
  1. 家畜的繁殖采用了人工辅助交配技术,家禽的孵化上,发明了利用温水、温火提高温度的人工孵化技术。

    Artificial muting technique was used in the reproduction of homes tic animals . Lukewarm water and lukewarm fire , an artificial incubation technique to improve temperature , were also used in incubation of homes tic animals .

  2. 2013年11月,孝琳发行了首张个人专辑《Love&Hate》,反响不温不火。

    In November , Hyorin made her debut as a solo artist with a tepid first album , Love & Hate .

  3. 几年前人们对谷歌电视(GoogleTV)的反应不温不火,几年后谷歌又在试图改变看电视的方式了。

    Google is trying to change television watching again , after the tepid response to its Google TV product a few years back .

  4. 即使在沪港通启动之前,对QFII的需求似乎就不温不火。

    Even before the stock connect launched , demand for QFII appeared tepid .

  5. 美国评论界和消费者对GoogleTV的反应不温不火,目前谷歌一方面投入了更多工作,一方面收缩了大范围投放的计划。

    Google TV has received a lukewarm reception from critics and consumers in the US and Google is scaling back plans for a wider launch while it puts more work in .

  6. 长期以来,好莱坞和电子产品制造商一直希望在影院之外的家庭娱乐设备、手机和电脑上大规模应用3D技术,但是消费者的兴趣一直不温不火。

    Hollywood and electronics makers have long hoped to see the mass adoption of 3-D beyond the big screen to home entertainment , mobile phones and computers , but consumers interest has been lukewarm .

  7. 相比之下,WCBA自2002年成立以来一直进行得不温不火。

    By contrast , WCBA has been lukewarm since 2002 .

  8. 2010年是回稳攀升的一年,但不温不火的IPO市场以及整体宏观经济疲弱仍持续到了当年年末(感觉类似于1995年)。

    2010 was a year of firming and climbing out of a hole , but the tepid IPO market and general macroeconomic malaise seemed to linger until late in the year ( similar to how 1995 felt ) .

  9. 政治僵局是复苏不温不火的原因之一。

    Political gridlock is one of the reasons for the muted recovery .

  10. 2010年出现了不温不火的复苏,主要是为了补充消耗掉的库存。

    2010 saw a tepid recovery , mostly to replenish exhausted inventories .

  11. 井巷支护用U型钢亚温淬火及自回火工艺的研究

    Study on Intercritical Hardening and Self-tempering of U-shape Steels for Mine Roadway Support

  12. 首先,美国经济复苏势头仍然不温不火。

    First , the US recovery remains tepid .

  13. 但此后通胀依旧不温不火,忧虑情绪有所缓解。

    But inflation remained muted and fears eased .

  14. 这部电影得到的所有评价都是不温不火,而商业方面则是惨败。

    The film had universally tepid critic response and went on to bomb commercially .

  15. 尽管进行了一些不温不火的改革,叙利亚大部分经济仍然深陷于统制经济的僵局。

    Despite some tepid reforms , most of its economy remains stuck in a dirigiste impasse .

  16. 铜的孩子谁拥有广阔的空间跨度是不温不火的。

    Copper child who has vast span of space is not on the temperature did not fire .

  17. 本文研究了10Ti钢亚温淬火及冷拔变形后的组织和性能。

    Micro-structure and properties of 10 Ti steel wire after intercritical quenching and cold drawing have been studied .

  18. 近年来,曾经有过佳绩的云南竞技体操整体水平呈下滑趋势,处于不温不火状态。

    In recent years , Yunnan athletics gymnastics level which had the good result to assume glides down .

  19. 市场分析师将这种不温不火的表现归咎于有效消费的缺乏和全球市场不确定性的上升。

    Market analysts attribute the tepid performance to a lack of effective consumption and rising uncertainty in global markets .

  20. 此前,新加坡歌手蔡健雅不温不火,直到2003年签约台湾华纳唱片。

    Singaporean singer Tanya Chua did not rise to prominence until she signed with Warner Music Taiwan in 2003 .

  21. 它曾是世界第九大经济体,去年的增速是不温不火的1.3%。

    It is the world 's ninth largest economy , last year it expanded by a tepid 1.3 percent .

  22. 应聘者应该保持不温不火的态度,既展现出对特定职位的兴趣,又不至于让人感觉你已迫不及待。

    Candidates need to strike a balance between appearing interested in the particular job , and not appearing too eager .

  23. 这一款式在去年夏天便已出现,却始终不温不火的持续到今夏才会大热。

    This style was around a bit last Summer , but the options weren 't very stylish until this Summer .

  24. 而且谷歌在过去与企业的关系并不愉快,它的商业应用套装只得到了一个不温不火的支持。

    And Google has had a shaky relationship with the enterprise in the past , gaining only tepid support for its cloud-based business applications suite .

  25. 在乐评圈子里,“星巴克乐”被用来嘲弄那些不温不火的音乐,都是供人一时兴起消费的。

    In critics " circles , " Starbucks music " became derisive shorthand for music with no edge , music to buy on a whim .

  26. 最近,面对着外界不断增长的疑虑,贝尔斯登的反应是发布了一份不温不火、毫无细节的声明,宣称它在资本或流动性上不存在任何问题。

    Last week , Bear reacted to growing uncertainty by issuing a bland and detail-free statement that it had no problems with capital or liquidity .

  27. 经过不温不火的上半年后,预计将有一批企业赴港上市,以筹集资金用于发展。

    Following a tepid first half , a wave of companies are expected to list in Hong Kong as they seek to raise capital to fund growth .

  28. 中国观众往往与全球潮流背道而驰,而且有许许多多这样的例子:电影票房在别的地方不温不火,到了中国却能大卖特卖。

    Chinese audiences often go against the global tide , and there are numerous examples of China box office recoveries for films that had tepid receptions elsewhere .

  29. 令人失望的数据让美国市场感到不安,此前投资者已经对上周不温不火的非农就业数据报告感到焦虑了。报告显示4月份美国私人部门仅增加了4.1万个就业岗位。

    The disappointing data rattled US markets , with investors already feeling anxious after last week 's tepid non-farm payrolls report showed the economy added just 41,000 private sector jobs last month .

  30. 欧洲人之所以变得更加欢迎中国人,原因之一在于,他们需要获得帮助,来应对经济增长乏力、人口老龄化,以及不温不火的商业投资。

    One reason that Europeans have become more welcoming of the Chinese is that they need the help . Economic growth is weak , the population is aging , and business investment is tepid .