
ān quán ɡōu
  • Safety hook;carabiner
  1. 隐藏的的安全钩扣让它安全的扣在您的手上。

    A hidden clasp with a security latch keeps it securely in place .

  2. 等5分钟,别忘了放开安全钩。

    Give it five minutes . don 't forget to unlock the safety catches .

  3. 装配工人和发信号的人也需要标准的培训和测试,以确保安全下钩。

    Riggers and signal persons also need standard training and testing to ensure safety under the hook .

  4. 为保证起重机的使用安全,钩头动态电子秤受到了工矿企业与港口码头的普遍重视。

    Wide attention is paid to electronic load scale attached to crane hook to insure safe crane operation .

  5. 结论:颈椎前路减压的安全区域可以双侧钩突前角为解剖标志,在此之间手术比较安全。

    Conclusion : Bilateral anterior feet of uncinate process can be anatomically marked as lateral borders of safe anterior decompression of the lower cervical vertebrae .