
duì yīn
  • transcription
  1. 讨论了语音识别中使用支持向量机(SupportVectorMachines,SVM)对音子级置信度进行综合的方法。

    Discusses the combination of phone-level confidence measures using SVM ( support vector machines ) in speech recognition .

  2. 在园区网上我们采用了最新的MPEG-4编解码技术对音视频进行压缩,较好的解决了有限成本前提下码流大小与媒体质量的平衡问题。

    We compress the AV media with the MPEG-4 on the campus network and commendably solve the balance problem between bit rate size and media quality under the limited cost .

  3. 再利用DirectShow技术,提出即时音频视频实时通讯系统的设计方案,对音视频的实时采集、编码、传输等软件模块进行了设计。

    Reuse DirectShow audio technology , proposed the instant video real-time communication system , the design of the real-time data acquisition of audio and video transmission , coding , software module design .

  4. 其中,MPEG-2能在很宽范围内对音视频信号有效地进行编码,被广泛应用于有线数字电视、卫星数字电视广播等系统中。

    Among them , MPEG-2 , which can effectively encode a wide range of video and audio signals , has been extensively used in cable digital TV , digital TV broadcast for satellite , and so on .

  5. 近代朝鲜文献中的汉朝对音转写问题

    Problems on Transcription of the Chinese-Korean Transcription in Modern Korean Documents

  6. 日本学者的汉梵对音译音研究

    Study on Sino-Sanskrit Phonetic Contrast and Transliteration by Japanese Scholars

  7. 汉语y韵母与朝鲜文献的对音

    The Rhyme / y / in Chinese and the Correspondence in Korean Documents

  8. 番汉对音和上古汉语基因沉默及其克服策略

    On Xeno-Chinese Transcription Gene Silencing and the Countermeasures

  9. MPEG4提供了极其丰富的工具集用于对音/视频对象编码。

    MPEG-4 provides a large and rich set of tools for the coding of audio-visual objects .

  10. 它的优势在于对音系不透明性,尤其对多重音系不透明性有很强的解析能力。

    Its advantage lies in its adequate capability of interpreting phonological opacity , especially multiple opacity .

  11. 本文对音视频非线性编辑在其他行业的应用也有较大的借鉴意义。

    This article also has great reference to other professional applications of audio and video non-linear edition .

  12. 民族对音比较法与汉语音韵学研究

    The Study of Chinese Phonology Based on a Comparison of Sound-for-Sound Transliteration of Mutual Terms with Other Nations

  13. 本系统设计的实现,对音视频数据的无线传输提供了一定的参考价值。

    The realization of this system provided a reference value to wireless transmission of audio and video data .

  14. 胡汉对音和古代北方汉语

    Hu-han Transcriptions and Mandarin

  15. 但人们对音美素现象的形成和发展过程尚未有深入的研究。

    In 1930 , but so far the formation and development process of this phenomenon have not been deeply studied .

  16. 对音视频流量的监测和分析成为了网络运营商对网络管理的一个重点。

    Detecting and analyzing the traffic of audio and video becomes an important part for the ISP to manage the network .

  17. 与此同时,人们对音视频的质量、带宽和流畅性提出了更高的要求。

    In the meantime , people put forward higher requirements for the quality , bandwidth and fluency of audio and video .

  18. 针对音/视频同步控制是数字高清晰度电视解码器中的重要组成部分的情况,详细介绍了对音/视频同步硬件研究的结果和实现的方案。

    As the AV synchronization control is an important component of the decoder in digital HDTV , this paper introduces a hardware implementing method of AV Synchronization in detail .

  19. 《回回药方》阿汉对音材料中所见到的入声字(下)本文首先回顾了国内外利用胡汉对音资料研究阿尔泰语系语言及汉语的情况;

    In this paper , we first reviewed the situation to study the Altaic family and Chinese by using the information of Hu-han Transcriptions in the internal and external .

  20. 本文的研究对音视频通信系统中的应用研究有一定的参考价值,对清洁机器人的广泛使用有一定的推进作用。

    Study of this paper has certain reference value for the application research on audio and video communication system , and does a role in promoting the widespread of the intelligent cleaning robot .

  21. 音乐的表现,特别是线性音乐的表现对音的长短、强弱、连贯性等要求很细致,如果不能准确地控制就不能细腻地表现音乐。

    The answer is NO ! The performance of music , especially linear music , is strictly dedicated to value , strength , continuity , etc. Only precise control can achieve exquisite music performance .

  22. 但以往的研究主要限于同源音转,或者说音转的研究附丽于同源词的研究,以致对音转的模式、规律和机制的刻画缺乏概括性和系统性。

    The studying of sound-shift in the past is mainly limited to sound-shift of cognate or subordinate to the studying of cognate and summary or systematic studying in pattern , law and mechanism is lacked .

  23. 本论文研究的广告机系统,将广告播放软件移植到了嵌入式设备上,实现了对音视频的播放,对解决传统广告形式成本过高的问题有实际的意义。

    The application of the advertising machine system can play audio and video , so compared to traditional forms of advertising media , it has practical significance to solve the highly cost of playing the advertisement .

  24. 然后本文在实验室环境下对音视频处理系统的性能进行了测试并给出了运行结果,最后对本文工作进行了总结并对下一步工作进行了展望。

    Subsequently , the performance of audio and video processing system is tested under the lab environment and the running result is given . Finally , the work of this thesis is summarized and future work is prospected .

  25. 最后根据相关设计与方法,实现了程序部分功能及应用程序界面、音视频格式转换等功能,并对音视频播放等功能进行了模拟与测试等。

    Finally , this paper shows the methods to realize the user interface and some functions of the application , including the audio and video format conversion , and audio and video playback and other functions such as simulation and test according to the design .

  26. 因为系统时钟的调整是同步控制的基础,在调整过程中即使只产生一点点偏差都会对音视频的同步播放产生一定的影响。

    The adjustment of the system is the basis of the synchronized control , so even if only a little bit bias arising from the course of the adjustment , there will make a certain impact in the synchronized playing of the Audio and Video stream .

  27. 通过对音河水库水质污染指数的分析,得出引起污染的主要因素是总磷及有机物污染且它们主要来自面源的结论,并提出了相应的防治对策。

    Through analysing to pollution index of water guality in Yinhe Reservoir , we obtained that main factor caused the pollution is total phosphorus and organic matter which mainly come from face - source of pollution and put forward the relevant counter-measure of the prevention and control .

  28. 维生素B1、B6对高频音引起小鼠肝糖原含量变化的影响

    Influence of Vitamin B_1 and B_6 on the Changes of Mice Liver Glycogen Content Caused by High Frequency of Sound

  29. 系统提出了运用MATLAB语言和小波变换对舱音记录器所记录的声信息(噪声、语音信息和其它背景声信息)识别方法。

    The computer processing methods , applying to CVR sound information ( noise 、 speech signals background sound ), are systemically put forward according to Matlab Wavelet Transform .

  30. PPH发现对英音的需求还来自澳大利亚,印度,墨西哥,埃及甚至德国等国家。

    PPH found requests for British voices from countries as far afield as Australia and India to Mexico , Egypt and even Germany .