
  1. 为俄语免费教育师范生的培养提出建议。

    Russian free education for the cultivation of normal students suggestions .

  2. 免费教育师范生专业承诺状况的调查研究

    On Professional Commitment of Tuition-Free Normal University Students

  3. 07级俄语免费教育师范生是我校第一届俄语免费师范生。

    07 normal students free education in Russian is my first Russian school admitted free of charge Teachers .

  4. 对免费教育师范生的职业理想教育状况,直接关系到免费师范生职业理想的确立,关系到能否把免费师范生培养成为优秀的人民教师和教育家。

    Career education of tuition-free normal university students has a direct relation with the establishment of their career aspirations and the cultivation of outstanding teachers and educators .

  5. 高师院校师范生免费教育政策的思考师范生在师范院校学习。

    Reflections on the Free Education Policy for Teacher-training Students in Teachers Colleges and Universities of China ;