- 【石油】compressive stress

The results showed : The maximum compressive and tensile stresses were located at the cervical bone around dental implant in two unit and four unit dental implants .
The stress changed from compression stress to tensile stress with the Al / Ni adhesive coating from ceramics coating to steel base ;
Influence of Stretch Strain and Pressure on Expression of Osteoblasts ' FOS Protein
The coherence force C and the inner friction angle of composite increase 115 % - 205 % and 11 % ~ 15 % respectively more than that of no rootstalk soil .
The compressive stress of DLC films is changed to tensile stress by ion implantation .
The critical value of blank width ratio when the transverse tense stress turns to compressive stress under given reduction ratio and tool width ratio is obtained too .
Azimuths of the horizontal component of compressive stress P-axes likely lie between 20 ° and 40 °, forming a nearly NE-directed stress field in the wide region west of the North-South Seismic Belt .
This paper uses ANSYS to simulate the biomass extrusion process and analyzes the influence of hydrostatic pressure in the process All these provide credible conditions for the study of biomass briquetting mechanism .
High compressive stresses develop in the whisker and on its surface , while the Al2O3 matrix is mainly subjected to the tensile stress perpendicular to the interface .
Theoretical analysis for SOFC stacked structure was conducted , and the results showed that the seal matrix was under compressive stress .
The focal mechanism solutions of 6 mid strong earthquakes in south Ningxia region show that the earthquakes occurred under the affect of principal compressive stress of NE , with no somewhat change in comparison with direction of principal compressive stress of regional stress field .
Two - Action New Technology of Post - Tensioned Prestressed Method Applied to Long Span I - Typed Girder of 40m
Using this model , we calculated the average compressive stress on the Al2O3 grain boundaries ( GB ) and the average tensile stress within Al2O3 grains caused by the SiC nanoparticles .
The distribution of high abnormal value was corresponding to the direction of maximum principal compressive stress . We also found that the time delay Δ T > 0 along T axis and Δ T < 0 along P axis , which was corresponding to the theoretical model .
In the surface strain lager the plastic induced martensite contained higher dislocation density and the compressive residual stresses are two important factors which can improve the resistance to SCC for austenite stainless steel .
The results show that when the pH value of plating solution is in 3.8 ~ 4.1 and 4.4 ~ 4.6 , the internal stress of the coating is compressive stress , but when the pH value is in 4.8 ~ 5.1 , it becomes tension stress .
Results show that the residual stress in TiN film is compressive stress , the intrinsic stress is tensile stress , and values and distributions of the stress will affect obviously the hardness , the adhesion and bond strength of coated cutting tools .
TEM microstructure showed that stress aging eliminate PFZ and inhibited GBP which was due to the non-equilibrium grain boundary segregation of solutes .
For example , the hole mobility in PMOS and the electron mobility in NMOS can be significantly enhanced by introducing appropriate compressive and tensile channel stresses , respectively .
The relationships between the axial compressive stress , axial and lateral strains of the concrete columns were analyzed , an efficiency factor of CFRP strain is proposed and the lateral confinement mechanism of FRP materials for rectangular columns is explored .
The result shows that the whole crust of the Urumqi area is mainly effected by principal compressive stress in NW direction , and the majority of GPS stations in Urumqi monitoring region are clockwise moving taking Hongshan observation station in Urumqi as center .
The maximum principal stress is 40 52MPa . The maximum shear stress is 16 19MPa .
The results showed that the distribution of residual stress of Al_2O_3 + 13wt % TiO_2 plasma spraying coating was : the compression stress occurred in the ceramics coating ;
In the case of compress stress , the distribution of von Mises stress is the same as under the case of tensile stress , but the first major stress become smaller , and the divisor stress is of minus .
The result indicates that for the 4 segments the maximum and minimum compressive principal stress axes are all horizontal , while the maximum compressive principal stress axes take approximately the azimuths between N15 ° E to N 30 ° E.
In order to recover or increase glass strength , all kinds of strengthen methods came into being , one of which is ion-exchanged strengthen method that is the best method to strengthen 3-millimeter thick glass .
Fault-block movement is controlled by the unified regional stress field . The principle compression stress direction was NE SW during the early neotectonic stage ( E_3 N_2 ) , while in the late stage ( the end of N_2 Q ) it 's become to NW SE .
In horizontal plane , for four directions rock specimen , AE Kaiser effect tests were carried out and their corresponding normal stresses were gotten . The horizontal maximum and minimum principal stresses are 21 2 MPa and 12 1 MPa respectively .
The horizontal components of the principal compressional stress P axes are oriented in a nearly NE - SW direction , forming a wide NE-SW compressional stress field in a wide areal extent from the Himalayas to south of Baikal Lake , including western China .
It shows that even if using the RF power ( 13.56 MHz ) as the excitation of plasma , the compressive silicon nitride film can be obtained easily .