do not know how many places , because of the anger of the goddess and become erected everywhere hunger and famine filled with an atmosphere of despair .