
  • 网络Henry I;Henri I;King Henry I;Heinrich I
  1. 英格兰国王亨利一世勇敢而又英明。

    King Henry I ( 1068-1135 ) was a brave warrior but also wise .

  2. 中世纪德意志王国从公元919年亨利一世被选为国王开始,他的城市法的发展便跟欧洲其他一些国家城市法的发展情况大致相同。

    After Henry I was elected as the king of the Germany Empire during middle ages from . D. 919 year , the development of its city law is approximately the same with that of other European city laws .

  3. 这事件恰好发生在亨利一世即位的时候。

    This event occurred just at the accession of Henry the first .

  4. 亨利一世即位后,随着王田岁入的的折钱征收及王权对国库控制的加强,财政署兴起并取代了国库的地位。

    After it , Treasury and Exchequer were seperated from the Household in order to control finance for the kingship .