
miǎn fèi jiào yù
  • free (or compulsory) education
  1. 政府提供免费教育。

    The state provides free education .

  2. IBM提供了一些基于Web的收费培训课程,以及各种免费教育内容。

    IBM has some fee-based Web-based training courses available , along with a variety of free education offerings .

  3. 例如,Drupal一定可以提供共享免费教育内容的平台。

    For example , Drupal can certainly provide a platform for sharing free educational content .

  4. 为俄语免费教育师范生的培养提出建议。

    Russian free education for the cultivation of normal students suggestions .

  5. 在一些城市,人们可以获得免费教育。

    In some cities , people can get free education .

  6. 苏格兰人享免费教育,国际学生学费不涨价

    Free education for scots , and no price hike for international students

  7. 关于师范生免费教育的若干思考

    Thoughts on Free Education for Students in Teacher Education Program

  8. 师范生免费教育背景下体育教育专业课程构建的思考

    Considerations on Physical Education Curriculum in the Context of Free Teacher Education

  9. 但是不是免费教育就意味着巨大的社会进步?

    But was that free education an example of great social progress ?

  10. 与这职务有关的酬劳包括为子女提供免费教育。

    Emoluments connected with this position include free education for the children .

  11. 同样,购物是人人都能享受的免费教育。

    Similarly , shopping is a free education , available to everyone .

  12. 沙特阿拉伯向学生提供免费教育,书籍和健康服务。

    The kingdom provides students with free education , books and health services .

  13. 公立高中和大学教育也实行免费教育,但不是强制性的。

    Public secondary and university education is also free but is not compulsory .

  14. 免费教育是卢森堡的另外一个重要原则。

    Free education is another important principle in Luxembourg .

  15. 免费教育制度下英语专业师范生语音学习存在的问题及对策

    Problems in Sound Learning for Teacher-oriented English Majors under the Free Education System

  16. 政府实行免费教育和公费医疗制度。

    The State provides free education and health care .

  17. 教师候选人选拔:问题与对策&兼评师范生免费教育制度

    Selection of Teacher Candidates : Issue and Strategy

  18. 你对免费教育持何种见解?

    What are your views on free education ?

  19. 在推行师范生免费教育的同时必须完善相关措施。

    Measures should be improved when the newly free education policy are carried out .

  20. 所有儿童(6-16岁)从幼儿园至大学享有免费教育。

    Every child ( 6-16 years ) has free education from kindergarten through college .

  21. 免费教育师范生专业承诺状况的调查研究

    On Professional Commitment of Tuition-Free Normal University Students

  22. 师范生免费教育背景下地方师范院校的对策与发展思路

    The Development Strategy for Local Normal College on the Background of Free Normal Education

  23. 师范生免费教育政策的预期效果与影响

    The Intended Effect and Influence of Free Education Policy for Students in Normal Universities

  24. 师范生免费教育政策的价值取向研究

    A Study on the Value Tendency Towards the Free Education Policy for Normal University Students

  25. 价值视角下的高等师范免费教育政策

    Normal Free Education Policy In Value Perspective

  26. 师范生免费教育政策实施的障碍分析

    An Analysis of Obstacles in Implementing " Free Education for Normal University Students " Policy

  27. 教育政策问题分析&以师范生免费教育政策问题为例

    Analysis of the Educational Policy Issues & As Exemplified by Free Education for Teacher Education

  28. 国会通过了使用所有儿童享受免费教育的法律。

    The law whereby all children receive free education has been passed by the Congress .

  29. 师范生免费教育政策下的英语专业学生英语学习动机类型

    English-Learning Motivation of English Majors under the Policy of Free Education for Students Majoring in Teaching

  30. 今后师范生免费教育的重点应该是非重点师范院校;

    In future , free education policy should be emphasized in non-key normal universities and colleges .