
  • 网络reduction;compression;Deflection
  1. 多元羧酸类化合物对木材大压缩量变形的固定作用

    Fixation of Heavy Compression Deformation of Wood Treated with Polycarboxylic Acids

  2. 自平衡试验等效转换的附加压缩量修正

    Additional Compression Modification of Equivalent Conversion from Self-balanced Test

  3. 负反馈提高高阻恒流源驱动的LED的输出光场噪声压缩量

    Enhancing the number-noise squeezing of output light of a LED driven by high-impedance constant-current source using negative feedback

  4. 但是一旦非稳态扩展出现,初始压力P和压缩量u便突然下降。

    But when the unstable cracking was happening , the pressure P and compression value u dropped down suddenly .

  5. 当对玻璃加载到初始压力P和压缩量u时,停止加载,并观察稳态扩展过程,测量破裂扩展的速度。

    When the load on a piece of glass was up to a presure P or compression to a value u , we stopped loading and observed the stable cracking process and measured the cracking velocity .

  6. 当包套TiAl合金的名义相对压缩量为30%时,TiAl合金块的实际最大相对压缩量为50%,TiAl合金和微观组织被拉长、压扁。

    The highest actual deformation of TiAl alloy was 50 % with nominal deformation of 30 % with 45 # steel as wrap , and the grains were elongated and flattened .

  7. 新技术,如ATT的XMill,声称在几乎同样的时间内可以完成GZIP压缩量的两倍。

    New technology , like ATT 's XMill , claims twice the compression of GZIP in roughly the same amount of time .

  8. 撞击速度6.7~10.5m/s,相对压缩量0.18~0.50。

    The impact velocity was 6.7  ̄ 10.5 m / s. And the relative compression amount was 0.18  ̄ 0.50 . Lateral thorax impact caused serious results than frontal thorax impact .

  9. 通过颗粒压缩量分析,研制相似模拟模具。

    Similar simulation mold is developed through the compression amount analysis of particles .

  10. 桩身混凝土在竖向荷载作用下的压缩量试验研究

    Testing Study on compression of pile under vertical load

  11. 路堤荷载下复合地基加固区压缩量的解析算法

    Analytical-function for compressive deformation of stabilized layer in composite foundation under load of embankment

  12. 压缩量取决于每项资源的压缩率。

    The amount of compression depends on the compressibility of the data in each asset .

  13. 另一部分为下卧层的压缩量。前者采用基于弹性理论的复合模量法;

    Calculation of the complex modulus of the former is based on the theory of elasticity .

  14. 修改喷嘴的装配尺寸及其公差,减小喷嘴的轴向间隙和径向间隙,并适当增大喷嘴密封圈的最小压缩量;

    Revising the fixing dimensions and tolerances of the nozzle to reduce its axial and radial clearances ;

  15. 混合气的压缩量,由发动机的压缩比决定。

    The amount that the mixture is compressed is determined by the compression ratio of the engine .

  16. 典型单元体中桩的压缩量小于土的压缩量,而且随着径向距离的增大,这种差异就越大;

    In a typical element , the compressive deformation of column is less than that of soil .

  17. 阻尼力的大小与活塞面积、恢复弹簧的刚度和压缩量等参数有关,可以通过改变弹簧的性能,获得需要的阻尼力。

    The damping fore can be changed by adjusting the stiffness and the compressed distance of the spring .

  18. 研究了轴向坐封载荷与胶筒的峰值接触压力和轴向压缩量之间的变化规律。

    The laws between axial set-down loads and maximum contact sealing pressure , and axial compressed displacement were studied .

  19. 本文从描述理想等离子体运动的线性化磁流体方程出发,导出了压缩量·§的一个表示式。

    An expression for the compressibility ∨·ξ of a plasma is obtained from the linearized magnetohydrodynamic equations of motion .

  20. 黄土高路堤自身压缩量占路堤总沉降量10%左右,是不容忽视的。

    Loess high embankment oneself person who compress account for embankment always about 10 % of subsiding etc. , ignore .

  21. 提出沉降杆的观测有利于桩身压缩量和桩端阻力的研究分析。

    The view of the telltale readings is useful for the analysis of pile compression and toe resistance was presented .

  22. 进行复合地基沉降计算时,可按本文建议的方法计算加固区桩间土的压缩量。

    Compressive displacement of stabilized layer could be computed for calculating subsidence of composite foundation according to the suggested methods .

  23. 同时考虑了供气压力和O型圈安装压缩量对刚度系数、阻尼系数的影响。

    The effect of pressures in gas supply and installed compressibility of O-rings upon stiffness and damping coefficients are also considered .

  24. 结果表明:原子偶极压缩量随初始光场强度增大而增加,但压缩时间缩短。

    Results show that the amount of dipole squeezing increases while the duration of dipole squeezing decreases with increasing initial field intensity .

  25. 为确定电动机的功率和牙嵌式安全离合器的弹簧压缩量提供了依据。

    The measuring results provide the criteria for determining the power of motor and the amount of spring compression of safety jaw clutch .

  26. 电动潜油泵导轮预紧力及压缩量的分析计算实际应用证明,该方法切实可行,比原有的导轮预紧工艺指标的确定方法更科学、合理。

    Application shows that this method for determining the pretightening force and the amount of compression is more reasonable than the empirical method .

  27. 以不同的驱动压和胸部压缩量组合设置撞击参数,制作兔闭合性胸部创伤模型。

    Parameters were set up with various combinations of driven pressures and compress percentage and the model of rabbit blunt chest trauma were established .

  28. 结果表明:增加压缩量可以提高O形圈的密封性,同时也使其容易出现裂纹;

    The results indicate that increasing the compression of O-ring can improve the sealing performance , simultaneously , can make it prone to crack ;

  29. 结构柱整体侧向稳定性较高,轴向压缩量较小,抗压性能较好。

    The I-shaped structural columns of bamboo have the higher whole lateral stability , the smaller axial compression , and the better compression quality .

  30. 从振体处于一定位置时弹簧压缩量考虑,探讨了振动锤弹簧设计中,上、下弹簧刚度的分配问题。

    And it also discussed the distribution of spring stiffness both at the top and the bottom in designing the springs of the vibration hammer .