
  • 网络HENRY VII;King Henry VII;Henry VII of England
  1. 理查三世去世后,亨利七世要求继承英国王位。

    When King Richard III died , Henry VII claimed the English throne .

  2. 亨利七世资助过一位佛兰德斯的艺术家马布斯。

    Henry VII patronized a Flemish artist , mabuse .

  3. 我站在亨利七世礼拜堂的入口处。

    I stood before the entrance to Henry the Seventh 's chapel .

  4. 它让亨利七世变成了斯克罗吉式的人物,寂寞地度过了他生命的最后几年;

    It consigns Henry VII to the Scroogeish , lonely twilight of his last years ;

  5. 在第一部分里,笔者阐述了亨利七世当时所处的时代背景。

    In the first part , I illustrated Henry Vll 's background of the times .

  6. 从里奇蒙德伯爵到亨利七世&都铎首君述论之一

    From Earl of Richmond to Henry Vll

  7. 亨利七世统治时期,法国是欧洲大陆强国。

    During the reign of Henry VII , France was a powerful country in Europe .

  8. 亨利七世的财政政策

    Henry ⅶ 's Financial Policies

  9. 在英国国王亨利七世的大力支持下,英国都铎王朝早期的航海探险活动揭开了历史的帷幕。

    Under the support of King Henry ⅶ, the voyage exploration in early Tudor raised a historical purdah .

  10. 亨利七世统治时期,西班牙和法国一样,也是欧洲大陆强国。

    During the reign of Henry VII , Spain was also a very powerful country in Europe just like France .

  11. 然后就是亨利七世和亨利八世的多事之秋,国家没钱到外国去冒险。

    Then had come the busy years of Henry VII and Henry VIII when there had been no money for foreign explorations .

  12. 人们对亨利七世的儿子亨利八世记忆最深的是他先后有六个妻子。

    Henry VIII , son of Henry VII , is usually remembered as the English king who had six wives one after another .

  13. 其它主要的遗迹包括剑桥国王学院的小礼拜堂(1446~1515),以及西敏寺内亨利七世的小礼拜堂。

    Other major monuments include King 's College Chapel , Cambridge ( 1446-1515 ), and the chapel of Henry VII in Westminster Abbey .

  14. 亨利七世使英王的权威显著加强,堪称英国的第一位新君主。

    Henry ⅶ strengthened king 's authority remarkably . Thus he may be rated as the first " new monarch " in England history .

  15. 随后,它很快地传到了英国,那时亨利七世和八世是网球的痴迷者,他们还下令建造很多网球场地。

    It soon spread to England , where both Henry VII and Henry VIII were avid players who promoted the building of more courts .

  16. 而且,玛丽不仅仅有着斯图亚特王室血统,她从曾祖父亨利七世那里也继承了都铎王室血统。

    What 's more , Mary was not only a Stuart , she was also a Tudor through her great grandfather , Henry VII .

  17. 从欧文都铎传下来的英国王室;都铎君王从亨利七世统治到伊丽莎白一世(1485-1603)。

    An English royal family descended from Owen Tudor ; Tudor monarchs ruled from Henry VII to Elizabeth I ( from 1485 to 1603 ) .

  18. 都铎王朝的开创者亨利七世为了巩固统治,采取了一系列财政措施扩大收入。

    In order to consolidate his rule , the founder of Tudor dynasty Henry VII took a series of financial steps to increase his revenue .

  19. 亨利七世小教堂(约1503年始建)采用垂直哥德式,以其扇形拱顶著称。右手放在左手上拱手,稍稍躬身而行礼。

    The chapel of Henry VII ( Begun c. 1503 ) is noted for its exquisite fan vaulting . we put the right hand over the left and bow slightly .

  20. 除了前言和结束语外,本论文正文共分三部分,分别阐述了亨利七世当时所处的时代背景以及对法国、西班牙的外交政策。

    Apart from the prelude and conclusion , this thesis comprises three parts , illustrating Henry Vll 's background of the times and his foreign policies towards France and Spain respectively .

  21. 约克角家族(白玫瑰)和兰凯斯特家族(红玫瑰)为争夺英国王位而发起的最终以亨利七世都锋就职君主为结局的战争。

    The name the Wars of Roses was referring to the battles between the great house of Lancaster , symbolized by the red rose , and that of York , symbolized by the white .

  22. 1494年,查理八世入侵意大利,这在欧洲大陆历史上是一个转折点。亨利七世统治时期,西班牙和法国一样,也是欧洲大陆强国。

    In 1494 , Charles VIII invaded Italy , which was a turning-point in continental history . During the reign of Henry VII , Spain was also a very powerful country in Europe just like France .

  23. 根据下面的图片,亨利七世很可能成为一个商人,每周工作四小时,莎士比亚可能拿着一个笔记本,伊丽莎白一世显然会从蒂尔达•斯温顿那获取时尚建议。

    According to the images below , Henry VII would likely be a businessman doing a four-hour work week , Shakespeare would probably own a Moleskine and Elizabeth I would clearly take fashion tips from Tilda Swinton .