
miǎn qiān
  • visa exemption
  1. 该国对中国游客实行免签。

    Chinese tourists are endowed with visa-free travel to this country .

  2. 欧盟(EU)各国内务部长昨日批准了一项计划,允许在另外9个成员国开放欧洲的护照免签旅行地区。

    European Union interior ministers yesterday gave the green light for plans to open Europe 's passport - free travel area across nine more member states .

  3. 她警告称,德国议会可能阻止列支敦士登今年11月加入欧盟免签的申根区(Schengenzone)。

    She warned that the German parliament could block Liechtenstein 's entry in November into the European Union 's border-free Schengen zone .

  4. 然而据北京出入境边防检查总站(BeijingGeneralStationofExitandEntryFrontierInspection)称,只有14000名旅客办理了过境免签手续,远低于官方此前预计的20000人。

    But only 14,000 tourists took advantage of the visa-free stopover , according to the Beijing General Station of Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection , well short of the 20,000 target officials had previously predicted .

  5. 英国对华签证联盟(UKChinaVisaAlliance)数据显示,在来欧洲观光的中国旅游团当中,约有90%略过了英国——英国不在欧盟免签申根区内——这使英国每年损失12亿英镑收入。

    According to the UK China Visa Alliance , about 90 per cent of Chinese tour groups visiting Europe omit Britain - which is not part of the EU 's visa-free Schengen zone - resulting in £ 1.2bn of lost revenue each year .

  6. 再来看美国免签游客需要填写的旅游许可电子系统(Esta)表格(面向多个欧洲国家和其他一些国家的游客),上面有一道这样的问题:“你有没有因为道德败坏行为或犯罪而被捕或被判刑?”

    Or take an example from the Electronic System for Travel Authorisation ( Esta ) form that visitors with a US visa waiver complete ( this includes tourists from many European and some other countries ) : " Have you ever been arrested or convicted for an offence or crime involving moral turpitude ? "

  7. 对比一下上面中国护照免签图,可以发现越南护照还是没中国护照好用。

    Vietnam passport holders have limited Visa Free Travel to western and other countries .

  8. 尼泊尔是于2015年12月25日对中国大陆游客推出的免签政策。

    Nepal introduced a visa-free policy for Chinese mainland travelers on Dec 25 , 2015 .

  9. 双方还签署了涉及农业、贸易、民航和金融服务等领域的协议。此外,双方还签署了一项关于双方国民免签的协议。

    The two sides also signed agreements covering areas including agriculture , trade , civil aviation and financial services .

  10. 2017年,45个国家的公民将可获得长达30天的免签。

    And as of 2017 , citizens of 45 countries may visit Kazakhstan without a visa for up to 30 days .

  11. 该公司基于该国家的签证规定和免签国家的数量给每个国家的旅行证件打分。

    The firm gave each country a score based on visa regulations and the number of countries its residents can visit visa-free .

  12. 同时,立法会也通过了暂停持菲律宾护照人士免签安排的修订议案。

    At the same time , a revised bill on the temporary canceling of visa-free arrangements for Philippine passport holders was also passed .

  13. 马来西亚总理纳吉布·拉扎克周四表示,入境马来西亚的中国游客将获得免签,以此来促进马来西亚旅游业。

    Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Thursday visitors from China will be allowed to enter his country visa-free to boost tourism .

  14. 芬兰、法国、意大利、西班牙和英国护照并列第三,持有者均可免签进入175个国家。

    Third place was shared by the Finnish , French , Italian , Spanish and British , all having visa-free access to 175 countries .

  15. 有关签证要求或免签详情、请向中国领事馆或香港入境处查询。

    For details on HK Visa Requirement / Policy of Visa-free , please check with PRC consulate / The Immigration Department of Hong Kong SAR .

  16. 去年,在被问到为什么挪威被中国排除于新的过境免签制度之外时,中国官员表示一些国家行为不端。

    When asked last year why Norway had been excluded from a new visa-free travel programme , Chinese officials said some countries had been badly behaved .

  17. 同样的免签政策已经在北京,上海,广州,昆明,成都,重庆,沈阳,大连和桂林等城市实行。

    The same visa-free policy is already in place in Beijing , Shanghai , Guangzhou , Kunming , Chengdu , Chongqing , Shenyang , Dalian and Guilin .

  18. 去年,在被问到为什么挪威被中国排除于新的过境免签制度之外时,中国官员表示一些国家“行为不端”。

    When asked last year why Norway had been excluded from a new visa-free travel programme , Chinese officials said some countries had been " badly behaved . "

  19. 与此相对的是排名并列第一的国家,包括芬兰、德国、瑞典、英国和美国,这些国家的免签国家数量达到174。

    This was juxtaposed by Finland , Germany , Sweden , the UK and the US , in first position , who are able to access 174 countries visa-free .

  20. 包括法国,美国,意大利,巴西,澳大利亚,韩国,日本和新加坡51个国家前来的游客都可以在这个政策下享受免签。

    Travelers from 51 countries including France , the United States , Italy , Brazil , Australia , South Korea , Japan and Singapore may enter without visas under the policy .

  21. 山东省东部海岸城市青岛,在本周一开始实施72小时的国际游客免签政策,市政府想以此政策来促进旅游业和商业的发展

    Qingdao , an eastern coastal city of Shandong province , started to offer 72-hour visa-free entry for international transit passengers on Monday as a move to boost tourism and business .

  22. 随着更多的旅游目的地在2016年对中国免签,中国出国旅游人数和旅游支出再一次排在全球第一位。

    As more tourist destinations became visa-free for China in 2016 , China was once again first-overall globally in terms of the number of people traveling abroad , and for tourism spending .

  23. 巴基斯坦在签证受限指数的排名中排在第92位,其居民外出可以免签的国家只有包括特立尼达岛、多巴哥岛、海地和多米尼加等在内的32个国家。

    Pakistan is ranked at 92 in the Visa Restrictions Index , and citizens are able to visit 32 countries including Trinidad and Tobago , Haiti , and Dominica without a visa .

  24. 欧美官员在斯洛文尼亚会晤后发表了一份联合声明,承诺将尽快实现欧盟公民赴美旅游免签。

    A joint statement , issued after European and US officials met in Slovenia , pledged to achieve , as soon as possible , permit-free travel for EU citizens travelling to the US .

  25. 这一排名对218个国家的护照进行打分,持有者免签出入一国或可以获得该国的落地签就增加得分。

    The ranking index scored 218 country passports , with points accumulated passports for each visa free country that their holders can visit without a visa , or they can obtain a visa on arrival .

  26. 这些分数是根据某个国家和地区的签证规定以及该地居民能够获得免签的国家数量计算得出的。

    The score was calculated based on visa regulations of all countries and territories in the world , and the number of other countries that their citizens can travel to without having to obtain a visa .

  27. 2013年北京入境游客的减少可谓出乎意料。此前北京市出台了72小时过境免签等多项新政策,其目的正是为了促进旅游产业发展。

    The unexpected drop in 2013 came in spite of new policies such as the city 's 72 - hour visa waiver for transit passengers that were introduced in an attempt to nurture China 's tourism industry .

  28. 南非和英国公民免签的理由是,这两个国家和九个主办国共享安全信息,但如果你只是一个板球迷,这样的做法显然是非常武断的。

    The waiving of visa requirements for South Africans and UK citizens is because these countries exchanged security information with the hosts , but it must all seem pretty arbitrary if you are just a cricket fan .

  29. 昨日的这一举动暂时平息了上个月爆发的一场冲突,当时捷克政府与美国政府达成协议,为捷克公民赴美免签铺平了道路。

    Yesterday 's move draws a line , for now , under a clash that broke out last month when Prague reached an agreement with Washington that paves the way for Czechs to visit the US without visas .

  30. 据新加坡网络旅行社安可达表示,自从摩洛哥去年6月对中国大陆游客推出免签政策之后,到该国旅游的中国游客数量同比增加了600%。

    Agoda , an online travel agency based in Singapore , said since Morocco introduced a visa-free policy for Chinese mainland passport holders in June , the number of Chinese visiting the country had increased 600 percent year-on-year .