
yā suì qián
  • New Year Money;red envelope;money given to children as a lunar New Year gift;money given to children as a gift during lunar New Year
压岁钱 [yā suì qián]
  • [money given to children as a gift duirng lunar New Year] 旧俗过阴历年时长辈给小孩儿的钱

  • 两府男妇小厮丫鬟亦按差役上中下行礼毕,散押岁钱、荷包、金银锞,摆上合欢宴来。--《红楼梦》

压岁钱[yā suì qián]
  1. 广告压岁钱

    Advertising Money Given to Children as a Lunar New Year Gift Nightmare of Ads

  2. 她想在春节时要很多的压岁钱。

    She wants a lot of lucky money in Spring Festival .

  3. 孩子们从父母那里得到用红包装着的压岁钱。

    Children have luck money in red envelops from their parents .

  4. 希望你可以得到很多的装有压岁钱的红包!

    Hope u can get many red envelopes with lucky money !

  5. 我喜欢在新年期间收到压岁钱。

    I like to get lucky money during Chinese New Year .

  6. 过年时我拿了很多压岁钱。

    I got so much lucky money during the spring festival .

  7. 大人通不需要长靴常在春节期间给孩子们压岁钱。

    Adult usually give lucky money to children during Spring Festival .

  8. 春节里,父母还给了我们压岁钱。

    During Spring Festival , my parents gave us lucky money .

  9. 那我在中国也要准备压岁钱了。

    So I should also prepare " lucky money " in China .

  10. 他们也可以领到压岁钱。

    They can also get some money from their parents .

  11. 父母亲给他们的小孩子装著红包的压岁钱。

    Parents give their children lucky money in red envelopes .

  12. 大人们送给我很多祝福,还有压岁钱呢。

    Adults gave me many blessings , and New Year 's money ?

  13. 杰克今年过年得到许多压岁钱。

    Jack got a lot of lucky money this Chinese New Year .

  14. 我们将在这里得到压岁钱。

    And we 'll get the lucky money here .

  15. 除夕,大人们通常会给孩子们一些压岁钱。

    On new yea 's eve , people usually give children Yasui coins .

  16. 我们都知道每个小孩子在过年的时候都可以从长辈那里拿到压岁钱。

    We know almost every child will get lucky money from older people .

  17. 他们想给自己孩子既有压岁钱还有幸运色。

    They want to give their children both lucky money and lucky color .

  18. 压岁钱据说能带来好运,能驱魔;

    The money is believed to bring good luck , ward off monsters ;

  19. 嗯,就是差不多大概一千多,两千元,我在外面课外班上课,然后就是用压岁钱,要交学费。

    I use it to pay the tuition fee for my afterschool classes .

  20. 而且啊,我连给你的压岁钱都已经准备好了。

    What 's more , I 've prepared " gift money " for you .

  21. 妙极了,小孩们收到了许许多多的压岁钱,心里自然特别开心!

    Fantastic , the children received lots of money in nature , particularly happy !

  22. 磕头拜年,父母给压岁钱。

    They will give us new year money .

  23. 我们从父母那里得到压岁钱。

    We get lucky money from our parents .

  24. 因此,就有了“压岁钱”的称呼。

    hence the name " lucky money . "

  25. 他很可能春节这段时间得到一大笔压岁钱。

    It is likely that he will get considerable lucky money during the Spring Festival .

  26. 更重要的是,他们可以得到父母、亲戚的压岁钱。

    More importantly , they can be parents , relatives , New Year 's money .

  27. 孩子的压岁钱在他们的新衣服有一个愉快的时间玩游戏。

    Children with lucky money in their new clothes have a delightful time playing games .

  28. 通常孩子们给长辈拜年就会拿到压岁钱。

    What gifts should we bring when we go to pay Uncle a New Year visit ?

  29. 我们通常拿压岁钱。

    We usually get lucky money .

  30. 压岁钱给了他们一个机会,可以藉由买台自己的计算机来改变这一点。

    Red envelope money gives them a chance to change that by buying their own computer .