
jī huang
  • famine;hunger;conflict;crop failure;trouble;debt;dispute;be hard up;quarrel;be short of money;crop failure destitution;be in financial difficulties
饥荒 [jī huāng]
  • (1) [crop failure distitution;famine]∶荒歉

  • 严重的饥荒之苦

  • (2) [be in financial difficulties;be hard up;be short of money]∶比喻经济困难

  • 闹饥荒

  • (3) [debt] [口]∶指债

  • 拉饥荒

  • (4) [trouble]∶麻烦事;祸患

  • 不意一时失算,娶了个郭氏,弄出天大的饥荒。-- 清. 李百川《绿野仙踪》

  • (5) [quarrel;dispute;conflict]∶争吵;理论;矛盾

  • 等他晚上果然来的时候,我们店里就好合打饥荒了。--《儿女英雄传》

饥荒[jī huang]
  1. 许多爱尔兰人在饥荒时期迁徙到美国。

    Many Irish people went over to America during the famine .

  2. 她的祖父母是在饥荒时期从爱尔兰迁移过来的。

    Her grandparents came over from Ireland during the famine .

  3. 几星期来的干旱再次引起了群众对大饥荒的恐慌。

    These weeks of drought have once again raised the spectre of widespread famine .

  4. 最后这批口粮一旦用完,国家又要面临饥荒。

    Once these latest rations run out , the country will again face hunger and starvation .

  5. 音乐会的收入将用于救助饥荒。

    The proceeds from the concert will go towards famine relief .

  6. 成千上万的难民陷于战争、旱灾和饥荒之中。

    Thousands of refugees are trapped by war , drought and famine

  7. 旱灾和饥荒夺去了这里200万人的生命。

    Drought and famines have killed up to two million people here .

  8. 这不是为赈济饥荒的又一次募捐。

    This is not another appeal for famine relief .

  9. 索马里北部的大部分地区逃过了这场饥荒。

    Northern Somalia was largely spared from the famine .

  10. 内战阻碍着救援机构对饥荒赈济物资的配给。

    The civil war is obstructing distribution of famine relief by aid agencies .

  11. 饥荒再次席卷了那个蒙昧的国家。

    Famine hit that benighted country once more .

  12. 我们可以运送物资,努力解决饥荒中最关键的问题。

    We can deliver supplies and work to break the back of the famine .

  13. 饥荒可能会导致该大洲人口剧减。

    The famine threatened to depopulate the continent .

  14. 一场饥荒开始了,再加上战争,夺走了几百万条生命。

    A famine started which , together with the war , carried away millions of lives

  15. 至少25万人死于这场战斗和由此引发的饥荒。

    At least a quarter of a million people have died in the fighting and the resultant famines .

  16. 那个国家20%左右的居民饱受饥荒之苦。

    About 20 % of that country 's population is afflicted by famine .

  17. 战争导致死亡和饥荒。

    War brings death and famine .

  18. 解放前每年有许多人在饥荒中死亡。

    Many people died during famines every year before liberation .

  19. 饥荒迫在眉睫。

    Famine stared us in the face .

  20. 数千人死于饥荒。

    Thousands died of famine .

  21. 发生了饥荒。

    A famine broke forth .

  22. 有些非洲人正在承受着饥荒、疫病及其他不幸。

    Some Africans are suffering from famine , pestilence and other evils .

  23. 我们给饥荒赈济基金捐了款。

    We made a contribution to the famine relief fund .

  24. 一九三四年中国发生过一次大饥荒。

    In1934 , there was a severe famine in china .

  25. 战争,饥荒和水灾都是可怕的灾难。

    War , famine and flood are terrible evils .

  26. 那年,成千上万的人死于饥荒。

    That year thousands of people died of famine .

  27. 那时候我家月月闹饥荒。

    My family ran short of cash month after month in those days .

  28. 饥荒时许多人逃往他乡。

    Many men deserted during the food shortage .

  29. 快到发工资那几天他就闹饥荒。

    He 's always hard up before payday .

  30. 但他也在一个更基本的层面上工作:他的工作人员向人们展示如何在雨季制造浮动园圃和鱼塘来避免饥荒。

    But he is also working at a far more fundamental level : his staff show people how to make floating gardens and fish ponds prevent starvation during the wet season .