
  • Anna;Anne;Ana Jarvis
  1. 安娜觉得我懒——你说呢?

    Anna thinks I 'm lazy ─ what do you say ?

  2. 通过与安娜相处,他明白了爱意味着什么。

    With Anna he learned the meaning of love .

  3. 哪来的什么“史密斯夫人”那一套?叫我安娜好了。

    What 's all this ' Mrs Smith ' stuff ? Call me Anna .

  4. “我不知道。”安娜耸耸肩膀,应了一句。

    ‘ I don 't know , ’ Anna replied , shrugging her shoulders .

  5. 下班后安娜会开车送我回家。

    Anna will drive me home after work .

  6. 汤姆迷上了安娜。

    Tom 's very keen on Anna .

  7. 安娜茫然不解地读了那封信。

    Anna read the letter with incomprehension .

  8. 我们到处都找不到安娜。

    Anna was nowhere to be found .

  9. 安娜悄悄把手伸过去,让他握住。

    Anna slipped her hand into his .

  10. “什…什么?”安娜气急败坏地说。

    ' W-What ? ' sputtered Anna .

  11. 他把球抛给了安娜。

    He tossed Anna the ball .

  12. 安娜总是攻击其他孩子,把他们推倒。

    Anna is always attacking other children , pushing them over .

  13. 安娜是模特界的新秀。

    Anna is a rising star in the world of modelling .

  14. 她17岁生日刚过便生下了安娜贝尔。

    She gave birth to Annabel just after her seventeenth birthday .

  15. 安娜和罗斯玛丽来时提着很多的大包小包和装了食物的篮子。

    Anna and Rosemary arrived burdened by bags and food baskets .

  16. 安娜的坚强源自于她的父母和姐姐们。

    Anna 's strength is derived from her parents and her sisters

  17. 安娜,住手。马上坐下。

    Anna , stop that . Sit down this minute .

  18. 安娜和我对巨额融资都不感兴趣。

    Neither Anna nor I are interested in high finance .

  19. 安娜穿着亚麻长袍,衬出其棕色的皮肤,显得十分高贵。

    Anna looked tanned and majestic in her linen caftan .

  20. 他马上开始给安娜写回信。

    He started at once to compose a reply to Anna

  21. 安娜努力装出感兴趣的样子。实际上,她腻烦透了。

    Anna tried to look interested . Actually , she was bored stiff

  22. 安娜与几个建筑商有过接洽,并且很幸运地碰到了埃迪。

    Anna approached several builders and was fortunate to come across Eddie .

  23. 没有安娜的生活毫无情趣,单调乏味,不可忍受。

    Life without Anna had no savour , was tedious , insupportable .

  24. 哈里的手稍一放松,安娜便挣脱出来。

    Harry loosened his grip momentarily and Anna wriggled free

  25. 安娜于1923年出生在曼彻斯特的郊区阿德维克。

    Anna was born in 1923 in Ardwick , a suburb of Manchester .

  26. 她张开双臂向安娜走过来。

    She came to Anna her arms outstretched .

  27. 下面是我要做的:我要给安娜打电话解释清楚。

    This is what I will do . I will telephone Anna and explain .

  28. 安娜在夏天参加了课程终结考试。

    Anna sat her finals in the summer .

  29. 人人都认为安娜贝尔太目中无人。

    Everyone thought Annabel was being snooty .

  30. 地址是安娜的笔迹。

    The address was in Anna 's handwriting