
chén cù
  • mature vinegar
陈醋 [chén cù]
  • [mature vinegar] 酿成后存放较久的醋,醋味醇厚

陈醋[chén cù]
  1. 老陈醋相应MIC为1.7%、2.0%、1.3%、2.0%、1.7%。

    The MIC of mature vinegar were 1.7 % , 2.0 % , 1.3 % , 2.0 % and 1.7 % .

  2. 详细介绍传统山西老陈醋的酿造工艺、造特点及酿造技术。

    Recommend in detail on the brewing technology , brewing characteristic of shanxi mature vinegar .

  3. 老陈醋生产过程中总多酚、总黄酮含量及清除DPPH自由基能力的分析

    Analysis of Contents of Total Phenolic Compounds and Total Flavones and DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity during Overmature Vinegar Production

  4. 山西老陈醋的抗氧化能力(对DPPH·的清除作用)与生产过程中总酚含量、总黄酮含量均具有较高的正相关性,其中生产线2的相关性系数为0.9770。

    Amount of total phenolic compounds , total flavones have a positive correlation with the percent of DPPH · scavenging activity , the correlation coefficients of product line 2 was 0.9770 .

  5. 山西老陈醋酿酒酵母菌共培养体系的研究

    Study on the Mixed-culture System of Yeasts in Shanxi Overmature Vinegar

  6. 山西老陈醋熏醅工艺研究

    Study on the smoking solid-substrate fermentation processing of mature vinegar

  7. 天然沸石负载壳聚糖对陈醋的澄清作用

    Clarification of Natural Zeolite Attached by Chitosan to Aged Vinegar

  8. 加水,陈醋和生抽。

    Pour in water , vinegar and light soya sauce .

  9. 山西老陈醋酿酒功能菌选育与有效成分分析

    Selective Breeding of Function Strains and Analysis of Component of Shanxi Overmature Vinegar

  10. 山西老陈醋的工艺精华和产品特色奢侈的调味品&意大利传统葡萄香醋

    Essence in Brewing Process and the Distinguishing Quality Feature of Shanxi Long Aged Vinegar

  11. 这种陈醋处理剂无毒副作用,对环境无污染。

    The agent doesnot have the poisonous side-effect , and does not pollute the environment .

  12. 传统山西老陈醋酿造工艺技术

    Brewing technique of traditional Shanxi aged vinegar

  13. 山西老陈醋有着悠久的历史与独特的传统生产工艺,是我国的著食醋之一。

    Part One : Shanxi Overmature Vinegar has an overmature history and special , traditional process .

  14. 本文简述了白登陈醋的生产工艺及主要技术参数。

    This paper briefly introduces the brewing process and main technical parameters of Baideng mature vinegar .

  15. 最后把山西老陈醋倒入,将瓶盖盖好存放。

    Finally , the Shanxi mature vinegar poured into the old , will cover the storage cap .

  16. 所用的醋最好是山西老陈醋,并且醋应该把蒜淹没为好。

    Vinegar best used in the old Shanxi mature vinegar , garlic and vinegar should be submerged for the good .

  17. 因此女人没有必要怕老,“年华就像陈醋,越酝酿越有味道。”

    Therefore a woman does not need to Palao ," Love is like vinegar , the more preparation the more flavor . "

  18. 原料分解不彻底和杂菌污染等是造成山西老陈醋浑浊沉淀的主要原因。

    The main cause leading to turbidity and sedimentation in Shanxi Super-Mature Vinegar were imperfect decomposition of crude materials and pollution of harmful strains .

  19. 油泼辣子,胡椒面儿,再多倒些老陈醋,那个道不出的滋味只有享用者晓得。

    The oil sprinkles over the chili , the black pepper , again with some mature vinegar , that is the local traditional dainty .

  20. 采用向量相似法计算了陈醋和白醋以及同一种类不同品牌食醋的相似度;

    The similarity of Chencu and Baicu as well as different brands of vinegar samples of the same kind was calculated by vector similarity analysis .

  21. 老陈醋酿造过程中的醋酸发酵阶段、熏醅阶段、淋醋、陈酿过程中可能会生成一些新的具有抗氧化性的成分,值得进一步研究。

    New antioxidant may be formed during acetic acid fermentation period and smoking solid-substrate fermentation process and drench the Vinegar period and be worth further researching .

  22. 品尝的时候可以根据自己的口味添加芝麻酱、蒜汁、陈醋、盐等调味品。

    It can be served with a variety of ingredients like sesame paste , garlic juice , vinegar , salt and essences according to different preferences .

  23. 山西老陈醋还具有不沉淀、不混浊,不生白皮的特点,存放时间越长越好。

    Shanxi mature vinegar old also has not precipitate , not opacity , not the characteristics of Health White Paper , the longer the storage time for good .

  24. 准备一瓶陈醋或白酒,经常打开盖子闻一闻,可提神醒脑,增强免疫力,有效预防感冒。

    Prepare a bottle of vinegar or white wine , often open the lid and smell can revive and refresh , enhance immunity , and effectively prevent cold .

  25. 最后,通过对山西陈醋包装设计的多感官设计理念的应用与研究,展望包装设计发展的新趋势。

    Finally , the packaging design for Shanxi aged vinegar " senses " design concept and the application of research , looking forward to the new trend of packaging design .

  26. 山西老陈醋以其酸醇厚、味清香、回味绵、质浓稠、色棕红和久贮不变质等特点著称于世。

    Shanxi Overmature Vinegar with its acid mellow , fragrant flavor , aftertaste cotton , quality thick , reddish brown color and a long storage without deterioration , and so famous for .

  27. 山西老陈醋作为我国的四大名醋之一,其历史悠久,风味独特,品质优良,享誉中外,是中华民族先祖留给我们的一块酿造艺术瑰宝。

    Shanxi overmature vinegar as one of the four famous vinegars in china , has a very long history , and is famed for its unique flavoring and excellent quality in the world .

  28. 结果表明:山西老陈醋和其他名醋在香气成分上有明显差异,同时发现山西老陈醋省内的各品牌之间也有较大差别。

    It is found that the fragrance components between Shanxi Overmature Vinegar and other vinegars are of great difference , even between different grades of Shanxi Overmature Vinegar they also have many difference .

  29. 其次,文章从视觉、味觉、触觉、听觉和嗅觉五个方面阐述了其应用于山西陈醋包装设计的各个环节和综合表现。

    Secondly , article from the sight , smell , touch , hearing , and smell the five regard illustrates its application in Shanxi aged vinegar all aspects of packaging design and comprehensive performance .

  30. 研究了不同陶瓷包装中这19种金属元素向食醋模拟物以及陈醋和白醋的迁移,讨论了醋酸浓度、不同温度、时间对迁移的影响。

    The effects of migration time , temperature and simulants acidity on the metal elements behavior were studies . The migration behavior of metal elements in different ceramic packaging to food stimulants and mature vinegar was analysed .