
  • Maria;Mariah;Mariah Carey
  1. 喂,我是玛丽亚∙迪亚兹。

    Hello , this is Maria Diaz .

  2. 我的名字叫玛丽亚。

    My name is Maria .

  3. 你好,玛丽亚。

    Hello , Maria .

  4. 玛丽亚正用儿语和小家伙说话。

    Maria was talking baby talk to the little one .

  5. 他和埃莉诺聊了聊,而没搭理玛丽亚。

    He addressed his remarks to Eleanor , ignoring Maria .

  6. 玛丽亚穿一袭白色节裙,一动裙子就窸窣作响。

    Maria wore a layered white dress that rustled when she moved .

  7. “你好,玛丽亚,”他说,这让她脸上又泛起了红晕。

    ' Hello , Maria , ' he said , and she blushed again

  8. 和她一样,玛丽亚也是天主教徒。

    Like her , Maria was a Roman Catholic .

  9. 他把一只手搭在玛丽亚的肩上。

    He had his hand on Maria 's shoulder .

  10. 玛丽亚为出席那次活动烫了头发。

    Maria had curled her hair for the event

  11. 金的母亲同意为玛丽亚担保,好让她找份工作。

    Kim 's mother agreed to vouch for Maria and get her a job .

  12. 玛丽亚对两个孩子都疼爱有加,向来一视同仁。

    Maria loved both the children . There was never a hint of favouritism .

  13. 玛丽亚的眼中噙满了泪水。

    Maria 's eyes filled with tears .

  14. 玛丽亚,你以前一向很注重实效。

    You were always so practical , Maria

  15. 她的尖嗓门实在让玛丽亚很恼火。

    Her high voice really irritated Maria .

  16. 老玛丽亚跪在壁炉前的空地上,扇着闷燃的炉火。

    Kneeling in front of the open hearth , old Maria was fanning the smoldering fire

  17. 最亲爱的玛丽亚,我没有遵守承诺回来,是不是很差劲?

    Dearest Maria , Aren 't I terrible , not coming back like I promised ?

  18. 埃尔茜得知玛丽亚身体不适,就不停地给她弄吃的。

    Elsie , who had been told that Maria wasn 't well , plied her with food

  19. 玛丽亚15岁的时候就已经在追求年龄比自己大一倍的男人了。

    By the time she was fifteen Maria was already running after men twice her age .

  20. 玛丽亚给了他一个飞吻。

    Maria blew him a kiss

  21. 他于是相信他和玛丽亚也许还有希望在一起。

    He has been given to believe that there may be a future for him and Maria together .

  22. “他就要搬来住了,”玛丽亚说,“那么就这么定了。”

    ' He 's moving in here , ' Maria said . ' So that 's the end of the matter . '

  23. 克服了起初的羞怯之后,玛丽亚变得十分友善。

    After overcoming her initial shyness , Maria became very friendly .

  24. 玛丽亚本能地垂下头,以免被人认出。

    Maria bent her head instinctively to avoid being recognized .

  25. 玛丽亚现在才8岁,就会打扮。

    Now , just eight years old , maria can dress herself .

  26. 玛丽亚今天准时到达,那是不寻常的事情。

    Maria arrived on time today . that 's one for the book !

  27. 该校校长玛丽亚说,汉语将来将成为一门全球语言,他们开设这门课程是因为许多学生都要求开设这门课程。

    Maria , director of the school , said Chinese will become a globallanguage in the future and they set up the course because many students had asked for it .

  28. 玛丽亚在聚会上滔滔不绝。

    Maria talked a blue streak at the party .

  29. 玛丽亚脉脉含情地垂下了眼睛。

    Maria drooped her eyes languishingly .

  30. 玛丽亚•格拉卡斯•福斯特(MariadasGraçasFoster)并非等闲的巴西企业高管。

    Maria das Gra ç as Foster is no average Brazilian executive .