
Mǎ Lì
  • Mary
  1. 玛丽说得很在理。

    There 's a lot of sense in what Mary says .

  2. 老天爷作证,玛丽,我不是开玩笑。

    Honest to God , Mary , I 'm not joking .

  3. 她懊悔跟玛丽失去了联系。

    She was sorry that she 'd lost contact with Mary .

  4. 如果他选择玛丽,肯定要招来后患。

    If he chooses Mary it 's bound to cause problems .

  5. 玛丽的红头发在学校里总是很惹眼。

    Mary 's red hair always made her conspicuous at school .

  6. 记得吧,玛丽总是喜欢动物。

    If you remember , Mary was always fond of animals .

  7. 见到玛丽代我向她问好。

    Give my love to Mary when you see her .

  8. 那不可能是玛丽——她在纽约呢。

    That can 't be Mary ─ she 's in New York .

  9. 玛丽说他气得发疯,把房间里的东西都砸碎了。

    Marie says he went crazy , and smashed the room up .

  10. 我得写信感谢玛丽送给我这份礼物。

    I must write and thank Mary for the present .

  11. 玛丽生了个健康的女婴。

    Mary gave birth to a healthy baby girl .

  12. 玛丽说起要另找一份工作。

    Mary is talking of looking for another job .

  13. 你是说安∙史密斯,还是说玛丽∙史密斯?

    Do you mean Ann Smith or Mary Smith ?

  14. 玛丽总是精力充沛。

    Mary 's always got plenty of go .

  15. 家里的事玛丽说了算。

    Mary is the decision-maker in the house .

  16. 玛丽是一名有天赋的运动员,但发挥不稳定。

    Mary is a gifted but erratic player .

  17. 玛丽难为情地冲她咧嘴一笑。

    Mary gave her a sheepish grin .

  18. 玛丽拒绝了托尼的挑逗。

    Mary rejected Tony 's amorous advances .

  19. 随后玛丽走了进来,我们刚才还在谈论她呢。

    And then Mary , who we had been talking about earlier , walked in .

  20. 玛丽总是最殷勤的女主人。

    Mary was always the perfect hostess .

  21. 玛丽讲起话来,别人谁也插不上嘴。

    When Mary starts talking , no one else can get a word in edgeways .

  22. 这孩子受洗时取名玛丽。

    The child was christened Mary .

  23. 我本该邀请玛丽吗?

    Should I have invited Mary ?

  24. 玛丽激动得不能自持。

    Mary was overcome with emotion .

  25. 我可以邀请玛丽吗?

    Can I invite Mary ?

  26. 她受洗时取名为玛丽。

    She was baptized Mary .

  27. 玛丽在楼上。

    Mary 's upstairs .

  28. 我最终还是不必去银行了——玛丽借我钱了。

    I didn 't need to go to the bank after all ─ Mary lent me the money .

  29. 她的名字叫玛丽。我不知道她姓什么。●Iftwopeopleareonfirst-nameterms,theyknoweachotherwellenoughtocalleachotherbytheirfirstnames,ratherthanhavingtouseamoreformaltitle.(因相熟而)直呼其名,以名相称

    Her first name was Mary . I don 't know what her surname was .

  30. 玛丽承袭了向别人赠送植物的家族传统。

    Mary has carried on the family tradition of giving away plants