
  • 网络the Jutes;Jute
  1. 第一章,盎格鲁撒克逊人或曰朱特人发生什么了。

    Chapter 1 . Anglo-Saxon or whatever happened to the Jutes .

  2. 居住在朱特兰岛(现丹麦南部)上从事打渔农耕的朱特人先抵达不列颠。

    The Jutes , who fished and farmed in Jutland , came to Britain first .

  3. 五世纪中叶,朱特人、撒克逊人和盎格鲁人不断入侵不列颠。

    In the mid-5th century a new wave of invaders , Jutes , Saxons , and Angles came to Britain .

  4. 罗马人撤走后,欧洲北部的盎格鲁人、萨克逊人、朱特人相继入侵并定居。

    After the withdrawal of the Romans , northern Europe , the Anglo-Saxons , Jutes have been invaded and settlers .

  5. 之后,来自欧洲大陆的三个部落盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人入侵不列颠。

    Then three Germanic tribes from the European mainland - the Angles , the Saxons and the Jutes - invaded Britain .

  6. 古英语,也叫盎格鲁撒克逊语,是欧洲大陆一些古日耳曼部族(盎格尔人、撒克逊人、朱特人和弗里斯人)陆续迁移到不列颠岛,带来的各自的方言融合而成的语言。

    Old English : Old English , or Anglo-Saxon , was a mix of the dialects brought from the European continent to Britain by some old Germanic tribes , the Angles , the Saxons , the Jutes and the Frisians .