
  • 网络Hands-free calls
  1. 电话接通后,求助双方可以实现免提通话。

    After telephone connected , the both parties can converse .

  2. 新一代模块的免提通话质量已显著提高。

    The hands-free quality has been improved significantly in the new generation .

  3. 免提通话有点扭曲了。

    Speakerphone calls had a bit of distortion .

  4. 电话机免提通话集成电路的特点及常见故障的分析

    Characteristics and Ordinary Breakdown Analysis of Telephone Set Integrated Circuit for not Being Lifted Converse

  5. 您可以使用以下列表所有的免提通话功能:设备状态操作步骤,功能手机耳机耳机操作

    You can activate call functions for the Handsfree profile according to the following table : Device Status Action ; Function Phone Headset Handsfree Profile

  6. 视具体车辆的不同技术规格,您可以通过免提通话设备、多功能方向盘或语音控制系统操纵电话。

    The phones are operated via the hands-free kit , the multifunction steering wheel or via voice control , depending on the specifications of the individual vehicle .

  7. 采用TDA2822M的系统实现了手机的免提,通话语音清晰,具有广阔的应用前景。

    The system based on TDA2822M can get a clear voice and it has capacious foreground .

  8. 科学家们相信,边使用免提手机通话边开车与酒后驾车同样危险。

    Drivers having a conversation on a hands-free mobile phone could be as dangerous as those who are drunk behind the wheel , scientists believe .

  9. 比如在蓝牙音频应用领域,人们在蓝牙免提应用中要求通话设备可以提供更好的语音质量,并且要求蓝牙产品具有传输高质量的立体声音频流的功能。

    For example , in the Bluetooth audio application , people desire the stereo audio stream distribution .