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duì cè
  • countermeasure;game;cure;countermove;answer;the way to deal with a situation;game-plan
对策 [duì cè]
  • (1) [the way to deal with a situation;countermeasure;countermove]∶对付的策略或办法

  • 商量对策

  • (2) [answer]∶应考的人在殿试中对答皇帝有关政治经济的策问

对策[duì cè]
  1. 上海奶业发展的经验、问题与对策刍议

    Study of Experience , Problem and the Way to deal with a Situation in Shanghai Dairy Development

  2. 限制大型直流轧钢电动机出力诸因素及对策

    The Factors of Restrict Capacity and The Way to Deal With a Situation for Large D-C Mill Motor

  3. 最明智的对策是缄口不语。

    The wisest course would be to say nothing .

  4. 最好的对策可能就是回避这个问题。

    The most appropriate strategy may simply be to walk away from the problem

  5. 政府最有力的对策是在星期六宣布价格下调。

    The strongest weapon in the government 's armoury is the price cuts announced on Saturday

  6. 威胁从未加剧,因此我们没有必要真采取什么对策。

    Because the threat never developed , we didn 't need to take any real countermeasures .

  7. 我们应在局面变得无法控制前找到对策。

    We must deal with the situation before it gets out of hand .

  8. 上有政策,下有对策。

    The government has its policies and people down below have their own ways of getting around them .

  9. 对人民币实现完全自由兑换提出了对策和建议

    Some countermeasure and recommendation on RMB 's full convertibility . "

  10. 政府已采取一系列金融对策,支持国际贸易公司应对所有产业链复工复产所面临的挑战。

    A slew1 of financial measures have been taken to support international trade companies to tackle the challenges of resuming production in all industrial chains .

  11. 日本首相菅义伟本月早些时候任命坂本哲志负责孤独和孤立相关的政府政策。坂本哲志原本就是负责日本少子化对策和地方创生的大臣。

    Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga appointed Tetsushi Sakamoto , who is already a minister in charge of dealing government policies to deal with loneliness and isolation , earlier this month .

  12. BToC网站消费者行为分析及对策研究

    B TO C Website 's Customer Behaviour Analysis and Countermeasure Studying

  13. 加入WTO后铁路冷藏运输的发展对策

    Development Countermeasure of the Railway Refrigerated Transport after Entering the WTO

  14. Internet的安全漏洞与对策

    Internet Security Bugs and Measures

  15. 应用PIVKA-Ⅱ监测新生儿早期维生素K缺乏及对策研究

    Early Monitoring and Intervention of Vitamin K Deficiency with PIVKA-II in Neonate

  16. 山西机电产业应对WTO的调整对策

    Electromechanical Industry of Shanxi Should Be Readjusted to WTO

  17. 加入WTO后我国汽车维修业面临的形势和对策

    Situation and Countermeasure Faced by Chinese Automobile Service Trade after Affiliated to WTO

  18. GIS空间数据更新服务方式与实施对策

    GIS spatial data updating service mode and implementing strategy

  19. 最小费用k度限制支撑树对策问题。

    The minimum cost k-degree constrained spanning tree game .

  20. LNG质量管理方案设计与保障对策研究

    The LNG Quality Manages Project Design and Guarantee Counterplan Research

  21. Googlehacking技术分析及防范对策研究

    Google Hacking Technologies Analyzes and Guard Measure Research

  22. LNG电厂辅机设备招标特点与对策分析

    Analysis on Characteristics and Countermeasures of Tendering for Auxiliaries of LNG Power Plant

  23. PKI的使用脆弱性及对策

    PKI 's Usage Vulnerabilities and the Countermeasures

  24. 多目标Nash协商对策理论及应用

    Multi-objective Nash Bargaining Game Theory and Application

  25. 郑州会展旅游市场的SWOT分析及发展对策研究

    The SWOT Analysis of Convention and Exhibition Tour Market of Zhengzhou and the Research on the Development Tactics

  26. Peer-to-Peer计算模型及其安全对策

    Peer-to-Peer Computing Model and Security Countermeasure

  27. EMI快速诊断与对策

    EMI Fast Diagnosis and Countermeasure

  28. 目的总结桥本氏病(HD)的误诊原因,探讨防止误诊的对策。

    Objective To conclude the factors of the misdiagnosis of Hashimoto 's disease ( HD ) and to investigate the strategy .

  29. 试论SA8000与中国的对策

    On SA8000 and China 's Countermeasures

  30. 通过分析我国化肥工业的现状与存在问题,探讨加入WTO对化肥企业的影响及化肥行业所需采取的对策。

    Through the analysis of the today 's situation of the chemical fertilizer industry in china discuss the effect on the chemical fertilizer industry and its strategy to be adopted after China 's participating in WTO .