
yā suō bǐnɡ ɡān
  • Compressed biscuit;hard tack;ship biscuit;pilot bread
  1. 我知道自己的脾气,像压缩饼干一样又冷又硬,常常惹你生气,其实那并不是我的本意。

    I know his temper , like hard tack as cold and hard , and often you angry , in fact , that 's not my intention .

  2. 压缩饼干中糖类优化及其功能性评价

    Optimization of Sugar in Compressed Biscuit and Evaluation of Its Function

  3. 添加复配混合糖浆制成的压缩饼干比现用压缩饼干的供能时间更持久。

    The compressed biscuits made with complex admixture syrup could provide energy for a longer time than the normal compressed biscuits .

  4. 在中国高等教育从精英教育到大众教育的压缩饼干式的跨越过程中,地方性大学在迅猛发展的同时也累积了众多的问题。

    In the rapid and premature transition from elite education to mass education in Chinese higher education settings , local universities accumulated many problems with its rapid development .

  5. 医学高职高专的人才培养目标决定了其医德教育模式不能等同于医学本科生和研究生的医德教育,也不应当是其压缩饼干。

    Different form common college , the model of medical ethics education is due to the aim of talent-training , and meanwhile , it should not be the mini-format of common college .

  6. 过去的压缩饼干和牛肉罐头变成了现在的奥利奥夹心饼干,泰国咖喱饭和鲑鱼意大利面片。这些食品可以为士兵提供一天所需的最少4000大卡的热量。

    Gone are biscuit brown and bully beef and in their place are Oreo cookies , Thai green curry and salmon pasta meals designed to provide troops with the minimum 4,000 calories a day they need .