
duì de qǐ
  • be worthy of;not let sb. down;can face sb.;treat sb. fairly;treat sb.fairly
对得起 [duì de qǐ]
  • [be worthy of;treat sb.fairly;can face sb.] 无愧于人;不辜负。也说对得住

对得起[duì de qǐ]
  1. 我一定对得起老狄马吉,他这人什么事儿都做得漂漂亮亮的。

    I must be worthy of the great Dimaggie who does all things perfectly .

  2. 但是我一定要有信心,一定要对得起那了不起的迪马吉奥,他即使脚后跟长了骨刺,在疼痛,也能把一切做得十全十美。

    But I must have confidence and I must be worthy of the great DiMaggio who does all things perfectly even with the pain of the bone spur in his heel .

  3. 你要我做的事情我都做了,我总算对得起你了。

    I 've done everything you asked . I didn 't let you down at all .

  4. 比方说,Facebook要如何快速成长,才能对得起这么高昂的估值呢?

    How , for example , will Facebook actually grow enough to merit its massive valuation ?

  5. 但我不断鼓励自己,因为作为CEO和联合创始人,我要为数百名员工的生计负责,我要对得起全世界数百万用户的关爱。

    But I powered through , because as CEO and co-founder , I am responsible for the livelihoods of hundreds of employees and the care of millions of customers around the globe .

  6. 这就是我希望为APA做的事,它对得起美国年轻科学家对协会的加入和忠诚。

    It is my hope that with APA doing these kinds of things , it will deserve the loyalty and membership of young scientists in America .

  7. 他在迈阿密两次获得MVP奖杯,对得起两次mvp的称号。然后,他回归克里夫兰,并带领骑士赢得他们的第一个NBA总冠军。

    He won two more MVP trophies in Miami to go along with two titles , then returned to Cleveland where he led the Cavaliers to their first NBA championship .

  8. 尽管看起来,苹果只是大幅升级了去年的老款——其中一款升级幅度更大,这并不是一次彻底的产品革新,但新款iPad的品质对得起苹果的名声。

    While Apple clearly fine-tuned last year 's models - one much more than the other - instead of entirely remaking them , the latest iPads seemingly uphold company 's reputation for making quality products .

  9. 我们要对得起这些路灯。

    We 've been temping to pay for these street lights .

  10. 这样才对得起你打我那三枪。

    Yeah , that 's fair after you shot me three times .

  11. 你什么时候才对得起你那百万托派分子?

    When will you be worthy of your million Trotskyites ?

  12. 我只有这样才能对得起他啊。

    It was the least I could do for him .

  13. 扪心自问,我们对得起这份收入吗?

    Just ask ourselves whether we really deserve the pay we receive .

  14. 不然,怎对得起你那班兄弟?

    Otherwise what are you gonna say to your men ?

  15. 你觉得现在这样做,对得起他吗?

    Can you face him if you give up now ?

  16. 甭提了,反正我对得起你;

    Forget it ! At any rate I haven 't disgraced you !

  17. 对不起陛下我完全对得起良心

    My apologies , Your Majesty , but my conscience is clear !

  18. 但你也要对得起你的警章啊。

    But you also gotta be loyal to your badge .

  19. 你最好让你对得起我的时间。

    You 'd better make it worth my while .

  20. 我对得起自己的良心,做了我认为正确的事情。

    I have followed my conscience and done what I thought was right .

  21. 如果他追捕有力,就对得起身价?

    If he makes a lot of arrests , he gets a prize ?

  22. 我想会对得起你的等待的。

    I think it will be worth the wait .

  23. 我对得起自己,对得起那段感情。

    I get yourself , get that feeling .

  24. 我觉得我得对得起这份感�

    I think I have to honor that .

  25. 样样事情都要对得起自己。

    Be true to yourself in all things .

  26. 我总算对得起你。

    On the whole , you must admit I 've treated you pretty well .

  27. 我希望我能对得起他。

    I hope I got through to him .

  28. 为了对得起祖宗,老毕一直孤独坚持着。

    For the sake of his ancestors , Old Bi held out , all alone .

  29. 你得对得起自己。

    You gotta be loyal to yourself .

  30. 但是,我们所有人要对得起为我们做出的牺牲。

    But all of us should be worthy of the sacrifices made on our behalf .