
  • 网络mammoth hot spring;Spa Zone;Spa Country;spa
  1. 在此基础上,还在温泉区采集了4个气样,测定了气体组分的含量及氦同位素,以及CO2和CH4的碳同位素。

    Evidences show that the geothermal waters in the area are of meteoric origin . Gas chemistry , helium isotopic composition , and carbon isotopic abundance of carbon dioxide and methane for 4 gas samples from hot springs are measured .

  2. 福州市温泉区地面沉降分析

    Analysis of the ground subsidence in the hot spring area , Fuzhou

  3. 福州温泉区地面沉降特点及影响因素分析

    Analysis of influence factors for land subsidence in Fuzhou

  4. 福州温泉区地面沉降灰色系统预测模型

    Gray system model used in forecasting land subsidence of geothermal area in Fuzhou

  5. 福州市温泉区地面沉降监测与沉降规律分析基坑降水引起地表沉降过程数值模拟

    Monitoring of Earth Subsidence and Analysing of Earth Subsidence Regularity in Hot Spring District of Fuzhou City

  6. 穿越这座红色“笃铭”钢拱桥,就知道来到位于中横公路的谷关温泉区!

    After you cross the big , red Duming Bridge on the Central Cross-Island Highway , you know you 've come to Guguan .

  7. 福州温泉区地下热水开采与水位动态响应研究

    Research on exploitation of the geothermal water and dynamic response of the water level at hotspring filed in Fuzhou City , Fujian Province

  8. 研究成果对于进一步揭示福州温泉区地下热水动态特征,对于福州地区地下热水资源合理开发利用,有效控制地面沉降具有重要的实际意义。

    The results are of great practical significance on the efficient development of geothermal water and the control of land subsidence in practice .

  9. 刘昌强在咸安区站稳脚跟后,又到温泉区发展,让孪生弟弟刘昌佳打理。

    Liu Changjiang firm foothold in the Xian'an , went to the hot spring area development , so that twin brother Liu Changjia care .

  10. 分析了地下热水历年水位、水量动态变化特征,并探讨地下热水与地面沉降的相关关系,结果表明过量开采地下热水是导致福州市温泉区地面沉降的主要原因。

    The result showed that land subsidence of geothermal area in Fuzhou city was mainly induced by the excessive extraction of geothermal water in the thesis .

  11. 福州市温泉区存在大面积沉降现象,给经济发展、城市建设和人民生活带来极大威胁。

    There is the ground subsidence in hot spring area , Fuzhou . It menaces the development of economy , building of city and life of persons .

  12. 同时也有很多小的温泉区并有特殊用途。也有滑水区和儿童区。

    There are a number of small hot spring ponds with signs indicating particular treatment functions . There is also a water slide and kid 's area .

  13. 应用精密水准测量方法,于1993年在温泉区取得三十周期的观测成果,结合以往资料进行综合分析,得出初步结论。

    The paper provides the surveying results 3 periods with high-precision levelling in Hot Spring Area in 1993 . A preliminary conclusion was achieved by analysing former materials .

  14. 福州温泉区地面沉降的影响因素是多方面的,包括地质条件、地热水开采、地下水水位动态变化、地面荷载等多种因素。

    There are many factors that affect land subsidence of geothermal area in Fuzhou , such as geological condition , geothermal water exploitation , geothermal water dynamic regime and land load etc.

  15. 在这些探险之后,你知道,我开始真正欣赏这些存在于海底的生物,比如那些深海温泉区我们看到的那些神奇生物。

    So , having done these expeditions , and you know , really beginning to appreciate what was down there , such as at the deep ocean vents where we had these amazing amazing animals .

  16. 露天温泉区,漂流河环绕四周,海浪池气势磅礴,人造沙滩异国情调,温情小屋浪漫温馨。

    In the open-air hot spring zone , there are the drifting stream flowing all around the facilities , the huge ocean wave pool , the exotic artificial sand beach , and the snug and romantic wooden hut .

  17. 在我们随后做的那些考察时,我看到了一些深海温泉区的生物。我从来没见过这些生物,没有人见过。事实上,我们看到它们,想到它们的时候,并不能用科学描述出来。

    As we did some of our subsequent expeditions I was seeing creatures at hydrothermal vents and sometimes things that I had never seen before , sometimes things that no one had seen before , that actually were not described by science at the time that we saw them and imaged them .

  18. 目的是通过多学科交叉综合分析,探寻温泉度假区景观设计要素与景观设计的关系。

    The aim is through interdisciplinary comprehensive analysis ; explore the relationship between landscape design elements and landscape design .

  19. 电白县热水温泉风景区旅游资源的特色及其开发设想

    The Characteristics of Tourist Resources in the Hot Spring Scenic Spot and the Idea of Its Development in Dianbai County

  20. 去玩水上娱乐项目,它与温泉养生区毗邻,走过一条长的玻璃走廊就到了。

    Walking along a long vitreous passage from the Health Preservation Area , you can get to the Entertainment Area .

  21. 把温泉度假区作为一个完整系统整体协调开发的理想模式,以及需要注意的各类景观影响要素。

    Take the Hot spring resort as complete system to develop and utilize in perfect union , and need to be aware of all kinds of landscape impact factors .

  22. 尤其是随着温泉旅游区的建设与开发,如何寻求一种适合温泉旅游区开发的模式,就成为政府规划部门和旅游开发企业必须考虑和关心的问题。

    Especially with the construction and development of SPA tourism areas , how to find a suitable SPA tourism development model is a key problem which the government planning departments and tourism corporates must consider and concern .

  23. 通过介绍旅游供给和需求的统计预测方法,实际分析北温泉风景区的供给能力与需求规模之间的矛盾,并提出解决办法。

    This paper describes the methods of statistical prediction of demand and supply in tourism , analyzes the discrepancy between the supply capacity and the demand scale at the North Hot Spring Scenic Spot , and offers some solutions to the existing problems .

  24. 该剧团1914年由一个铁路公司创建,目的是吸引游客前往大阪郊外一个生意惨淡的温泉度假区。剧团最初由几位青少年歌手和舞者组成,最初的一些演出在改造后的游泳池进行。

    Founded in 1914 by a railway company that hoped to lure travelers to a struggling hot spring resort outside Osaka , the group began with a handful of teenage singers and dancers and staged its first performances in a converted swimming pool .

  25. 温泉度假区景观设计应实现温泉水资源循环使用,通过科学的设计,达到减少温泉度假区内外环境的破坏,实现地域景观与历史文化传承以及改善经济效益等目标。

    The landscape design of hot spring resort should realize the conservation , protection and recycle use of water resources , control the damage level of Spa resort itself and surrounding environment to improve the economic benefits and other goals by scientific design .

  26. 温泉度假区,是合理利用温泉资源,扩展人类活动空间,丰富人类游憩休闲生活以及特色历史文化传承的重要载体,实现自然资源与自然环境可持续发展的空间要素之一。

    Hot spring resort is an important vector of the reasonable use of hot springs , extending human activity space , enriching human recreation lives and inheriting local characteristics of history and culture , One of the spatial elements of realizing the sustainable development between natural resources and natural environment .

  27. 采用HDS-1型快速数字闪烁测氡仪,对温泉水库坝址区活动断裂(带)或破碎带以及地震鼓包等进行了氡气测试。

    Using HDS-1 fast data flashing Rn measure instrument , the gas radon was measured in the active fault ( zone ) or broken zone and earthquake swell of the Wequan reservoir dam location .

  28. 天津珠江温泉城别墅区规划设计

    Planning design of Zhujiang hot sprint villa area , Tianjin

  29. 国内外温泉旅游度假区发展演化模式的探讨

    Research on the Development Model of the Hot Spring Resorts in both China and Foreign Countries

  30. 海淀温泉生态办公区场地规划和景观设计

    Thoughts on the Site Planning and Landscape Design for Haidian Ecological Office District ( EOD ) of Wenquan Township